There. That's better. What else is new in life? OH. I'm really excited for our bread retreat! GAH. I did it again. But that was necessary. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to working with my partner to bake delicious bread. Hopefully we won't fail and it will be the best bread ever. I've never mde bread, so this will be quite a challenge.
You know, I still have to design my mole for chem. It's all finished, but I just haven't themed it yet. Sigh. I totally loved how today in chem class Dr. Segall used Katie and Jennifer's mole as a white board eraser. I just sat there silently laughing, trying really hard to compose myself. And the thing is that he did it more than once, so I had to keep myself in check multiple times. Lols. It was great. And the mole survived, so it all worked out.
So this weekend I'm going to try and work on my campaign for Sec./Treas. I'll let you know how that went on Monday :] I have to write my speech, and I have so many ideas, I have no clue which one to pick. Hopefully my campaign will amaze you all - I've got a secret weapon (*ominous smile, wink*) Elections are going to be tough this year, with so many good candidates running. Well, with our class, that'll happen just about every election... You know what, I'm using ellipses too much. Moving on.
Ah yes, Photoshop picture of the week. So you know that random album picture thing where you go to Wikipedia and click random topic, and then get a random quote and random picture? I heard about it through Zoe, so here are my two cool picture thingys. Thought it was interesting how both pics turned out to be black and white, and the quotes seem to fit in with the theme...

Enjoy and have a good weekend!
- N
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