Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Fabulous Friday!

Ok, so technically the days of the week don't matter anymore, because it's summer and all the days blur together, but for me, this Friday is exciting. That is because it's the Friday before my vacation! Woohoo! I'm getting so pumped about going, you don't even know. Time to ditch this sorry summer weather buh-bye!

Also, today is my first day of tutoring (someone else, as in I tutor others) so wish me luck! Out of curiosity, who's going to be working this summer?

Anyways, I guess people have been listing goals for this summer. I'm going to try and list some of mine here:

*Have an awesome vacation!

*Read lots of books, including several in Spanish. I really want to read Don Quixote if I have the time! I'm going to read "En El Tiempo de las Mariposas" by Julia Alvarez, which has been reviewed as a really good book, although the type I swear is size 9 font. No joke. But I'm going to give it my best shot.

*Workout more and improve my upper body strength. Needed for TKD especially since I made it onto the new competition team.

*See most of the amazing movies coming out this summer. Seriously, there are a lot of them.

*Hang out with my peeps!

*Do a summer photography project and take lots of pics to then print and frame to put up in a corner of my room.

*Complete Red Dead Redemption (an X-Box game :P )

I feel sure I'll get inspired throughout the summer and add more to this list.

Photoshop pic of the week time: it's a shot of the Seattle waterfront pier restaurant. I basically sharped the image and amped up the colors. I really loved how the red, yellow, and green popped out on a rather dreary Seattle day.

Have a great weekend!


P.S. - Did you notice that I didn't capitalize "Summer" throughout the post? Hehe, I am so very sneaky ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello today is Wednesday and I actually remembered to post

Wow, see subject line. Hi guys! Tomorrow I am going to New Jersey. I will see my family. And the beach. And maybe the sun, if I'm lucky. It's predicted to rain and thunder right now... bah humbug So how's all y'all's summers? I'm playing some summer lacrosse, which reminds me I need to email my coach, but it's super fun. Nothing intense like Kelly, Lindsay, and Nicole's team, but still fun. Good to be doing something, yeah? I was inspired by Cailyn, so here is a list of things I am doing this summer.
1. laxing
2. going to the East Coast and hanging with family
a. New Jersey
b. Maine
3. hanging out with friends!
4. island! with Kylie and Cailyn, the big kahoonas :)
a. hopefully with Amy too, but I dunno if this will actually happen
5. saving money to buy a car because neither of my parents will do the honors

2. Go camping!

Yeah, that's my list/s. Do you think my WTD list is accomplishable? Let me know! Also let me know if you have suggestions on how best I can meet lots of people.

So there we go. Not sure I'll post while in NJ, we shall have to see.
ENJOY YOUR SUMMERS. Text/call me too! First week in NJ is just me, mi madre, and my grandparents... so feel free to say hi.
Ciao & Cheers,
Ellen :)

OH PS: Guess what?!?! I rode a dinosaur yesterday :D
Oh, PPS: that list is supposed to have indents and stuff... but the blog doesn't post that way. So, just to clarify, the "a." would be indented after the # and the "i." indented after the "a." and so on. Ciao. Again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

so apparently I've turned into that weird one who only wears one earring... :D

and I know this because...I AM only wearing one earring...and following this "trend", i've started getting new earrings, jewelry and stuff, things that I haven't...had the courage(?) to wear before because they are so different and more statement-y than what is normal I guess.

Example? I just got this, and I'm hoping it comes soon, so I can decide if I want to keep getting things similar to it.... and that is the major change for me this summer.  woohoo...!!

As for what I'm doing this summer, I suppose I shall make a list...because that's how i feel like doing it right now [read: It's probably easiest].

  • I will be going to work for the Matrix...for four days. (<- hahaha, that's not a real job)
  • I will be going on my mission trip to Brooklyn
  • I have a class at UW for two weeks
  • I have two technology lessons to teach
  • I will go to the midnight premier of Harry Potter 7: Part 2 (and this is extra special because it will be the first time I go to a midnight premier of a movie ^.^ )
  • I will go hang out with Kurtie and Ellen up at the island...with hashbrowns...and tubeworms.
  • I'm hanging out with Ellen and we shall go to Scotts, and get heels. 
  • I'm hanging out with Kurtie again, and possibly Catherine at Bell-Square for our (not-so-bi-)annual shopping trip, and we will eat red mango.
  • I am going to Quebec, Montreal, and possibly visiting my extended family in Cali.  
AND, I haven't even started my summer homework.  i think this is the most im doing in the summer...since....a very long time. I'll actually have things to talk about!!! :D 

I passed the driver's ed pseudo-test thing...and I now know that you can completely FAIL at the maneuvers and still pass...heh

oh, and in case you didn't already know, I got braces, and and look weird.  Picture for laughs? ... i refuse.


Sunday, June 19, 2011


I just got back from Disney World! It was so hot there, I loved it. I'm tan now. I made friends with a lot of little kids cause I am a social person who cannot talk to people at least 10 years younger than me, apparently.


And I drank butterbeer and bought a sweatshirt and I rode rides and I got the shit scared out of me by some giant metal spiders.

So much goodness.

It's so cold here. And it's so warm there. It makes me sad.

I made myself a blanket fort to sleep in because I slept on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.

So much goodness there too.


Song of the week ---> Rainy Day by Coldplay

Katie ---> out. MWAH.