Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Say Yes to the Dress

That was a lot of fun tonight! Great speech, and Catherine and I were cracking up when that picture came up of the roller coaster.....pahahhaa

HARRY POTTER SOON YOU GUYS! I'll admit that I wasn't that into it (well it didn't show) and now people are giving me crap about that, but it is the last movie (technically) and I am just getting a billion times excited. And I went to the Harry Potter exhibit with Erin and Johanna. oh my freaking God. We were crying - no joke. It was so amazing.

Anyways, I have a ton of homework to do, so in the spirit of Cailyn's posts, this one is a shortie. but it wouldn't be complete without a picture, so...

Oh how times have changed.

Rylie :)