Monday, August 30, 2010


Everything is better with good music.  This is completely true.  Even with the impending doom of the first day of school tomorrow (eek). I feel completely calm.  Actually, for those of you who know me, that may not be such a good sign ;).

But anyways, no kidding.  On the drives to/from Cali, All I did was listen to my Zune.  When I'm Angry or Sad, I'll just find something to "concentrate" on and crank up the volume to the point of potential hearing damage.  It's really easy for me to tune everything out, and really think about whatever' is going on in your life.  For those of you who have experienced the powers of walking a labyrinth, that peaceful state you get yourself into is similar to what i feel when listening to music.

Today is a day of little words, sometimes that's just the way to go (also I didn't proofread, there will be enough of that in the school year ahead).

la di da di da di da di da.

For those of you (I can think of two people (hopefully)) who know the response to that should comment with it :D. Join in the mental preparation for hell.

--TTFN, luv ya's