Wednesday, October 6, 2010


See above. That is my fish's new name! :D

Today, I think I will rant to you. About what?
About Jerusalem.
It is f+cking ridiculous.

Yes, I am glad that some people are coming. But 31 people? NO.
I am paying the money for this trip, I want to be in a group with who I like and who I trust. I do not want to be with people that I do not like. I don't care if I need to get new people. I want people I know too. Also, why did they have to accept everyone? If they had just made the correct decision first, with the right people, then they wouldn't have to accept everyone. Don't get me wrong - I am so glad some people can go. But why weren't they accepted in the 1st place?
Basically, Ms. Palmer screwed up big time.
1. She didn't choose the correct applicants the first time
2. She accepted everyone without consulting the teachers first
GOD I don't even know.
JESUS CHRIST save us all... I guess.
Anyway, you can leave a comment with your feelings if you like.
How about a joke to lighten the tense mood?

I really want a pancake now, so here.
Waiter, I'm in a hurry! Will my pancake be long?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
No sir, it will be flat and round!
Okay, <3>
Over and Out.
Ellen :)


  1. Hey. I know what you mean but it could be good for these reasons:
    1. originally we had a group of 15. then 20. then 30 but they are splitting us in half so 15 again and everyone gets to go!
    i guess we just have to hope everyone is going for the right reason and everyone really wants to go.
    I am disappointed the adults think we just want to be with our "friends" but honestly everyones our friend we want to be with our sisters that we feel comfortable across the world with. I love you lots! I'm sure it'll be fine :)

  2. I know how you feel Ellen. It was kind of uncoordinated and probably not the smartest decision. I know a lot of people are upset, and I sort of am too. I just really hope that the teachers recognize that even though we are all going, this whole meeting new people thing and suddenly being best friends isn't as ideal as they would like to think. Obviously I would be more comfortable hanging with sophomore's rather than juniors... Anyways. I at least hope we can still have a safe and good time. I think we will, but I think that some people aren't going to take this as seriously as others. As Ms. L said, it's not just a trip, it's a whole program. And commitment to this program is going to require a good attitude, thoughtful thinking, and a whole lot of respect for one another. I guess we just have to wait and see how those Wednesday meetings go. I am looking forward to the flight simulation though! The plane ride will be fun actually... If I don't fall asleep first! There's so much more I could say, but not enough room here.
