I do not think, "Oh, hello there, two extra days. Let's cause drama now, shall we?" No. That is not what I think.
Because there was hella drama that did not need to occur involving a bottle of Clorox and an arm.
I have been quite productive this weekend. Excitement for me.
This is what has gone down as of late:
1) Homework, doing it.
2) Homework, not doing it.
3) A snuggie, using it.
4) A Sam, texing him. (see more for later)
5) A double batch of cookies, making it
6) An APUSH paper, writing it.
NOW FOR MORE ON SAM. He's kind of a tool... haha. He thinks truth or dare works over texting. I mean, half of it does. You can ask anything you want. But the daring part, not so much. Honestly, you don't even have to do what the other person says because THEY CAN'T MAKE YOU so HA.
PS: Ms. Seaton's gonna kill me because my pants are too tight. Oh dang. Death by pants? I think not. It'd be like dying of salmonella from raw cookie dough. It's sad an all, but honestly, you'd have been killed by an EGG.
Katie's Weekly Challenge: Make a new acquaintance or friend.
Song of the week: Actually, it's an artist. Ludovico Einaudi. He's a pianist, and a bamf.
Katie - - -> out. MWAH.