How To Train Your Dragon came out today!!! I watched it with Cailyn earlier :) If you haven't seen it yet, you absolutely must! It's such a cute movie - definitely one of my favorites :D . Let's see... what else. We've had a pretty relxaing week, and other than a few tests, not much HW to do. I think next week is going to be harder though :( Well anyway's... did anyone see CSI last night? It was pretty creepy! And didn't you think about Spiderman 3's venom when you saw that guy? Major creepo. Well I gtg - it's time for Smallville! It's the 200th episode too. Yeah that's right. 200TH! It's the 10th year of production and the last season :( but it's still a great show.
Oh, and here's the Photoshop picture of the week:
