hahaa have you ever thought about that? Stream of thoughts...like thoughts floating down a small river...haha
I love the fish don't you? They're pretty great.
I have the red one, named Mr. Tumnus after that thing in Narnia :)
This week has been fairly uneventful. School's ok, home life's pretty good. It's my mom's 50th birthday on the 12th!
And my 1/2 birthday on the 7th!
Katie: two challenges:
thing I love about my self: eyes :)
something small I love: the wax on those cow bell cheeses
crazy thing I did: decided to go to Jerusalem
so...challenges completed.
What else...
Theology class has been........yeah.
Today she was playing silent night on her mac. Someone said they couldn't hear it. I said no pun intended. no one laughed.
Homework of the night: wordly wise and math. I find it funny that wordly isn't a word. and this is a book of words...
football game friday!
Theatre's really fun this year. Everyone should come see the play!
I have to memorize scene 1.1 lines by tomorrow! I only have four in that scene but still I have to memorize blocking...I should go do that.....
OH! My blog has 22 followers! if you haven't seen it: www.iwonder365.blogspot.com
Someone a few houses down just sneezed. Reaaaalllly loudly.
Have you ever wondered if the color I see as blue is the color you see as Red? Or if you hear what I'm saying but in another lnaguege? And when you talk a little translator in my ear makes it so I think you're talking in my languege but really you're talking in yours? How do we know that time is passing? How do we know someone didn't just press a start button and we don't just have it in our heads what our past is so we think time has passed but really the world just started? How do we know anything?
^^That was pretty much the topic of mom's and my walk 5 minutes ago. The thing she doen't know is that i started thinking about that when i was 7. Legit.
Well I should go do my homework :) Mr. Tumnus's birth certificate is below.
Ciao! *K
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