Example? I just got this, and I'm hoping it comes soon, so I can decide if I want to keep getting things similar to it.... and that is the major change for me this summer. woohoo...!!
As for what I'm doing this summer, I suppose I shall make a list...because that's how i feel like doing it right now [read: It's probably easiest].
- I will be going to work for the Matrix...for four days. (<- hahaha, that's not a real job)
- I will be going on my mission trip to Brooklyn
- I have a class at UW for two weeks
- I have two technology lessons to teach
- I will go to the midnight premier of Harry Potter 7: Part 2 (and this is extra special because it will be the first time I go to a midnight premier of a movie ^.^ )
- I will go hang out with Kurtie and Ellen up at the island...with hashbrowns...and tubeworms.
- I'm hanging out with Ellen and we shall go to Scotts, and get heels.
- I'm hanging out with Kurtie again, and possibly Catherine at Bell-Square for our (not-so-bi-)annual shopping trip, and we will eat red mango.
- I am going to Quebec, Montreal, and possibly visiting my extended family in Cali.
AND, I haven't even started my summer homework. i think this is the most im doing in the summer...since....a very long time. I'll actually have things to talk about!!! :D
I passed the driver's ed pseudo-test thing...and I now know that you can completely FAIL at the maneuvers and still pass...heh
oh, and in case you didn't already know, I got braces, and and look weird. Picture for laughs? ... i refuse.
I love this bunny! :)