Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Wednesday!

Congratulations! You made it half way through the week! Only a few days left to go before Spring Break? Do you have any fun plans? I'm going to Canada and going skiing (:D) and then later playing lax with Kel and Lindsay hopefully. We have a game the day we get back from break... urrg sounds fun :P
Anyway I need to finish my history essay (just a few minor and final corrections then I'm done - yayyy!) My essay's on the Space Race. I read a joke in one of the books about the race, and it made me laugh but I don't know that the rest of you will. It was in the time period where the Soviet Union was way ahead the US, even though the US was trying to catch up and land a man on the moon.

Q: What will American's find on the moon?

A: The Russians!

So it was apparently a popular joke at the time. I actually laughed... anyyyywayyyy

How's spring going for you guys? I love spring sports! Lax is the best! I'm having a blast!

Oh and let's just clarify something with the Softball vs. Lax conflict -
1. I love softballer's and I love it when you win
2. I make fun of you guys but not because I actually hate you, and not because I'm jealous - just for fun :)
3. It really bothers me when people say "how can you hate a sport that wins?" because a) I don't hate you, and b) we win too okay?
4. I don't really have a problem with you guys, and I know that most of you guys don't really have a problem with us - just a few people bothered me recently. This post probably doesn't apply to you, but you know... whatever.
I really don't care when we make fun of each other, I just can't stand it when people get way to serious about it. I don't mind the banter or whatever... but leave it at that.
(PS - skirts are stupid, but that doesn't make lax an easy sport - just because there are lots of calls doesn't mean its not aggressive. Just thought I should clear that up)

Okay love you all, have an awesome break! I probably won't be able to post next Wednesday, so ciao for now
Over and Out.
Ellen :)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Skirts are stupid.

