Saturday, October 30, 2010

I guess I should post something, shouldn't I?

Yes, I should.

I don't have much to say. Here is a list:

Things to say:

1) I am doing my oral report in French class about Harry Potter.

2) I saw Dance Company last night. There were some really good dances and then there were some really bad dances. And then a couple in the middle.

3) I liked Shanti and Alexa's dance.

4) I have two pages of history paper complete.

5) I have zero pages of English essay complete.

6) I am in a mix of feeling too bad to eat and eating my feelings. It's blissful, because I have two lovers. One is Ben, the other is Jerry.

7) I am getting tested for ADD soon. Yep.

8) I am grounded again. Unless I have ADD because then that explains my grades? Hmm...

Katie's Weekly Challenge: Broaden your mind.

Song of the week: Such Great Heights by Iron and Wine

Katie ---> out. MWAH.