So I'm trying to scour my house in an attempt to find my dad's old Polaroid camera. You know, the one that you take a picture with, and then it prints out the picture on a small white square of paper. You have to wait a couple minutes for the pic to fully develop, but the results are nice. I used to play with that camera all the time when I was younger, but ever since we moved I can't seem to find it. I just thought it would be really cool to use it again. Providing I could find some film for the ancient thing, I would love to take it to school and do like a documentary of a day and then post it all in a scrapbook. Ah well. I can't even find the darned thing. I'm sure it's still in a box somewhere. At least I know it's in the house.
Now my Photoshop picture of the week is going to be replaced (just for this post!) by some beautiful pics representing my summer vacation. Kylie asked us to show what we're doing this summer, so here are a few pics from my trip to Hawaii.
The Battleship Missouri, at Pearl Harbor. It's right next to the Arizona Memorial, and the ship itself is massive. This is the ship where the world leaders signed the document that ended World War II.
A gorgeous picture on the island of Oahu, near Diamondhead, overlooking the blue water. -->
A couple of sea turtles on the Black Sand Beach on the island of Hawaii. Aren't they adorable?
Pretty palm trees at the Hilton hotel on Hawaii. -->
That's just a snapshot, because I have so many more pictures that I would have loved to share. Ah well. Hope you all are enjoying your summer!