So today is a Tuesday. Which will be followed by a Wednesday which will be followed by 5 short days which then will be followed by another Tuesday which will mark the official day of the beginning of work, study, stress, and long nights. Or what everyone over the age of 30 refers to as back to school. Are you excited? No? Sort of? I am a little bit, but I don't want summer to end. Which is why I am starting plan time machine/99999 billion dollars. Here's what's going down. We find someone with said amount of money. Hire them to build a super fancy time machine which takes us back to the beginning of summer, then when we reach this date for the second time, repeat. The only problem is that I don't think anyone has 99999 billion dollars to spare on seven hopeful girls. But we can dream. One good thing about going to to school, is the necessary purchases that come with it. However, going school supply shopping this year made me really depressed. While my list was basically a binder and some notebooks, there were about ten 7 year olds shouting out exciting things from their list such as "crayons!" "markers!" "colored paper!" Oh the thrilling school supply list of the elementary years. Yet another reason for the time machine. I did mange to convince my mom to buy me some things that weren't on the list such as a pink pencil case with cats all over it (it is quite ba) and a new desk (!!). I have a feeling the pencil case will match my graffiti backpack quite well. Leave a comment with your exciting (or not) purchases for the school year.
Now, onto a less depressing topic--This Saturday I went to the Lady Gaga concert. Not being a die-hard Gaga fan, I can say this. It. Was. Amazing. ohmygosh. Although the opening band (semi-precious-weapons) was a bit strange...self obsessed...crude...etc, she was crazy awesome. There were about 8 costume changes, and she did songs from both her monster album and fame album. Most people think of her as just whacked up, but she was actually really funny and nice and had lots of good messages (I feel like I sound like my mom saying that...lots of good messages...) but she did! This was pretty much my first concert. I've been to the Dixie Chicks concert with my moms before when I was about...7 maybe? But spent the whole time almost in tears with my fingers shoved into my ears because it was so loud. I have no doubt that this was a million times louder, but that just added to the whole thing. And oh my gosh she had an outfit made entirely of fringe. How cool is that. I can say that now I am a huge huge huge fan...Little Monster. I love her. :) Okay, I'll stop obsessing...
I just relized this post looks very boring. so Here's a random picture (literally, I googled "random picture")

Anyways, I hope you all have had a great summer. It's gone by fast, but that just means summer 2011 is closer.
I love you all!
Ciao! *K
BTW: If anyone wants to hang out today, text me. I'm doing nothing.
LADY GAGA. OH GOD. I love her.