Anyways, I'm so glad it's Friday. Even though I have a crapload of stuff to do, at least I have the whole weekend to look forward too. But on a different note, guess what? I finished my last Swerve drive today! I'm hoping to get my license ASAP :D
Things outside of school all seem to be falling into place perfectly for me - drama tech, a tutoring job, driving, etc. So when I get time on the weekend to just enjoy those moments when I realize my life isn't so bad, I feel a lot better.
Also, I'm really excited to try out for Chamber Choir. I'm hoping I can get in, because I think I'm at the point now where I can truly commit more time to choir, because it has always been something I loved, but I just wasn't sure Chamber Choir would be my thing.
So Photoshop picture of the week. This is a background I made myself, using a repition of the letter N in a scripty font. The resolution settings got kind of funky, so it's a bit more blurry than what it originally was. It was a lot of fun to make, and if you want I can make one for you using your initial. Just leave a comment or shoot me an email.

Love you all, but I've got (homework) to do!