Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nathalia: I'm still posting today, sorry :)

I know I posted yesterday as well, but oh well. I think we should be able to post REALLY important things (or just really pertinent things) that are not on our day.

It's Saturday and I am sitting in the Mercer Island community center. Here is a list of things happening.

1) My Ke$ha costume parts came yesterday and I am 5/8 done with getting the pieces!

2) I just finished my LAST driver's ed class and drive thank God.

3) The magazine came that my photo was published in but the colors got skewed up. Great.

4) My sissy is thirteen today! Can you believe it?

5) I have officially started writing my AP paper. I have about six lines. I have to have a finished rough draft if I want to make plans on Halloween. It's going to be a loooong week.

Katie's Weekly Challenge: Start your AP paper.

Song of the Week: Animal by Neon Trees. And your Love Is My Drug by Ke$ha.


(Some kids behind me are playing on Club Penguin... haha)

Katie ---> out. MWAH.

I figured...

Since it's Saturday, but Katie posted yesterday, that I would post my friday post today, if that's all right with everyone.
Who's going to the Open House today? I am. For choir though. Which takes a chunk out of my weekend that I could be doing homework. Oh well, whatevs. Anyway... I'm listening to Owl City right now. I really love their techno beats for background music- it always makes me just slightly more happy and optimistic than when I listen to other music.
I also just finished voting with my dad. It was... uneventful. Every time I saw another initiative, I kept thinking about those stupid commercials on tv. Speaking of which, you should check out this commercial (below) about America's future. It was pretty interesting, and kind of scary at the same time.

And for the Photoshop image of the week:

Note: this is not a real picture. It was rendered in Photoshop :)

Have a great weekend!


Friday, October 22, 2010

It is not my day to post (judging by everyone else I guessed it was okay this week)

Hello. This is not my day to post so I'll be brief.

Look at the time. Look at it long and hard.


Pre calculus does not go well with midnights. Neither does wordly wise.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Scarlet Cupcake

Drama Tech was great (once again)....I painted the background thingy with Satomi and Sarah- only I had to use a ladder to paint because I was too short :I. Meanwhile, Nathalia and Cailyn made "sandwich" props....a.k.a a piece of foam covered in brown scraps. It's quite appetizing :)

Ha. Not really.

Anyways, I came home and realized my family was making cupcakes for my sister's carnival tomorrow........about 70 CUPCAKES!!!! 70 paper cups of SHEER JOY AND HAPPINESS. It was heaven- I was surrounded by all sorts of cupcakes! There were chocolate, vanilla, and red velvet!!! And lots of SPRINKLES! Of dinosaurs and stars and dots and all sorts of wonderful miniature bodies of sugar!!!! EUREKA!

Yeah, so y'all might be wondering where the above title came from....

I was sitting with my wonderful cucpakes and my sister picks one up and says "Sissy, look at this Scarlet Cupcake!"


I was like "Cupcake! Scarlet! Letter! Geraghty! English Class! Eureka!"= my thought process

...English class was great today- lots of analyzing/finding the meaning of EACH sentence of EACH chapter. It's quite a brilliant book, ya know- even though it can be "creepy".

Anyways, I thought you would all like to hear my Scarlet Cupcake Eureka Moment. So there it was....O_o

Oh btw, I'm going to the Vball game tmrw...anyone care to join? :)

I'd love to continue writing, but my mother just told my sister- "I hate dealing with little people."

I need to go correct that statement and defend the little people of the world.

I WILL RETURN! DO NOT FEAR! (hehe- that's what a hero would say)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


1. I apologize if I spelled the title wrong (you'll have to ask Katie for the correct spelling)
2. Today was draining
3. I have nearly NO HOMEWORK tonight! SCORE
4. ...if only we could do that in a soccer game
5. YOU SHOULD COME WATCH if you live near Starfire.... which you probably don't
6. We could win
7. One problem
8. Walt's a ding
9. He enacted the "you didn't tell me" law for Nicole, who we actually need at the game tomorrow and not for some other people who are not nearly as important
10. I am so hungry

Well, there's a list. lets go over some of it.
1. Faceshkinbergers is what happens if you get hit in the face with a soccer ball... so far its happened three times this season! How weird is that? Am I just in the wrong place at the right time? ..Or the right place at the wrong time? Or the wrong place and the wrong time? I don't know. Anyway.
2. APUSH test and other stuff (like not having breakfast :/) made me very drained. ...yeah...
3. I AM GOING TO CATCH UP ON GLEE because I didn't write last weeks. Oops I mean read. DANG I mean watch. Sorry... as I said, kinda out of it.
4. Eh... I don't feel like explaining anything anymore. I want dinnnnnner! :D

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn?


Over and Out.
Ellen :)

PS: My dragon is also a Night Fury. But he is a she (not Toothless) and she is getting together with Toothless and they have little dragons. Who are also mine.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, I am all screwed up and thought yesterday was Tuesday. ohwell. see yesterday's post.


Monday, October 18, 2010

track 17

Isn't that annoying when a really good song on your ipod is playing and the title is track 17 with no artist or album? So you don't what what it is...yeah
Well I don't what what to title this post so there you go.
I have a lot of homework this week. 31 flashcards in theology...great.
And I have to read the scarlet letter but it is only 12 pages so that isn't too bad.
This weekend was fun! Natasha (remember her, that girl that used to go to our school but maybe you forgot because she NEVER VISITS *hint hint if she reads this*) yeah she and I went on a photo shoot because as the facebook album says, Kylie needed a portrait. and I'm super happy with them. I really want more so if you want to go on a photo shoot with me and get some pictures that are fabulous (only not but whatever :P) then you should definitely call me. And I need money so I'll charge based on donation. no less then a dollar. I am going to be rich.

only not.

I'm wearing my fuzzy Christmas fleece penguin pajamas! yay!

My mom bought me a truffle shaped like an owl today. It's super adorable.
I love my moms. They rock.
Haha so today we were talking about gay marriage in history and someone was like:
-well is the Christian religion says they shouldn't be married then they should respect that and get married somewhere outside of the church.
my question: Shouldn't humans define their religion instead of their religion defining them, specifically restricting their right to marry whoever they love?
Leave comments :)

yeah. so that was great.

what else. oh I want a mac. they are pretty.

well I should go study for theology/read/call Rachel.
Love you all-ways! (get it.)

Ciao! *K

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Uhm. Why am i posting right now?

The title of this post completely sums up my life right now.  The

Bad: terrible weekend as far as socializing with other humans.... :) haha that sounds weird
Good: watching my favorite movie in the cosmos proves to be an EXCELLENT therapeutic device

Annnyways.  The theme for this week, dun dun dun duuun.  is DRAGONS!!
All of us that are worthy of claiming one (meaning they have seen the movie)  are going to claim their dragon this week!!!! YAY!!! (this is mostly due to the fact that the people who haven't seen it probably don't know what the different dragons are, when they have seen the movie they can have one :)  )

moving onnnn

My dragon will be a Night fury!!  specifically a "descendent" of Toothless. Technically my dragon is Toothless, but ya know, the whole multiple lives theory.... XD.  

yea, sorry if that didn't make any sense...and yes i am aware of how nerdy that is....

--TTFN (sorry this is so choppy, but i don't have time to edit, im gunna go watch MA MOVIE)