what to write
what to writ
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Theme of the week?
Trivia question! post two in your blog. and post the answer in your next blog. and no googling!
How much did the largest cat weigh?
a) 27 pounds
b) 46 pounds
c) 69 pounds
d) 51 pounds
What was his/her name?
a) Himmey
b) Prudence
c) Decaf
d) Puggsley
Dress of the week:
I probably wouldn't wear it but i like the colors :)
g2g class is over, I'll write more soon
Pretty Little Liars on Hulu tonight! yay.
Tech week this week.
but next week will be worse.
What else.
not much really.
i hear music.
Oh it's Don Quixote.
I'm sick. again. which is stupid. and hella annoying.
i'll be 16 in 30 days. w00t.
probably going up to the island.
I feel like we all need to post. like actually. I haven't been posting lately. really it's only Katie and Cailyn and mostly Nathalia.
come on guys. I dare everyone to post on their day each day in April. heh.
ok i really have nothing else to say.
I love you all,
Prudence, 46 lbs?
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