Hey guys. So update on me?
I'm petsitting this cat next door (Jasper), and it's been 4 days since I've been going over there, and I'm going to go over every day ish for two weeks.
So...Jasper is an outdoor cat, but I've been told he should probably stay inside for the duration of his owner's trip.. Yeah. It's pretty exciting when animals escape. I think it's getting smarter.
Today when I went over, I opened the door as I usually did, trying to be really quick about it so I could get in and close the door before Jasper shows up, but also as usual, I couldn't and made a TON of noise fiddling with the bolt and the lock. So...jasper's waiting for me. I have to put my leg in his way, so he won't get through my feet, but that didn't really change anything for some reason this time. Maybe Jasper is more comfortable around me...but he zooooomed right on past.
I said that he was getting smarter, but I guess not that smart. He stopped, to bask in his freedom...literally on the door mat. So I picked him up and set him down right inside the door again. If cats had more prominent facial expressions...I bet I'd see one of my own regulars on his face. He was definitely mewl-ing the part.
Yeah. so that's Jasper in the picture. He always looks like that when we leave, probably wondering what the hell made us so special to be able to open the doorknob when he can't (he's tried).
On a more school related note (BECAUSE WE'RE BACK IN SCHOOL Y'ALL X_x)
What are you guys thinking for CAS? I'm a little interested in volunteering for an organization called Teen Link. If I was able to, I would be able to volunteer answering phones for their suicide help line. I think it would be really interesting, and I love being able to talk to people.
But yeah... CAS projects anyone?
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