I feel like I am being a way to laid back about finals. I don't even know why. I should be freaking out, but I'm just not. I know i can memorize all of the grammar tonight, and possible the vocab (but there won't be a lot of that on the test. just for the 2 writings) and chem will be fine because we get a note card. I'm sort of nervous for math, but I feel like I know all the concepts, it's only a matter of reviewing. a lot. haha.
but enough with finals.
and that is exciting.
What do you all have planned for summer? I am so excited.
June 9: Jane and I head up to the cabin
June 17: dress rehearsal for a show at the community theatre (I'm helping backstage with about 20 toddlers. oh boy.)
June 18: Dance Happy show. everything from 2 year old ballerinas, to 70 year old cloggers.
June 19-August 22: Find work where I can (hopefully at this cafe in Friday Harbor), volunteer ushering/refreshments at the San Juan Community theatre.
come up and see a show! If anyone wants to come up, just text me and I'll give you the ferry schedual/directions. Just come up whenever. It'll be a party.
Woah next time I blog it'll be summer.
Let's try to keep this up during the summer, I like hearing about what's going on in everyone's lives.
Ok random tanget: I decided I'm not pro-life, or pro-choice, I'm pro it-depends-on-the-situation-so-deal-with-your-own-business. Government should not have control of women's bodies.
ok anyways.
I am excited for summer.
and this is a good song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LloIp0HMJjc
Once you get past the......blood and women.
but it's a good song.
Props to Nicole Durham.
Ok i need to go,
Good luck on finals everybody.
Love you all!
Don't worry Kylie, I'm actually not that stressed about finals either. And I love the pic at the end of the post - so cute!