So, how was your week? Mine was alright, thank you very much. It ended quite nicely, because in religion (last period) we did this exercise where we wrote about our high and low points during the past 24 hours, and then talked with our desk partner about each other's highs and lows.It was really relaxing and refreshing to just talk with someone about life, especially about the things that might make you sad or upset, but you don't really say anything. You could apply this to your own life too! Just take a minute to talk with someone, family or friend (even stuffed animal!) about your problems. Stuffed animals won't even talk back to you if you just want someone to confide in and not get a response. Don't worry, you're not crazy if you sit in your room alone, talking to stuffed animals. Really, you're not. I do it all the time :D
Hey guess what? Since I was feeling super creative when I got home, you get 2 Photoshop Pictures of the Week! They are both of this PINK dog (that's the brand name because no, the dog is not the color pink) that I got a couple years ago as a present. Enjoy!

P.S. If you are going to Winterball, have fun! I wish I could go... yeah. TTYL!
BRAINS/PB! those are pretty legit pictures. i actually like them a lot :) we'll miss you at winter ball! and yes we must perfect this silent treatment.