Monday, January 10, 2011

L'enfant qui voulait etre un ours

Hmmm, what do people think? the title is the Title of a Movie I kind of want to see.  It's french and if it sticks, post with the title, and a synopsis of the movie.

So, basically, there's this bear that looses its baby ( :( ) and so when it finds a little baby <> he starts to raise it.  and then the stupid other eskimos come and kind the kid after hes grown up, and that is sad because the bear and the esquimau miss each other.  I don't know what happens in the end because I haven't seen it yet, but I want to!!

Well, sorry about the short post, but I'm trying to figure out how to make a Prezi show.  If any of you are in A block English with me, it's the thing Michelle used to make her presentation.  It's very confusing, but It's pretty cool too.  If you have time, I would try it, I mean, nows the time too because it's blackout week!

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