So. We've all felt the frustration when you're reading a really good book, and the main character absolutely refuses to see what a terrible choice she makes between the guy she wants (gsw) and the guy she likes to avoid (gslta).
I myself end up putting (throwing) away the book and go online to try and find a lovely fanfiction that has the couples written down so I know exactly what to expect.
I have recently had a run in of my own and can now say that I know exactly the feeling where you just CANNOT accept that the gslta (the idiot) is It's because he really isn't. But I can totally see how the gsw is also the wrong person for her.
(To be completely understood, I'm not saying that I'm going to change my mind about him (either one), I'm just defending the fact that even if hes sweet/seems to be in love with you, that does not exclude him from creeper-dom.) Moving on...
SO. Anyways.
Theres GSW -- you know he's bad for you. he's hurt you in the past, it'll happen again, like its his MO. All you do is flirt with each other, there's nothing other than that to suggest that he may like you or that you could possibly have a surviving relationship, but you still think he's awesome even thought you have no way of telling since you really don't have any (normal) guy friends to compare him against. So basically every time you talk you're left wondering what the hell happened, and if anything would finally change because of the changes from that conversation to the one before. and every time you want to hate him, you feel more disappointed in yourself for just thinking that anything could or should change. this is basically what's going on for me right now.
Then theres GSLTA.....-- hes never even been considered a crush. it's obvious that he likes you, and yet you cannot feel anything for him because of the way he acts. Like An Idiot. To give him the benefit of the doubt, you know that you act like an idiot when you are around one of your crushes...but this is just insane. To people who only briefly meet him, he would seem sweet, or just trying to make you laugh. But since he never succeeds, it gets old fast. He's completely socially inept and you have no idea how to politely let him down, so you avoid, or try to discourage him through your attitude.
So, you're stuck with these two guys who you know you really shouldn't be with, both because you know you would end up miserable. Dramatic Irony - where you know something the characters don't - is something greatly present in many books. It shows how the best friend or geek figure would be the perfect boyfriend but she can't tell.
She can't tell because she doesn't feel the same way...and though it makes for a terrible story, it's terribly common in real life. Pining over someone, or humoring someone?
Yeah. This was meant for those two guys to read it and actually understand what's going on in my head and how it's bugging the hell out of me...but what can i say? I lack the courage? I'll take what I can get and I don't want this to ruin our (kinda sorta) friendships? think what you want.
I do ask, that if you know who I'm talking about, that you do not mention their names in any comments or whatever because, if I ever do tell them about what goes down in my head, this would be the wrong way for them to finally get the message.
--(changing my sign-off :D) Muchas Smoochas
* once again, not edited.