Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have always wanted to blow bubbles in below freezing weather. What would happen? They would freeze right? HOW COOL? But I don't think 29 degrees is quite cold enough...

So. What's up? It's vacation! A full week of it :)
But homework... ewwwwwwwwww.
Let us not talk about those indecencies.

I wish this snow was packable, because then I would make a snowman. Teeheehee.
I also left my Harry Potter book at my mom's house, but I wish I had it over here so I could enjoy it and use it to distract myself from indecencies like APUSH. So I started reading A Wrinkle in Time and I like it so far! You should read it, I think, I'll give another report when I finish.

Well I don't have much to say right now, maybe I'll post something more later.
Without further ado, the joke. Well not really a joke, just a good line from Calvin and Hobbes.
"Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in a lottery."
Which is funny, because us Washingtonians are super happy with an inch of snow. :)
Okay when I find a better one, I'll post that.
Over and Out.
Ellen :)

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