Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not doing things on time.

1. When teachers don't post grades (GERAGHTY)
2. When you can't find an assignment that you did to turn in, or when you totally forget to do one
3. Being really late to an important event
4. Not planning my bday in time, and now the weekend I was going to do, I have something else! Granted, this thing will be awesome and I can't wait, but I'm still bummed cuz now I don't know when to have a birthday.
5. When someone says they will do something, and then they don't
6. When I didn't get my license soon enough, and now instead of 6 months for waiting after, its a year?!?!?!? (<-- is this true?)

Other things that bother me:
1. When people completely ignore you
2. When you get a completely unsatisfactory answer to a very important question
3. When your phone dies, just as you need it
4. The dumbass laws about marriage. WTF.

On the brighter side, things I really like:
1. Winning at Presidents
2. Playing cards with Haley (the freshmen) (aka a fork fight)
2.5. Some freshmen
3. Hanging out with friends
4. Listening to Jennifer quote Mean Girls
5. Handbells
6. Warm cookies
7. Harry Potter
8. The Lion King
10. Not doing homework

Agree? Disagree? Comment with thoughts if you want!
Joke: because I really want an root beer float right now
How do astronauts eat their ice cream?

In floats!!!

How do you make a dinosaur float?

(this is a really good one)

Put a scoop of ice cream in a glass of root beer and add one dinosaur!
BAHAHAHAHAH okay not funny :)

Over and Out.
Ellen :)

1 comment:

  1. So right now I really want that astronaut ice cream, you know the really airy stuff in a bag? yummy...
