So.......I got my licence today. yep.
Who's excited for the class trip? :D
I feel like no one is. because we're camping. I've realized something recently. If you stop bitching about how hard your life is and go into things with a positive and optimistic attitude, they will turn out better. You should try it sometime. Instead of being like "This is going to be TERRIBLE!" or "I'M GUNNA DIEEE" just try to look at it in a new light, and stop bringing everyone else down with you. Because if you don't then people will stop wanting to hang out with you. Attitudes are contagious.
So even if you aren't 100% thrilled to be camping tomorrow, just make the best of it because honestly, life is too short to be pessimistic.
Glee finale tonight!
In response to Cailyn's link yesterday, you all should go read it. I'm up to chapter 23 (there are 44). IT IS TERRIBLE! but so so so funny. Stefanie and Cady told me about it. They're practically memorized the whole thing.
We have 3 more days of school left. That doesn't count finals, or our class trip. 3 more days or legit learning. Then summer!!
What are your summer plans?
I'm heading up to the island on the 9th of June with Jane. I'm going to volunteer painting sets, ushering, backstage, etc. at the community theatre in Friday Harbor. I'm so excited. I really love being a part of a community, even if I'm just background help. It's still great.
WHO SAW PIRATES 4? I went on Saturday night at 10:00 with Natasha. Even though there were only like 12 people in the theatre with us, some people got really into it. there were 2 boys who went all out in pirate costumes, and one woman who I'm fairly certain was in costume, but i wasn't sure.
Yeah, that reminded me of Cailyn and I.
Isn't it funny what reminds you of certain people? Like if I hear 'the little drummer boy', or see skippy's peanut butter I think of Jane. Let's go through everyone on this blog: ok first thing that comes to my mind:
Cailyn: Tupperwear, or satsumas
Ellen: Tortilla chips
Catherine: Sushi/belts
Nathalia: those horse club books
Katie: Alpacas/star wars
Not that anyone reads these posts completely, but if you are reading this, include a list like that in your blog :)
I need to go, love you all.
Lols. I will definitely do that Kylie ;)