Friday, June 10, 2011

So I'm posting late tonight...

...because tomorrow I'll be in Disney World!!!


I cannot wait. I am going to act like a 5 year old. Cool.

This is going to be so excited. My god.

So today, I drew this cool dancer thing, but there was so much charcoal on it that I had to keep wiping my hands on my legs, so my legs got COVERED in charcoal.

I also have a scar and some bruises on my leg from playing bad(ass)mitton. Really? That's like the least cool way to get scars and bruises. It's like the least intense sport there is. But I slid on my knee to hit the birdie, and I did that to my leg and took out a chuck of grass from Jennifer's lawn AND scored a point. So it looked cool at least. Battle wounds. Always a good story.

Today was the first soccer practice (pre-season, gotta love it!) It felt so good to start playing again. It's really awesome to do something you've grown up with and has become an important part of your life after not doing it for months. It's like peeing after you've had to go for the past five hours. Except not as weird. (Everybody does it, so it's not really that gross, guys!)

Well, I gotta go. I woke up 12 1/2 hours ago, but I have an early wake up tomorrow so I need to sleep! Plus, I gotta wake up early all vacation. That's how the Larsons do Disney, and we do it right! We have this program that makes us a schedule so we can avoid the lines. It's so cool.

Song of the Week ---> Government Hookup by Lady Gaga

Katie ---> out. MWAH.

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