Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekend #1 Under House Arrest

What do I want to do right now?

I want to go party with a bunch of random people I don't know. I want to go dance my ass off in a room where nobody has any personal space full of strobe lights and sexy men and the music must be so loud that it almost breaks our eardrums but not quite.

I want to go clubbing.

I want to be in college.

I want to go do crazy things.

I am sitting on my bed being the most average person the world will ever meet. That is how I feel right now: completely, utterly, average. Up until a couple months ago, I had spent by entire life wanting to be normal. But I do not actually want to be normal. I want to be the girl who does crazy thing and who guys cannot get enough of!

Being sheltered is never fun.

I also want to play soccer, but there is nowhere to play. My yard is too small and every time I kick the ball I will have to chase it out of some bushes filled with spiders and lynxes (except I do not believe that lynxes live in Washington State).

That is a lynx. They aren't fat; they're just fluffy.

In other news, I'd like to say that I am being published! Not my writing, but a photo I took. It's gonna be in a magazine called Teenink.

I will be so sad if that didn't work.



Katie's Weekly Challenge: Go channel my spirit and do something crazy and unexpected, like talking to the sexy guy next door, or eating cheerios for breakfast instead of toast.

Katie ---> out. MWAH.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall (and the weekend) upon us

So this stressful week is finally done with! I know that this week was just overloaded with stuff for all of us. Now is the weekend though, so let's just try and forget about the past.

As you will see in my following picture, the trees in my neighborhood are starting to change color. It's time for Fall! October is here and it's time to start getting read for the big holidays ahead. For example, Halloween is exactly 30 days away! Anyone know what they're going ot be yet? I don't. If you do know, share by leaving a comment. :D well I gtg, (I'm going out tonight) so have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Magical Creatures

I love unicorns. But you know what's better?

A unicornicorn.

Bye. Mr. Manion is making shut it off.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cheese Puffs

Hey all! So, in case you didn't know, I am now a gluten-free person. I'm allergic. Isn't that stupid? Anyway, that's why I called this post "Cheese Puffs" because I can eat them! YUM! I love those things. I just had some :9
Okay, so life's pretty great and all, I have a lot to do so this is a super short post. Ew. I hate homework. Anyway.
Jokey Joke
Knock Knock
(who's there?)
(Moo, who?)
Make up your mind already! Are you a cow or an owl?



Over and Out.
Ellen :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey girl hey! What's the haps? Haha gotta love Frosh Daze. Although it is bummer that they are once again planting grass so they can't spin the whale. I guess it would get annoying after a while...haha. Have you made any of the FRosh do stars yet?

On another note---Have you ever tried a limoncello? They are pretty interesting...they're like shot size, and taste like liquid gas. I took one sip and couldn't breath...ew. And when did I drink said alcohol you might ask? With the grandparents and Devin of course :) but seriously. I wouldn't recommend them.

I'm too lazy to insert a picture here

short post today, lots of homework to do.
I love you all a lot.

Ciao! *K

Monday, September 27, 2010


Frodo! ohmigosh, I LOVE YOUR HAT.  You should thank Claire for it because you will love it too!

I can't wait.  Me and Kylie will show up at random times (A LOT) and you will have the rule thingie.  Also, be prepared to be having fun THE ENTIRE TIME.  or else you will be doing stars! :D

Anyways.  Today, I'm not going to be writing much, I just feel like giving you some inspirational quote that i think are hilarious....because they're kind of depressing :) haha. (Under a "Don't Worry" category)


1) Never let life's hardships disturb one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages --Nichiren Daishonen

Not only is this saying that hardships are inevitable,
 its saying you aren't a saint or a sage...owchh

2) Ask yourself this question: "Will this matter a year from now?" --Richard Carlson

What if the answer to this question is "YES!!!!"?

3) Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen.  Keep in the sunlight. --Benjamin Franklin

Okay, if you are using quote in this category, 
chances are you are already worrying about something HAPPENING.   
also, easier said than done robo-emotion man.

4) The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable. --Seneca

OHMIGOSH,  you are so right, I can SO stop worrying now!

5) Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.  --Henry David Thoreau

So....never mind.  this one should be self explanatory.

6) We also deem those happy, who from the experience of life, have learned to bear it's ills and without descanting on their weight. --Juvenal

Happy people...are immune to troubling things?  ohkayy then.

7) It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid --Publius Syrus

-.-    no. f-ing way.  that doesn't mean you won't dread it! 
Yes I'm totally just wasting my emotions for the hell of it!


Heres another one that will be a better ending.  Better than the others? leave a comment and let me know!

There's a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in. -- Leonard Cohen
