First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAILYN GRIFFITH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A FABULOUS DAY! enjoy your T2Us and I'll bring said box tomorrow. And a Scott's on Friday :) For now enjoy the picture. MUCHAS SMOOCHAS BLAINEYBEAR!
ok so just replace luke with your name. and 30 with 16.
Cailyn and I will be brace face buddies. joy. I have wisdom teeth, but because of chemo my jaw did something weird and my 12 year molars haven't come in yet.
Chemo is stupid.
Secondly, good luck to everybody running for officers! Even if you don't win, we still love you a lot. Seriously. If you lose don't get sad or anything. Be happy for those who won and know that everyone loves you. Personally, I know that there's only one person in this class that doesn't go for but she isn't running so that's ok (you all know who it is). Anyways, good luck to everybody during the week and during speeches. I'm sure you'll rock it!
Thirdly, I'm gdoing some early campaigning. For ASB. It's sortof a package deal. sort of. Vote Anna Zimmerman for your President, Kylie Aberle for your Vice President, Catherine Kuo for Sec/Tres, and Cailyn Griffith for SPIRIT! We'll make your senior year a blast. All for one and one for all! I love you guys!
Dress of the week: Not sure if I actually like it or not, but I think it's cute :)
We're almost to the end of school guys! in 41 days we are OUTTA HERE! I'm actually very excited for this summer. I'm getting a job at a coffee shop in Friday Harbor, on the island, and then volunteering as an usher/set painter on days off! So excited! Maybe I'll pick up some cute island boy :) haha. Yasmin wants me to find one for her as well. Anyone else?
Glee is tonight. I'll post more on this after I watch. I hope it will be better than last time :\
And yes, I know I'm leaving you on your birthday Blainey, but hey, you weren't even around for mine :)
ok just watched glee.
Kurt and Blaine are adorable. Like, hands down best couple on the show. I' know I'm biased, but still. And I know that I've said that before but with each episode I love them even more. If that's even possible.
Which brings me to be my next point.
Do. Not. Hate. On. Kurt. I know the preview looked bad, but THE EPISODE IS CALLED RUMORS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. listen.
1) Kurt is the most honest, loyal, sweet, and good person on the show. he would NEVER do that. we know that. Kurt is not going to suddenly become some cheating jerk. he can't. he won't. then he wouldn't be Kurt. Kurt is sweet, honest, loyal, and just good. he would never ever do that.
2) i honestly don't think Sam would do that. Sam is a nice, sweet guy, and i don't think he is the cheating type. it is also gonna be rumored in the episode that he is cheating with Quinn, but i don't even think that would happen.i could see Quinn doing it, but i honestly don't think Sam would let anything happen, cause he is a good guy, and he knows that it would be wrong and hurt Finn. so i don't think cheating is something Sam would do.
3) Sam isn't gay! come on! Chord has already said that he is uncomfortable doing that, and even if, Sam as a character is too developed now to just randomly make him gay one day. i highly doubt that that would happen.
4) the episode is called Rumors. it is just gonna be some stupid rumor, and like most rumors, turn out to be a huge misunderstanding, and just a simple, innocent thing.
5) this is kinda important! KURT LOVES BLAINE! he would never do anything to hurt Blaine, nor would he ever cheat, because he has no reason to. Kurt is in love with Blaine, no one else. and he is with Blaine, so what more could he want. there is no reason for it. Kurt is dating the person that he loves, and he isn't going to cheat, because he has who he wants. we have to have faith in their relationship. they love each other, and stupid things like cheating would make no sense with them. this is the most important thing. we know that Kurt loves him, more then he has ever loved anyone else (still don't think he ever truly loved Finn, just a crush) and he is not going to hurt Blaine, or do anything that would put his relationship with the man he loves in danger. we must have faith in their love.
6) we know that Kurt and Blaine are not breaking up, and that they are going to prom together so there is nothing to worry about.
7) as has already been said, this is prolly just something that is meant to freak us Klaine shippers out, and in the end, silence all the Skurt shippers. this will prolly be the proof that they will NEVER happen, as has already been said on here. nothing bad is gonna happen to our Klaine.
I coped that from online, but the texts I sent to Cailyn right after I saw that in an effort not to be beaten up tomorrow proves I was thinking the same thing.
Here's another idea.
This is huge. I mean, if he did cheat (which he didn't). Rachel's nose job was headlines on spoilers like a month ago. Honestly don't you think that if he did cheat that would be ALL OVER THE INTERNET LIKE, AT LEAST A WEEK AGO? Here's the deal. The spoilers DO say we find out something about Sam. What if it's his mother. Like if she died, and then Kurt is the only one ho knows what he would be going through. PLUS episode 21 is called FUNERAL. just saying. ok that's enough for now. I'm sure you'll hear all about it from Cailyn and I tomorrow. No doubt.
Ok got to go, see you guys tomorrow!
Oh, and with regards to the title...we were sitting in Flameboy's office today and this hella creepy like asian, dojo music starts playing. it. was. scary. until we figured out it was her ringtone. then it was freaking hilarious. my god.
ReplyDelete2. who could say no to an island boy? :)
1. I love how you guys are so obsessed. It's like, what I grew up with. Mom and i would walk there every day during the summer and pay a quarter to playthe little pac-man game and eat our icecream :) i love summer.
ReplyDelete2. RIGHT?!