Monday, November 22, 2010


YES.  OHMIGOSH.  so.  I was at my youth group meeting, and at the end, we all prayed for snow.  AND IT WORKED! :D  It's sooo amaaaazinggg

anyways. Walden.  I was supposed to read to page 85 last in last monday.   Unfortunately, i couldn't even get past page 35.  (im on 34 almost)  anyways, nowww, im supposed to be in the hundreds somewhere...but I'd rather not think about this right now.

Something to talk about...

Something to talk about...

Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...Something to talk about...

Well, actually.  I'm sure most of you have better things to be doing that reading this blog right play in the snow? lol.  I bet you aren't even going to be reading this today.  so you should go!  go play in the snowww, and si tu veux you can leave me a comment about it! :D

--TTFN - imma go make me-self some hot chocolate :3


  1. Haha. I was totally checking the blog to see if you posted. I really hope we have a snow day tomorrow too...

  2. Your post reminds me of the This is a brief description on the FR website. :)
