Before I move on, I just wanted to send a shout out to KATIE LARSON because it's her 16th birthday today! Happy birthday Katie, and enjoy this fabulous day!
I can't believe July is almost over. I need to start amping up my summer homework. I've done one book/essay, and am currently reading my second book. Then there's still math... ah well. Plenty of time, right?
Guess what? I got this awesome book from Barnes and Noble the other weekend. It's called "Wreck this Journal". It looks like a journal, but the point is to follow directions on each page to creatively "wreck" the journal. Examples: one page says to poke holes in it with a pencil. Another says to throw stuff at the journal (paint, pencils, etc.). And yet another says to take a shower with the journal. I'm saving that page for last. It's quite fun. I'm doing a little each day for some creative outlet time.
Did you guys get a peek at your schedules for next year? I know I did, and noticed some strange errors, like an hour long lunch on Mondays. That's probably why they took it down. And because they don't want us to know before school starts. You know, I really hope we have clubs next year. I wanted to start a martial arts club maybe, or a technology club. There were some rumors of a computer science club, which I would join in a heartbeat. What do you all think about clubs for next year? Should they happen, or not? Leave a comment.
I've also been thinking a lot about HL art lately. I'm super excited! I have so many plans and ambitions for that class.
Mk, time for the Photoshop picture of the week. This was taken while I was in Hawaii, on the Big Island. This beach is called A-Bay. The seperation you see in the middle of the bay actually wasn't there before - the tsunami from Japan did that. But it's still a nice beach. I did a few things here, desaturating the color a bit and adding an edgy overlay effect, along with amping the colors a bit on the kayaks there on the right. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!