It's also called PRESUMPTION and PERSUASION in one PARICULAR PALESTINIAN direction. And I am not saying I am pro-Israeli. I'm just saying we NEED to hear the other side. I am not pro-Israeli Government's Decision to Build Walls. But that doesn't mean that's what all Israeli's believe. Palestinians are afraid of the Israelis. The Israeli's are obviously afraid of the Palestinians as well. Sure, there is that whole land dispute, but that's not the only thing creating these boundaries. Maybe it started it, but it's not the only thing going now. Are they afraid of suicide bombers? Probably. Nobody wants their kid or friend or sibling or spouse blown up. But not all Palestinians do that. But Israeli's are probably very afraid of that. However the Palestinians take violent routes because they are often shown them, and it is one way for them to remind Israeli's of their presence and try and assert their freedom. I don't live in this conflict, so I don't want to say stuff I don't know, so I'll try not to make assumptions, just base predictions based off of human nature. When humans are scared, they build walls. The Great Wall - containing China from feared outside forces? When humans are scared, they take unnecessary measures and involve the military, and make presumptions. The United States - afraid of terrorists, send military action to random parts of the globe and suddenly many Americans fear everyone in a turban. COMPLETELY irrational, but it's a fact of some Americans.
I want to hear the other side. I won't say I agree with it, I won't say it's a valid idea, or that it makes sense or whatever. But I deserve, we deserve, to hear that side. I'm throwing that out there. I don't know if you agree. I don't know if you care. I don't know if you are open minded enough to care. That was harsh. Sorry. I don't know if you want to see both sides. But I want to know.
I understand the Palestinians are the minority here. I understand they have gone through hard stuff. They have a rough life, they aren't living it easy. Trust me, I understand. Their opinion should NOT be ignored or under-valued or anything like that. However, the other side is completely important. To hear, to evaluate, to brood on. It is important. This is not a one-sided, one-idea conflict. Please. Please. Can we please hear other opinions about what is happening and about why it is happening.
I'm sorry if you have no idea where this is coming from, we had a Jerusalem trip meeting today. So far they have been pro-Palestinian, which isn't bad, but I'd really like to hear some other opinions. We wrote an essay on this for Segall. I thought this trip was to help lead to understanding. So far I've just heard a lot from one side. Understanding is defined many ways, a few from dictionary.com being: comprehension; a state of cooperative or mutually tolerant relations between people; a mutual agreement; settling differences... You can't settle a difference with one side of the story. Just saying.
As you can probably see, something has really ticked inside me. I asked for the other side, and they said "Read the news." NO. NO. NO. NOT THE ANSWER I WAS LOOKING FOR. I don't want the sob-story side of the Palestinians. I want the side of the Israeli's that has their reasoning, not the Governments. Sure some opinions will be the same, but not all of them. Not all of us agree with what the American Government does. Can't deny that.
Segall and Palmer said they would work on it. I hope so. I really, really, really hope so.
I was feeling pretty downtrodden voicing my opinion today in the meeting because it didn't feel like other people agreed. But then Haley spoke up and said she agreed, that really made me feel better. Because having the teachers not say, yes, I agree, we need to see the other side, just did not feel right to me. I'm sorry if you don't agree. But can you at least see my logic?
Siiiiigh. Leave a comment about this if you want. If you agree, then I'm glad. If you disagree, you are entitled to that opinion. It would be great if you let me know in person too. If you are of either opinion. Just some response to that. Thanks.
Okay, that felt really good and now this is a really long post that many people probably won't read. But I had to write it.
Joke: What do you call a baby potato?
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
PS: didn't edit the long post, hope it makes sense
PPS: Happy Birthday Nathalia!
PPPS: Watch the movie Promises... I love that movie! Though I think we've all already seen it. :)