As we all know, Forest Ridge is a special place.
We have no social life, constantly deprived of sleep, etc.
But we have fun, right? With all our friends and teachers...uuhhhhh hold up.
.....Teachers. FR Teachers.
Don't you all think some crazy teachers are absolutely nuts?!
There's one specific one who thinks it's normal to make hazardous lamps, hit poor Punky, ditch their students, lock their students in a room, break ovens while baking....etc. (cough cough...stargirl/flameboy/firefly/porcelain/moon dust/pretty pretty princess/their yabba lizerd)
Then there's this other teacher who is just....awkward? Except not...she's just another FAIL. She tells kids to "sell themselves" (but not in THAT way- good advice, right?), steals their lunch money, writes ransom notes, thinks a land bridge still exists between Russia and Canada, has issues driving (aka getting lost at a mall parking lot/getting hit by a bus), etc. (cough cough...FEET!)
Oh, but there's actually one really nice teacher at FR. CHACO!!!!! (rafferty) She's totally on our side (we think) and doesn't have a problem going against Flameboy and Feet. It's all good.
Well...we have to deal with these teachers every single day....
Pray for us.
Pray that we don't die from homemade brownies and lamps.
Pray that we don't ever get stuck on a landbridge (that doesn't really exist).
Oh, and pray that we somehow get to corrupt these teachers. Cause that's a nice bonus too.
Bahaha. Win! But don't forget the newly named Books. See how we have corrupted her? She wants a nickname too! We need to work on those names for the rest of us too.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say it was the biggest fail because you skipped the P theme, but okay