Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm starting to notice a pattern...I always have something I want to talk about during the week...but then when Monday comes, it just doesn't seem as important anymore... maybe i should take to drafting my posts beforehand and then just posting them on mondays...?  thoughts?

I really want to go read fanfic right now.
but I won't -.-

I should go work on the percolating questions...aka the questions where i will BS a lot of philosophical stuff, and it will make my teacher glad.

hahaha...suck it teachers.

anywaysss, i think FF is giving me a bad outlook on homework, it just doesn't seem as important anymore, and it's invading my time to be doing better things, and im taking out my frustration (rather rudely) in comments like the one above....

btws, i actually folded all my clothes yesterday. will probably never happen again.
and just so i don't feel dishonest, I was rocking out to the Glee Warblers CD and didn't want to have to stop it, so i just decided to keep putting stuff away... XD


some proof?

( i did not say i folded them well...)

also, look what i found!

A Floor! who knew I had one of these??
Not I.

--Muchas Smoochas!