Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Guess what? It is officially DAY II of school and I am officially wigged out! I have to write a freaking 10-12 phrase paragraph for French III and I have a APUSH test Friday!
Welcome to Sophomore year, ladies.
So really, I don't have too much time. I have to study and write en francais (little squiggle under that c).
Joke a Wednesday though...hmm.
Which days are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday! The rest are week days...
Hopefully that lightened the mood.
That's all for now folks.
Over and Out.
Ellen :)

Well, I'm back. Yes I was gone for a while, but I finished French (it is only 9:04... it feels like it's 11...).
I still haven't studied, but whatever... that's what tomorrow's for right? Ehhh...
ANYWAY. On a semi lighter note... >>^._.^<< <--- it's a fluffy wuffy kitty cat! Mrow.
Here. If you are spontaneously or religiously avoiding homework, go here. Katie showed me. Make sure to click the Play Remix button too... that's the best part!
So.... laaaaaaaaa.
If you are feeling uninspired, go here:
If you are feeling French, go here:
If you are feeling Procrastinatingy, go here:
If you are feeling random, go here: <-- I really like this one
If you are feeling like it is time for Ellen to study, go and stick your head in a puddle.
Hooray. Now we are all happy.
Well, it really is time for Ellen to go stick her head in a puddle... I mean your head in a puddle... I mean study... so she's a-signing off for now.
'Til next week, y'all.
Over and Out Again.
Cheers II,
Ellen :)
PS: I'm sorry the font changed... I want to stick with Trebuct whatever it is, but now the 'change font' thing is gone from my post box... so you'll have to deal with it until next week. My humble apologies. :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School!!!

Hey Everyone! It is GREAT to be back and meet up with everyone :) I really missed y'all during summer. I hope you all had an awesome first day back, I know I did.

So, as some of you may have noticed, there was a small furry animal being passed around the hands of certain people (*cough Cailyn, Kylie, Catherine*). This bunny has been named Pigg by its creators. It has no gender - please be mindful of that fact. As I was holding Pigg earlier today, I thought to myself, "Hey, this bunny is going to have lots of god-_____'s, like a godmother, god-sister (that's me!), god-ma's, god-cousins. Pigg is so much fun to be around, even if it is only a stuffed, but adorable, animal. Pigg represents, in a way, our class. Together, like Pigg, we can have such relationships with each other like that of an adopted family; some might be closer, like a god-sister, or some like a god-cousin, but we all are one big happy semi-related family. And I think that as this year goes on, we need to rely on those bonds and remind ourselves that like Pigg, a good hug can really help every once in a while. So go squeeze your stuffed animals... er friends.

So here's to a great sophomore year and the class of 2013! Cheers!


Nathalia :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


Everything is better with good music.  This is completely true.  Even with the impending doom of the first day of school tomorrow (eek). I feel completely calm.  Actually, for those of you who know me, that may not be such a good sign ;).

But anyways, no kidding.  On the drives to/from Cali, All I did was listen to my Zune.  When I'm Angry or Sad, I'll just find something to "concentrate" on and crank up the volume to the point of potential hearing damage.  It's really easy for me to tune everything out, and really think about whatever' is going on in your life.  For those of you who have experienced the powers of walking a labyrinth, that peaceful state you get yourself into is similar to what i feel when listening to music.

Today is a day of little words, sometimes that's just the way to go (also I didn't proofread, there will be enough of that in the school year ahead).

la di da di da di da di da.

For those of you (I can think of two people (hopefully)) who know the response to that should comment with it :D. Join in the mental preparation for hell.

--TTFN, luv ya's