The title says it.
I mean, today wasn't the greatest day EVER, but it did have its quirks.
oh gosh. it's 11:14 p.m.
anyways.....First, bread service was pretty good. (haha Segall and Hsieh) the retreat was even better. I don't really have time to "reflect" on it because it's late, but I really love you all and had a fun time. Our class is awesomeeee. Oh, kudos to Katie and Sneha for being supa talented at playing the guitar/violin.
Second, math wasn't too harsh anybody today...was it? I heard about Hsieh's test and people seemed "alright" on it- so good luck on those! And for our math class, our test grades were finally posted and it looks like we all didn't do too bad....:) yay us.
umm...what else? oh. our campus minister and MS dean of students are crazyyyy. Let's just say we had a very "nice" talk today after school. We were talking about Harry Potter and this is what our conclusion was: Campus Minister= Hufflepuff. And guess what Mrs. B's house is? Wellllll.....she swears she's in the "Huffledore" house......whaaaat? ponder that, people.
OH. elections are next week. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE RUNNING. i'm excited to vote for y'all and hear your speeches. my fav part is getting the little bracelets/stickers/cute thingies and looking at eveyrone's posters. :)
well, i better go and continue to study...FOR MY PERMIT TEST :D FINALLY, right?!
i have a question. is it bad if there's smoke coming out of a truck?
toodlessss. (oh, i really hope this post doesn't turn into paragraph form cause i hate if it does, then GAH.) bye