Well. It's Saturday. Sat-ur-day.
(And Sunday comes afterwards lawl)
If we're on the subject of pet peeves, mine is when I'm having a perfectly good day ad then someone or something happens and it's ruined. Like yesterday. I was having a great day with Megan, my best friend came over, and then my mom decided it would be a great time to give me another talk about applying myself and dedication. Absolute bull shit.
I've come to wonder if maybe the people who piss us off most in the world are actually right and I'm the one who needs to rethink situation. Maybe sometimes people are just so biased that they will never ever see the world from another's point of view.
This AP exam is stressing me out. It's in three weeks. I'm screwed. I had a panic attack slash mental breakdown about it today (not helped by my ever so enthusiastic mother). Sometimes I feel like this kinds of things shouldn't be mentioned on the internet. Who reads this anyways?
Whatever. I will survive. I will study and PASS THIS TEST. My goal is to get at least a 4. I think that's doable.
I want my grade on my research paper...
I want more songs to play on the guitar...
Katie's weekly challenge ---> eat your vegetables.
Song of the Week ---> My Body by Young the Giant
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
This blog is about the lives of 6 ordinary "FRidgers", all of whom are different in their own ways. Each person writes once a week, telling the world about the random thoughts that enter their heads.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Hey everyone sorry for posting so late. Posting from my phone right now so this will be short.
Hope everyone enjoyed their week off. I know I accomplished a lot. Just thinking ahead ... We have less than a month until the AP exam. Ahhh!!! Mini freak out. Ok, I'm an awful person for bringing that up... Nevermind.
There are some really annoying crickets chirping outside my window, making it hard to fall asleep. Grr. Shut up crickets. Play your music somewhere else. I wish a chameleon would eat you. Bwahahaa! That makes me think of pascal from the movie Tangled. I love that movie!!! Just bought the soundtrack to it today :)

Ugh! Now there is a frog outside making its loud ribbit noises! Grr. Maybe it ate the crickets... Hehe.
Well toodles- I'm off to bed now!
Hope everyone enjoyed their week off. I know I accomplished a lot. Just thinking ahead ... We have less than a month until the AP exam. Ahhh!!! Mini freak out. Ok, I'm an awful person for bringing that up... Nevermind.
There are some really annoying crickets chirping outside my window, making it hard to fall asleep. Grr. Shut up crickets. Play your music somewhere else. I wish a chameleon would eat you. Bwahahaa! That makes me think of pascal from the movie Tangled. I love that movie!!! Just bought the soundtrack to it today :)
Ugh! Now there is a frog outside making its loud ribbit noises! Grr. Maybe it ate the crickets... Hehe.
Well toodles- I'm off to bed now!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
IMMA WISH KYLIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIRST, she was born at 7:47 it's like 7:43. and i made this really great post earlier. but this dang site deleted it. GAH. but anyways, happpy birthday to youuuuuu happpy birthday to youuuuu happppy birthday dear KYLIEEEEEE happy birthdayyyy to youuuuuuuu SO HAPPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE ABERLEEEEE so im off. imma be posting now.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
C eh N eh D eh
ahahah that's where I am today.
Right now I am in Canada. I really like Canada. And most Canadians. Cough.
I went skiing the past two days and today. Snow = amazing. Powder = amazinger.
I love skiing. Kylie, we need to go together some time, yah?
I am very uninspired today. Sorry. But we are trying to get the entire month of April with everyone posting kay? Unless you have a really good reason for not doing it. Like dying. Or really late sports games. Or breaking all your fingers. You get the point.
Okay... anyway...
Pet Peeves? umm
1. When people ask you something they can find themselves. I do it all the time (which makes it more annoying... sorry if I ever do it to you). It's like, I'm busy too, look at the stupid schedule.
2. Hypocrites (which I unfortunately am)
3. When people try to be something they're not
Joke (sorry, as I said I'm uninspired):
(I said this to Kelly the other day and my mom was near by, and she was like "whaat?"... she doesn't understand the beauty of "yer face" jokes :( )
Ahaha on the subject of my title for this post. I'm guessing you all already know this joke, but it always makes me laugh anyway. If you don't, comment and I'll tell you later. Eh?
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
Right now I am in Canada. I really like Canada. And most Canadians. Cough.
I went skiing the past two days and today. Snow = amazing. Powder = amazinger.
I love skiing. Kylie, we need to go together some time, yah?
I am very uninspired today. Sorry. But we are trying to get the entire month of April with everyone posting kay? Unless you have a really good reason for not doing it. Like dying. Or really late sports games. Or breaking all your fingers. You get the point.
Okay... anyway...
Pet Peeves? umm
1. When people ask you something they can find themselves. I do it all the time (which makes it more annoying... sorry if I ever do it to you). It's like, I'm busy too, look at the stupid schedule.
2. Hypocrites (which I unfortunately am)
3. When people try to be something they're not
Joke (sorry, as I said I'm uninspired):
(I said this to Kelly the other day and my mom was near by, and she was like "whaat?"... she doesn't understand the beauty of "yer face" jokes :( )
Ahaha on the subject of my title for this post. I'm guessing you all already know this joke, but it always makes me laugh anyway. If you don't, comment and I'll tell you later. Eh?
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Pet Peeves
Ok i know I already did this post a while back, but i have two new ones to add to my list:
1) When i cannot see the food I am eating (like it's too dark in the room)
2) the game rook.
Catherine and I just spend an hour trying to learn this game. the directions were super confusing and it didn't make sense at all. Here's part of the directions:
Bidding: players bid for the privilege of choosing a trump card. there is a great advantage of being the player who chooses the trump color. since a trump card can capture any other card of any other color. your opening bid must be at least 70 points. bids must be divisible by 5 such as 70, 75, 80. you are bidding the number of points from counters you think you and your partner will be able to capture with your hands provided you are able to name the color that will be trump. if you captured all counters you would score 120 points. You should remember there is always a risk when you take that bid!
OK so what?
Like seriously. what.
And this is how the direction START!
like what is a trump? or a counter? or a bid? what?
and then after trying to figure that out for like 30 minutes Catherine foun this thing on the freaking BACK of the directions that's like:
'Card playing terms for new players"
It still didn't help.
so we, being the determined people we are, went to our best recourse. Youtube. and found this.
20 points if you can tel;l me what he is even saying at the beginning of this video.
Catherine says: 'That's so dumb. I hate this game. It ruined my whole day. I'm gunna cry. I'm going to bury it. in a hole.'
Yeah so cool.
Okay I seriously think I am going through glee with drawl. they need, like, pills for this. My inner mantra right now is "seven days. seven days. seven days..." I am going to kill somebody if there is no Klaine in the next episode. no joke. >:|
What else is new?
Oh i got 30$ to itunes for my birthday. Even though I just spent, like, a mole of dollars on Glee songs. (ahh chemistry is getting to me.)
Speaking of Chemistry. Do you guys think its ok if i get a piece of cardboard, and put a sign near the from that says 'invisi-mole'? or will she not accept that?
I think she should. she can't prove it isn't there. heh.
So this weekend Katie and i house-sitted 18 alpacas. they were adorable. except this brown one with buck teeth that looked like it was judging me the entire time. Then Blainey sent me a text that said "Courage...against the Alpacas".
What else?
Oh I have an addiction. to Tea's Tea. just saying.
Man, my life is pretty boring at the present.
I'm at the Island right now. Be jealous. And I'm turning 16 Thursday :) so that's fun.
Listening to Glee right now. Raise Your Glass to be exact. love. love. love.
Cailyn, I think we are too obsessed.
We should go to, like a support group or something.
Hello my name is Kylie Kurt Aberle, and I am a glee addict.
Pretzel mms are yummy.
Ok I gtg, see you guys Saturday/Monday!
Lots of love,
and like my boyfriend, I didn't edit. deal.
1) When i cannot see the food I am eating (like it's too dark in the room)
2) the game rook.
Catherine and I just spend an hour trying to learn this game. the directions were super confusing and it didn't make sense at all. Here's part of the directions:
Bidding: players bid for the privilege of choosing a trump card. there is a great advantage of being the player who chooses the trump color. since a trump card can capture any other card of any other color. your opening bid must be at least 70 points. bids must be divisible by 5 such as 70, 75, 80. you are bidding the number of points from counters you think you and your partner will be able to capture with your hands provided you are able to name the color that will be trump. if you captured all counters you would score 120 points. You should remember there is always a risk when you take that bid!
OK so what?
Like seriously. what.
And this is how the direction START!
like what is a trump? or a counter? or a bid? what?
and then after trying to figure that out for like 30 minutes Catherine foun this thing on the freaking BACK of the directions that's like:
'Card playing terms for new players"
It still didn't help.
so we, being the determined people we are, went to our best recourse. Youtube. and found this.
20 points if you can tel;l me what he is even saying at the beginning of this video.
Catherine says: 'That's so dumb. I hate this game. It ruined my whole day. I'm gunna cry. I'm going to bury it. in a hole.'
Yeah so cool.
Okay I seriously think I am going through glee with drawl. they need, like, pills for this. My inner mantra right now is "seven days. seven days. seven days..." I am going to kill somebody if there is no Klaine in the next episode. no joke. >:|
What else is new?
Oh i got 30$ to itunes for my birthday. Even though I just spent, like, a mole of dollars on Glee songs. (ahh chemistry is getting to me.)
Speaking of Chemistry. Do you guys think its ok if i get a piece of cardboard, and put a sign near the from that says 'invisi-mole'? or will she not accept that?
I think she should. she can't prove it isn't there. heh.
So this weekend Katie and i house-sitted 18 alpacas. they were adorable. except this brown one with buck teeth that looked like it was judging me the entire time. Then Blainey sent me a text that said "Courage...against the Alpacas".
What else?
Oh I have an addiction. to Tea's Tea. just saying.
Man, my life is pretty boring at the present.
I'm at the Island right now. Be jealous. And I'm turning 16 Thursday :) so that's fun.
Listening to Glee right now. Raise Your Glass to be exact. love. love. love.
Cailyn, I think we are too obsessed.
We should go to, like a support group or something.
Hello my name is Kylie Kurt Aberle, and I am a glee addict.
Pretzel mms are yummy.
Ok I gtg, see you guys Saturday/Monday!
Lots of love,
and like my boyfriend, I didn't edit. deal.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Apppril. yay....
Well, I don't know if any of you (other than Porcelain...most likely) know this, but it's apparently blog every day April or something, so, to reference one of kylie's posts we should all post every week of April. (it shouldn't be that hard, its only 4 in a row) So, to start --
(Okay, sorry porcelain, but you said i should do the "fate" one first, it might be a little more depressing than you thought....but then again, maybe not, I haven't written it yet ^.^)
Okay so fate -- or what could have happened
To be truthful, I've been thinking a lot about what i would be like if I went to Tyee instead of FR. For example, would Sherman have had cause to be surprised by my "little girl voice" or would that have faded over time?
Would I have the same opinions as i do now? Would the things I hate be something I can't live without? Would I have the same problems? Would I have the same pressures? Would I understand other people better or worse?
These are the types of things I've been wondering about recently just because I've been wondering if I actually should have ended up at Forest Ridge. Sometimes, I've even wondered so much as to think that i may have been happier if it turned out some other way. Maybe I'm insane, dwelling on the past isn't healthy, but i've always kind of sort of believed in fate, but now, I'm not so sure.
This is probably brought on by the whole IB ordeal. It started with "how prepared will i really be if im not interested in math or science", and it's grown into this giant thing that im constantly thinking about. For example, My mother is always talking about how my brother only knows what he wants to do because newport had a BUNCH of electives he could take, and 1) we've basically been cheated out of all our electives, and 2) we don't have that many that aren't directly related to learning something. I'll never have that chance. i've signed the contract that binds me to Junior Year at FR and, since we're going through IB, I've basically said that I will be coming back senior year as well. If I had gone to Newport, or even International, would I know what I want to be when they grew up?
Is there something I have a passion for, but I've never even heard of it?
But seriously, what would be different? About my life? about what I wanted? About who i am?
--TTFN "Blainey"
i didn't edit....at all.
(Okay, sorry porcelain, but you said i should do the "fate" one first, it might be a little more depressing than you thought....but then again, maybe not, I haven't written it yet ^.^)
Okay so fate -- or what could have happened
To be truthful, I've been thinking a lot about what i would be like if I went to Tyee instead of FR. For example, would Sherman have had cause to be surprised by my "little girl voice" or would that have faded over time?
Would I have the same opinions as i do now? Would the things I hate be something I can't live without? Would I have the same problems? Would I have the same pressures? Would I understand other people better or worse?
These are the types of things I've been wondering about recently just because I've been wondering if I actually should have ended up at Forest Ridge. Sometimes, I've even wondered so much as to think that i may have been happier if it turned out some other way. Maybe I'm insane, dwelling on the past isn't healthy, but i've always kind of sort of believed in fate, but now, I'm not so sure.
This is probably brought on by the whole IB ordeal. It started with "how prepared will i really be if im not interested in math or science", and it's grown into this giant thing that im constantly thinking about. For example, My mother is always talking about how my brother only knows what he wants to do because newport had a BUNCH of electives he could take, and 1) we've basically been cheated out of all our electives, and 2) we don't have that many that aren't directly related to learning something. I'll never have that chance. i've signed the contract that binds me to Junior Year at FR and, since we're going through IB, I've basically said that I will be coming back senior year as well. If I had gone to Newport, or even International, would I know what I want to be when they grew up?
Is there something I have a passion for, but I've never even heard of it?
But seriously, what would be different? About my life? about what I wanted? About who i am?
--TTFN "Blainey"
i didn't edit....at all.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
It's break... yeah...
What am I doing?
Listening to Good Charlotte
Cleaning my room (like, intense)
Fighting with my sister, who told me that things will be clean if it kills her. Um...
Avoiding my dad, who pretended to sneeze on me because of took a bite out of something that was my sister's
Kind of not really avoiding my mom
I really want it to be softball practice. I need structure. I kind of don't like breaks. But I like not having homework. But I need something to do!
I really want to be on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with Palm Trees and sunshine.
And not in Seattle.
I wish I was in ceramics class.
Do I honestly look younger than everyone else in the grade? People need to stop making fun of the fact that I look thirteen because it's not funny.
Katie's Weekly Challenge ---> clean out all of your old junk
Song of the Week ---> The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Katie --- out. MWAH.
Listening to Good Charlotte
Cleaning my room (like, intense)
Fighting with my sister, who told me that things will be clean if it kills her. Um...
Avoiding my dad, who pretended to sneeze on me because of took a bite out of something that was my sister's
Kind of not really avoiding my mom
I really want it to be softball practice. I need structure. I kind of don't like breaks. But I like not having homework. But I need something to do!
I really want to be on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with Palm Trees and sunshine.
And not in Seattle.
I wish I was in ceramics class.
Do I honestly look younger than everyone else in the grade? People need to stop making fun of the fact that I look thirteen because it's not funny.
Katie's Weekly Challenge ---> clean out all of your old junk
Song of the Week ---> The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Katie --- out. MWAH.
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