Friday, January 21, 2011

The Silent Treatment

Do you know how hard it is to give someone the silent treatment? Especially when they're doing something funny, and you just can't help but laugh. Yeah. It's not easy. But with much practice, I'm sure I, and a few other people, can improve this skill. Moving on-

So, how was your week? Mine was alright, thank you very much. It ended quite nicely, because in religion (last period) we did this exercise where we wrote about our high and low points during the past 24 hours, and then talked with our desk partner about each other's highs and lows.It was really relaxing and refreshing to just talk with someone about life, especially about the things that might make you sad or upset, but you don't really say anything. You could apply this to your own life too! Just take a minute to talk with someone, family or friend (even stuffed animal!) about your problems. Stuffed animals won't even talk back to you if you just want someone to confide in and not get a response. Don't worry, you're not crazy if you sit in your room alone, talking to stuffed animals. Really, you're not. I do it all the time :D

Hey guess what? Since I was feeling super creative when I got home, you get 2 Photoshop Pictures of the Week! They are both of this PINK dog (that's the brand name because no, the dog is not the color pink) that I got a couple years ago as a present. Enjoy!

P.S. If you are going to Winterball, have fun! I wish I could go... yeah. TTYL!



Depression hurts. No words can't even begin to express how some of us feel right now (you know who you are).

I'm too depressed to even post.

Bye. (If it's okay with Nathalia, I'll post something special tmrw morning)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not doing things on time.

1. When teachers don't post grades (GERAGHTY)
2. When you can't find an assignment that you did to turn in, or when you totally forget to do one
3. Being really late to an important event
4. Not planning my bday in time, and now the weekend I was going to do, I have something else! Granted, this thing will be awesome and I can't wait, but I'm still bummed cuz now I don't know when to have a birthday.
5. When someone says they will do something, and then they don't
6. When I didn't get my license soon enough, and now instead of 6 months for waiting after, its a year?!?!?!? (<-- is this true?)

Other things that bother me:
1. When people completely ignore you
2. When you get a completely unsatisfactory answer to a very important question
3. When your phone dies, just as you need it
4. The dumbass laws about marriage. WTF.

On the brighter side, things I really like:
1. Winning at Presidents
2. Playing cards with Haley (the freshmen) (aka a fork fight)
2.5. Some freshmen
3. Hanging out with friends
4. Listening to Jennifer quote Mean Girls
5. Handbells
6. Warm cookies
7. Harry Potter
8. The Lion King
10. Not doing homework

Agree? Disagree? Comment with thoughts if you want!
Joke: because I really want an root beer float right now
How do astronauts eat their ice cream?

In floats!!!

How do you make a dinosaur float?

(this is a really good one)

Put a scoop of ice cream in a glass of root beer and add one dinosaur!
BAHAHAHAHAH okay not funny :)

Over and Out.
Ellen :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So basically I was going to be funny and put a picture of Peeves from Harry Potter here (heh pun.) but you know what?


thats a pet peeve.
I actually have a lot of peeves.
heres a list of the first few that come to my mind.

1. Hair in the bathtub/shower
2. Feet (not the person, the flabby flesh thing attached to your leg.)
3. People who have dumb or annoying laughs
4.When really fat people wear jeggings/leggings. I mean I totally support embracing your body type and all, but is that really necessary?
5. Negative people. Brighten up. sing a song. do anything. if our lives are lakes, stop being a brick.
6. People who don't take a hint.
7. when someone straightens their hair but misses a section in the back.
8. people saying gay or retarded.
9. the number 47 >:(
10. She who must not be named (xxxxx)
11. people who talk to loudly or too much. shut. up.

That's enough for now.
It annoying because three shows I enjoy watching on hulu all come out on Tuesdays which are my busiest days of the week homework and school wise (usually, thank God for winterum) so I really want to watch them but can't. gaaa.

During Christmas morning breakfast Devin was telling us this plan he has:
1. buy a cat.
2. name it Peeves
3. tell everyone it's his pet peeves.

Good job Devin. Gold star.

You all should go check out my moms blog if you don't already (it's a photo a day blog) --> and leave comments because she really enjoys those. I'll get everyone who got prizes or whatever those soon.

Ok. Golden Globes. Amazing.


-Colin Firth in the King's Speech winning best actor. I love him so much and he did an amazing job in the movie. if you have not seen it it, go see it.

-CHRIS COLFER! how adorable is he? <3

-The Kids are All Right. I was really glad this movie won best movie, plus Annette Bening winning. Plus Chris Colfer winning for his role at Kurt. And yet my moms can't get married. Does that even make sense? I don't understand the government sometimes.

-Olivia Wilde's dress & shoes=LoveLoveLoveLoveLove.

(click to see larger)

More Golden Globe moments but that's all for now! What were you favorites?


Monday, January 17, 2011

Pet Peeve!!

Hey guys.  Theme for the week anyone?  I decided that I would make it Pet Peeves.  So, If you have no idea what to talk about you can just ramble about some annoyance of yours.  It seems like a sweet deal to me, i personally like being able to rant without ranting at someone.  

Irony.  I HATE it when people say things are ironic when they are coincidences.  THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.  

If something can be classified as a "coincidence"  it is usually not "ironic".  

sorry about the short post but...this pretty much sums it up...


(for your reference (from   


[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
–noun, plural -nies.
the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite ofits literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when Isaid I had to work all weekend.


a striking occurrence of two or more events at one timeapparently by mere chance: Our meeting in Venice was purecoincidence.