Saturday, August 20, 2011

WTF y'all gotta POST

The point in having a BLOOOOG is that everyone should POOOST. I really want to keep this up in the school year as well. I know we're busy, but I look forward to this... haha... bahh.

I just made pizza. It was a quattro fromaggi (4 cheese). DELICIOUS. I'm going to bring it to eat during math class and I don't care what Mr. Pesce says. SO HA.

I am playing Harry Potter Lego again. I LOVE MY LIFE.

I went on a 5 mile hike up a mountain today so I can do that kind of unproductive shit and still feel good about myself.

My back is hurting. I am concerned.




Does anybody even still read this anymore?

Song of the Week ---> Falling Down by Space Cowboys

Katie ---> out. MWAH.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

a taste of what i do every day

I am too lazy to write a long blog post today so here is a list of the things I have done recently.

1. Got my belly button pierced
2. Went to South Carolina and stayed with Maddie Bean for a week
3. Got stung by a jellyfish
3. Went to my friend's dad's wedding reception
4. Played Harry Potter video games

This is really short so here are some funny pictures.

Song of the Week ---> Roll Up by Wiz Khalifa

Katie ---> out. MWAH.