Saturday, August 28, 2010


It's Saturday! Sat-ur-day! And you know what that means?

It means studying. (damn)

I was really hoping it meant parties. Or beaches. Or, like, video games... (I didn't just say that)

But no. This Saturday is all about studying. APUSH, Great Gatsby, math homework, you name it. Leave it to me to procrastinate English until the last minute.

Actually, I do have a party later. But am I a guest? No. I'm helping out. I'm just hoping the kids aren't obnoxious and there are SOME sort guys there... that would be sweet.

On another note, I drove today again. And it was an automatic, and it was fun! I love driving! (This reminds me of the part in Glee when Finn is all "Driving is fun!" and then he runs into a guy.) Haha.

Also, I start driver's ed today! Kelly and I will have a blast... (not really). I've heard it is so so so boring. Oh well.

I want a scone.

Katie ---> out. MWAH.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aha! I figured it out!

WOW. After much agonized searching and frenzied attempts to contact my friends... I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT! This is my first ever post, and how exciting it is.
So, mi amigos (I actually speak French...), what's there to say?
I'll have to think about this one.
Well, today was day three of soccer. Has it only been three days? Feels like it should have been more. I have a really disgusting blister. Ew. You probably didn't need to know that.
Anyway. Moving on.
Currently I am watching the movie The Great Gatsby. I did actually read the book, too, although I have yet to write that analysis. But who wants to do that? Nobody!
Today was my last day of APUSH! Until, you know, school starts :P
Let's play a game. It's called, Translate This.
Hey, my name is Ellen and this is my first blog post, EVER! Wow, now that's exciting, yeah?
So, did you guess it yet? Let's play some elevator music to ease the tension...
Duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh. Duh dadadada duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh. Da, dadadada.
BUMMMMM DUM BUMM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUMM BUMBADADUMM (in case you couldn't tell, that was the Star Wars theme song. Well, not the duh duh duh part, the BUM BUM BUM part)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Okay, here's the answer.
Hey, my name is Ellen and this is my first blog post, EVER! Wow, now that's exciting, yeah?

Wow. Now that was EXCITING wasn't it? No, you don't think so? Hm. I think I need a new word, besides exciting. Enthralling? I'll get back to that.
How about a knock knock joke? I'm kind of a fan of those.
Knock Knock.
..... (who's there?)
..... (Bisquick who?)
Bisquick! Your pants are on fire!
Bwahahahaha. If you ever want some more (and possibly better ones) I'll give them away (for FREE!)
I think I'll do that every time I post. A joke a Wednesday. It won't only be knock knock jokes, so get psyched (<--is that the write spelling?)
Well, I suppose that's enough for today.
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
PS: Does this work? I'm trying to add a clip... well, if it works, play it! It's hilarious! It's real too.. those funny Australians. Alors... G'night, mates.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time machines and how to get one...

So today is a Tuesday. Which will be followed by a Wednesday which will be followed by 5 short days which then will be followed by another Tuesday which will mark the official day of the beginning of work, study, stress, and long nights. Or what everyone over the age of 30 refers to as back to school. Are you excited? No? Sort of? I am a little bit, but I don't want summer to end. Which is why I am starting plan time machine/99999 billion dollars. Here's what's going down. We find someone with said amount of money. Hire them to build a super fancy time machine which takes us back to the beginning of summer, then when we reach this date for the second time, repeat. The only problem is that I don't think anyone has 99999 billion dollars to spare on seven hopeful girls. But we can dream. One good thing about going to to school, is the necessary purchases that come with it. However, going school supply shopping this year made me really depressed. While my list was basically a binder and some notebooks, there were about ten 7 year olds shouting out exciting things from their list such as "crayons!" "markers!" "colored paper!" Oh the thrilling school supply list of the elementary years. Yet another reason for the time machine. I did mange to convince my mom to buy me some things that weren't on the list such as a pink pencil case with cats all over it (it is quite ba) and a new desk (!!). I have a feeling the pencil case will match my graffiti backpack quite well. Leave a comment with your exciting (or not) purchases for the school year.

Now, onto a less depressing topic--This Saturday I went to the Lady Gaga concert. Not being a die-hard Gaga fan, I can say this. It. Was. Amazing. ohmygosh. Although the opening band (semi-precious-weapons) was a bit strange...self obsessed...crude...etc, she was crazy awesome. There were about 8 costume changes, and she did songs from both her monster album and fame album. Most people think of her as just whacked up, but she was actually really funny and nice and had lots of good messages (I feel like I sound like my mom saying that...lots of good messages...) but she did! This was pretty much my first concert. I've been to the Dixie Chicks concert with my moms before when I was about...7 maybe? But spent the whole time almost in tears with my fingers shoved into my ears because it was so loud. I have no doubt that this was a million times louder, but that just added to the whole thing. And oh my gosh she had an outfit made entirely of fringe. How cool is that. I can say that now I am a huge huge huge fan...Little Monster. I love her. :) Okay, I'll stop obsessing...

I just relized this post looks very boring. so Here's a random picture (literally, I googled "random picture")

Anyways, I hope you all have had a great summer. It's gone by fast, but that just means summer 2011 is closer.
I love you all!
Ciao! *K

BTW: If anyone wants to hang out today, text me. I'm doing nothing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Covert Affairs

I was so worried I wouldn't ever talk about this, because as my day is Monday, and my favorite show (title above) is on Tuesdays, I wouldn't remember when it came time to post.   Well, luckily (or unluckily, depending) for you, I have been thinking about the upcoming episode nonstop. Legit.  Seriously. (thats enough with the little non-sentences....)

I am so pumped for tomorrow (or...Wednesday, as I will  have to watch it on hulu the next day)  that I have resorted to letting out small squeals of excitement basically because I no longer have any capacity for excitement to spare.  It is all being used right now keeping me from flying (i wouldn't have need an airplane) to wherever it might have been shown early, and hunting it down.

I don't believe I've ever been this impatient for 7 short days to pass.  (I really wanted to say "legit" here, but I already said that ... up there ^ish. )

Just because I can't resist: Auggie.  I think this tops the scales for alll of my past celebrity/character crushes. (except for Draco, because that would just be wrong...they both have places in my heart :D )He's blind, and the most awesome tech CIA agent EVER, or just man in general, whatever floats your boat.  He's pretty much {Every single positive adjective inserted here} all rolled up into one (really hot (the upcoming episode confirms)) guy.  It is totally crazy.  And just to complete my silly fangirl mode, I must compliment on the actor.  Christopher Gorham.  Oh. My. Gosh. It will forever escape me how he can play the blind guy, it's amazing and truly believable.  <3 (<- pahahahhahahahha, thats

Oh, I could go on and on, but since spilling all that stuff up there, the pressure has abated in my head and will no longer explode, also I've come back to my right mind where I remember, you don't actually care (YOU SHOULD CARE.)....that is if you're even still reading.   Oh Well, forgive my helpless love of a good show (er...Auggie :D).  Just for you who do care, there's a picture of Annie and Auggie below.  (annie is the heroine of the show...haha, just like me not to mention her at all :) but you all love me for that anyways! i hope :-/ )

this is a funny looking picture of Annie, but I like Auggie in it soo...wateva suka. =] temped to cut her out.  (and if you aren't completely sold in the Auggie is Hot thing, check out the actual show, :) the upcoming one (as mentioned before) has evidence of his hotness *teehee*...sorry.
--TTFN(/PATB) (sorry for all the parenthesis up there, but thats just the way i talk) (annoying isn't it?)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So, yesterday, I got my permit... LEGIT yeah? Of course, the picture's attractive (not), but what else could you expect? Although legal places like the DMV scare the crap out of me... Kind of like airports. I hate airports. I feel like I am going to be deported to somewhere like Latvia. Who even wants to go to Latvia? What is there in Latvia that has any sort of touristy appeal?

(Okay, I lied, that's pretty legit. But who vacations to Latvia?)

Anyways, yeah, I got my permit, and then today... I DROVE. Like, legit, sitting in the front seat of the car kind of driving (as opposed to any other kind...). Except I was driving a clutch and it didn't work out as well as I had hoped. At least nothing broke.


I am so happy that AP week is over. Although, I'd almost rather listen to his lectures than read that textbook. Studying during my last week of summer was not what I wanted to do.

Katie ---> out. MWAH.