Huzzah! We've made it through this week seemingly unscathed. Through the late nights, tests, quizzes, papers, we have survived. And now it's time to celebrate!
Currently in the lounge again, listening to a very interesting conversation between Bailey and Rasika about numbers. Makes you think...
Anyways. What are you guys all doing during Sprink Break? Going anywhere exciting (if you haven't left already)? Tell about your exciting adventures! It can make up for the lack of ours, for the people who are staying home during vacation. Ah well, we'll have fun anyways.
But what's up with this weather?! I seriously hope that it brightens up. I know, I know, April showers bring May flowers, but can we just have a little sun now and again? Rain rain go away...
Nothing too serious to post about in light of our vaction time. Just relax and have a good break!
Also, the Photoshop Picture of the week! It's a really awesome pattern on a door on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. I really boosted the copper colors in the picture and did a ton of sharpening to get the edges of the metal to reflect in the edited version. I've decided that from now on I'm going to try and post the before and after versions of a picture that I've edited so you can really see and appreciate the difference and the hard work I put into the final results of my pictures :)

Enjoy your Sprink Break!
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