Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Weekend as of Late

Weekend. When I think "weekend," I think, "Oh, hello there, Saturday and Sunday. Let's be productive, yet fun, shall we?" Yes. That is what I think.

I do not think, "Oh, hello there, two extra days. Let's cause drama now, shall we?" No. That is not what I think.

Because there was hella drama that did not need to occur involving a bottle of Clorox and an arm.


I have been quite productive this weekend. Excitement for me.

This is what has gone down as of late:

1) Homework, doing it.

2) Homework, not doing it.

3) A snuggie, using it.

4) A Sam, texing him. (see more for later)

5) A double batch of cookies, making it

6) An APUSH paper, writing it.

NOW FOR MORE ON SAM. He's kind of a tool... haha. He thinks truth or dare works over texting. I mean, half of it does. You can ask anything you want. But the daring part, not so much. Honestly, you don't even have to do what the other person says because THEY CAN'T MAKE YOU so HA.

PS: Ms. Seaton's gonna kill me because my pants are too tight. Oh dang. Death by pants? I think not. It'd be like dying of salmonella from raw cookie dough. It's sad an all, but honestly, you'd have been killed by an EGG.

Katie's Weekly Challenge: Make a new acquaintance or friend.

Song of the week: Actually, it's an artist. Ludovico Einaudi. He's a pianist, and a bamf.

Katie - - -> out. MWAH.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Relaxing? No Way!

As with most of you, most of my day was spent doing homework :( I have waaayy too much to do this weekend. But I'm going to try and put that behind me now.

So, other than doing homework, what else did I do today... Well, I listened to music while doing homework. And I went to get my passport renewed. Then my family and I went out to dinner at Zeek's Pizza in Bellevue, and then stopped by the University Book Store. That was fun. I found some Photoshop books that I really wanted... Anyways, after that we went to Bellevue Square to find some pants for choir on Sunday. I had a really hard time finding normal, black jeans. After many hours of searching (both today and previously), I ended up buying some black skinny jeans (because I got so frustrated, and was like "screw this") that don't look too much like actual skinny jeans. Anyways, then we walked around and stopped by another store, where I ran into Johanna! That was a nice surprise :) After that we came back home, where I continued to slave away over my stupid take home math test. >:( it is very frustrating.

Oh! I thought I would also mention yesterday's tech rehearsal. It was boring the first half because it was just cues with sound and lights, so Catherine and Cailyn and I went out and talked about Fable and tried to take a nap, but that didn't really work out. Then we had dinner, which was a blast (some funny convos going on). Once we got back to work, I got to use a power drill (hehehe) to install a fire exstinguisher, and then worked on other stuff. Also, we did like this dark wash/brown tint thing to the walls, so they don't look like plain white walls. It took a while, but it looks pretty good if I say so myself. AND I got to fufill my dream of going up into the rafters off stage. It was a pretty awesome day!

Now for a Photoshop pic:

I'm actually behind on making new pics, so this is an older one. It works really well if you tile it as a desktop background. For this one I was just playing around with sparkles and stuff.... so yeah.

Over and out,


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Jesus + Jesus = Jesi.
As in, when Sneha and I are both Jesus. He he he. Best religion class ever. True, it happened yesterday, but our skit was hella funny, what with the injured man, busy Levite, a Sammaritain who didn't know what a Sammmaritan was, and a donkey. Oh and some robbers who were Rio and Sydney... yeah that was fun stuff.
Today is WEDNESDAY. I went to the blog, and this was my train of thought:
Gaaa who ever is posting today has still not posted yet.
What day is it?
Who posts on Wednesday?

Yeaaaah.... so that's that.
The other day we talked about slang words in French class. I'll just say, the French think they are hypercool. Heeheehee.
RIGHT. Weeeellll... today Kathryn and I went on a run. Down the traily thing to this park and then back up. Yup and then we played basketball... only not really.
I MADE A FREE THROW. YESSSSSS! Super glad I'm scoring not playing.
I wish it was lax season.
Where is February???

So basically, nothing much to report. Let me find a joke.
Math Joke:
Trigonometry for farmers: swine and coswine...

Hehehe. OINK.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm done.
Over and Out,
Ellen :)
PS: The Bible website for Theology is my number five visited cite... that is not okay...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Anyways, today was a pretty nondescript day. I'm in chemistry right now learning about Ions...thrilling. Lot of homework tonight between a math test tomorrow and that English paper...ew. I am actually pretty happy with it but It's going to be too long. It's 4.5 pages and I still have 2.5 body paragraphs to write.
What else...
Now I'm in drama. Today was stumble through...more like a fall through a pit through...hahaha. I knew my lines at least...pahaha

I should go. Lots of homework to do (study for math mostly)..



Monday, November 8, 2010

I don't have time to write..


My mom hid it from me after it came yesterday :( 

but for reals, i have to do homework, and then i should be writing, or doing something else that is productive



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ohhhhh my GOD!!!!

So. Last night was the dance. All I can say was that YES I had fun. Even though it was a lame dance. I had oodles of fun.

1. This one guy asked Amy to dance, and then his hotter and taller friend asked me.

2. Creepy Asian prowler asked me to dance. (prowlers are guys who walk around the room checking people out)

3. Prowler #2 asked me to dance. He wouldn't leave so I was basically in a complex wall sit for ten freaking minutes. My God did my quads burn.

4. Prowler #2 came back. We got split up by this parent who was all "we don't do this here." Except, well, we kind of actually do. She was terribly mistaken.

5. Asian prowler returned. We were interrupted by Amy, thank goodness.

6. Slow danced with a freshman. His group accidentally dressed like Alvin and the Chipmunks (i.e a tal one in blue, a short one in green, a normal one in red). I danced with the tall one and made the mistake of asking him about it. Their outfits were not intentional. Luckily I am skilled in the arts of improv (um not really) and worked my way out of that little pickle.

Except my not-a-date couldn't get a ride, and that sucked quite badly. :'(

Katie's Weekly Challenge: Do something you've never done before (i.e. grinding? nah bro. keep it PG. :D)

Song of the Week: Prostitution is Revolution by Cobra Starship

Katie - - -> out. MWAH.