As I sit here in the lounge, I can't help thinking about this very fun and musical week.
Obviously this week was tech week for Oliver! (which you all need to come see!), and so there was lots of singing and dancing. Being on sound crew, I've been with the cast all this week and I can't seem to get the songs out of my head! The cast is really great - everyone is doing a great time putting on a fabulous song. Please come out and support them. Also this week was Glee! It was quite exciting to see Kurt and Blaine's relationship develop, because you know we've all been waiting for it. I personally loved all the songs the Glee cast did this week, especially the original songs. They were really fun and upbeat.
And to answer last week's post about the longest snake: It was 33 feet long and found in Indonesia! Congrats to Kylie who got half the question right and seemed to be the only person that cared to answer...
Well... yeah.
So this week's Photoshop picture of the week is going to be a side by side comparison. The original is on the left and the retouched version on the right. As you can see, Photoshop is a very powerful tool. It make the pic on the right more intense, but not so much so that if people only saw that version, they would say it was fake.

Well over and out - hope to see you at a preformance of Oliver!