Happy snow day #2 everybody!
This morning mom woke me up with pancakes. I had one bite and literally spit them out. EWW buckwheat pancakes taste like soggy warm uncooked almond butter batter things. GROSS! It's almost two o'clock and I haven't eaten anything yet...I should do that.
HARRY POTTER (If you haven't seen the movie, and don't want any spoilers, skip this post completely, but it doesn't give away really anything. Just my complaints :) plus a few likes...)
Harry Potter 7 is my favorite book. I've read it twice (going on more!) and I thought the movie really screwed it up. They left out so many important things. Heres a list (no order)
1. Harry didn't take Madeye Moody's eye from Umbridge's door at the Ministry. And unless you were paying close attention you would never know it was there. There was no mention of this afterwards.
2. Harry didn't put the snitch in his mouth the night of recieving it from Dumbledoor's will, instead he waited a few months then randomly popped it in his mouth for no appearent reason.
3. At Mr. Lovegood's house there was no mention of radishes! And if you didn't read the book, you wouldn't know why he had to keep Harry at his house! PLUS THEY LEFT OUT THE CRUMPLEHORN SNORKACK!! ahhhhhhhhhhh
4. Bellatrix carved MUDBLOOD into Hermione's arm
5. It seemed to me that after a bad thing happened (Hedwig's death, Madeye's death, his eye at the ministry. the prosecution and skepticism of 'muggles' at the ministry etc.) no one made mention of it, they were just like OMG Madeye died, but then didn't seem to care a minute later.
6. They don't save muggles at the ministry, they only save themselves.
7. Harry doesn't go to Fleur and Bill's wedding as a cousin, he just shows up as himself.
8. I don't think there was any mention of shell cottage.
9. In the book, Harry and Voldemort had an ongoing connection and Voldemort shared images and sounds with Harry, such as the Gregorovich and the thief. In the movie, Harry had one or two visions of Gregorovich being a wand maker and of the blonde thief taking it. There ws no mystery or build up.
10. At Godrick's Hollow, Nagini just explodes from Batilda Bagshot, instead of protruding from her neck as she does in the book.
11. There is no mention of how horrible and false Reeta Skeeter's: The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore is.
12. In addition to this, and maybe it will come in part two, there is no mention to the battle between Grindelwald, Albus, and Aberforth in which Ariana dies, or the battle between Albus and Grindelwald. Also there is no mention to Dumbledore's family life (his sister being a squib, his mother taking her away to the Hollow, his father being sent to Azkaban etc.)
13. I just think that a lot of things were left hanging and unexplained, like the snatchers, Undesirable #1 etc.
15. So at the frozen forest pool, Harry said accio sword, and it moved a little but was stuck in the ice. Once Harry meltes the ice, why didn't he just try again instead of skinny dipping?
16. They didn't try to figure out who cast the deer patronus. They just accepted that a random one was randomly in the woods and randomly led them to the freaking SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR! Bloody hell...
17. In the book, Hedwig's cage falls off the moterbike and then she is hit, In the movie she's just randomly flying around and then shot down. I cried non-the-less :( I also cried when Dobby died! They did a very good job on that I think.
OK theres so much more, but that's enough for now.
Things I liked about the movie:
1. How they did the tale of the Three Brothers in semi-cartoon animation.
2. Harry and Hermione dancing! That was cute because there was no romantic chemistry, but Harry was just trying to cheer her up. Also I LOVE THE SONG PLAYED! (o' children by Nick Cave. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKWydA69o9E )
3. A lot of people didn't but I liked the locket scene. I thought they did a good job on making the images of Harry and Hermione look unreal. It did go a little too far, but ohwell. The things that they screwed up in this scene was that Voldemort doesn't come out of the locket (I don't think?) and also it goes on for longer than 30 seconds.
4. The colors were nice in the film. It wasn't happy obviously but it wasn't a super dark feel either.
5. I loved Hermione's beaded bag! hahaha
Ohkay sorry for rambling. <3 <3 <3
What were your likes and dislikes reguarding HP7.0 movie? comments!
Event time! Yesterday was fun. this was my day:
6:00: wake up, chek FR website, no snow day :(
6:05: go back to sleep till 6:30
6:30: mom wakes me up, tells me there is no snow day.
6:31: I die inside
6:40: I check again, jsut to be sure. SNOW DAY CONFIRMED! Call Jane then go back to bed
9:30: Wake up for real, get ressed, straighten hair, walk to Toads with Jane around 11:00
1:00: walk home from Toads, stop at library and check out 13 CDs to listen to.
3:50: head home, work on some homework, make soup and cookies
6:00: dinner time!
8:00: snowshoe around the block while mom cross country skis. No injuries reported.
10:00: Drive to Natasha's house in the snow! scary!
10:30: convince Natashas mom to let her come in the car while I do donuts in the deserted outletmall parking lot.
10:40: We win!
10:40-11:30: DONUTS and figure eights and fish-tails and slidding etc.
11:40: drop Natasha off
1:00 ish: fall asleep :)
Quote of the night (inbetween slides)
-Me: One sec, I gotta take my sweatshirt off!
-Mom: Let's just turn the heat down
-Natasha: It's freezing!
Fun times.
