Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lksajfdpaieuf kdsjoifj oijfd

The line above represents my excitement. I LEAVE TOMORROW. MORNING. OH MY GOD. I cannot believe this is actually happening... it better not be God Spam (Kylie O.o).

By the way, I am excited for Cailyn's game of Mafia. Should be fun. But I won't be posting next week... so yeah.

I have to take my math test later today guys. Wish me luck... I hope it turns out alright.

OKAY so I don't feel like posting.

Joke: Ask Anna to tell you her Cheerio joke. I'll tell you later if I have time.

Over and Out.
Ellen :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

You might want to catch this one...

So.  Instead of a theme for everyone to follow, I have a theme that i will follow for however long it is relevant.  I will be starting a Mafia Game.  Online.

You are the townspeople, and you must go to sleep.  I have already chosen the Detective, Angel, and Murderer, and you will have to catch them.  I don't think we'll have a court system at the end though...since no one comments anyways.

There isn't much to post since the murderer hasn't committed the crime yet, but....we shall see, next week will be interesting.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Posting a Post

I'm posting a post, but I really don't know what to say right now. I have a lot to do today. I still have the majority of my homework to do... bleh...

97 days till Relay for Life. So far, we have like 70 dollars.


If you are interested in donating or something, feel free! Just tell one of us.

Challenge of the week: expand your horizons somehow...

Song of the Week: Your New Twin Sized Bed by Death Cab for Cutie

Katie ---> out. MWAH.