oui. je suis malade. je ne l'aime pas. aujourd'hui, j'ai lu et regarde (that should have an accent) le hulu. c'est tous.
au revoir.
ellen :)
This blog is about the lives of 6 ordinary "FRidgers", all of whom are different in their own ways. Each person writes once a week, telling the world about the random thoughts that enter their heads.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I am actually in love with tumblr. no joke. yeah, i don't post anything, but I follow almost 50 people and it is the best thing on the internet. for. realz.
Updates on the world of Katie:
Junior year is going okay, i guess. school is very stressful, but i just found out that I don't have an English final, which is awesome!!!
Sydney and Jennifer are home! My besties (well, two of them... lol). I have too many friends #loljknosuchthing
There is a choir concert in like 2 weeks. leeeegit.
Blitz (indoor soccer team) is undefeated woooot. last game was 8-2. gotta love it!
I have 27,042 words on NaNoWriMo. that's cool. nbd.
Song of the Week ---> Your Man by Down with Webster
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Updates on the world of Katie:
Junior year is going okay, i guess. school is very stressful, but i just found out that I don't have an English final, which is awesome!!!
Sydney and Jennifer are home! My besties (well, two of them... lol). I have too many friends #loljknosuchthing
There is a choir concert in like 2 weeks. leeeegit.
Blitz (indoor soccer team) is undefeated woooot. last game was 8-2. gotta love it!
I have 27,042 words on NaNoWriMo. that's cool. nbd.
Song of the Week ---> Your Man by Down with Webster
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
essay writing
Sorry bros... If I had a weekend I'd post more. But I gotta write two paragraphs for English :( Maybe I'll come back later tonight and update.
Ellen :)
Ellen :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
^ nuff said. ^
but seriously, I've got such a terrible start. I didn't start formally writing until Saturday so I have to write about 3,000 words a night to finish on time.
in two nights i got to 6,765 though...so I'm not that worried. :3
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day off of School!
I have resolved to not talk about homework in my post today. Other than that one time I said it right there, that is it.
GUYS. How is life? Anybody feel like they can finally live again? It is WONDERFUL. I don't know about you, but I have plans this weekend and it is great to have something fun to do! I've read two books so far. Well technically only read one all the way through, the other one I had started. I read the Death Cure (sequel to the Maze Runner and the Scorch Trials) - it was decent. Not as good as its precursors, but not awful or anything. And then then I have Underdogs which is a compilation of the three Cameron Wolfe stories by Marcus Zusak. I was rereading it, but even so, I love Getting the Girl. Cameron Wolfe is a wonderful person. Anyway. I also caught up on Glee and Castle. DAMIAN'S ONE LINE WAS GREAT. Ha ha! I can't wait to see more of him. He's definitely my favorite <3 as Cailyn knows from my over-raving :)
Anyway... I don't know what else to say really.
And I haven't heard any jokes lately... which is a major bummer. Funniest thing to happen this week was the English class that Johanna played Jeremy and Stepho had to sing. Johanna was soooo funny, because of course, as Jeremy she had to hit on Mattie. Anyway it was a great moment.
I feel like I don't see you guys anymore! Except Cailyn because we have every class together :) )(but even so we should hang out). This is a major bummer. Maybe we should have like a bloggers reunion or something so we can hang out.
Ciao! Enjoy the weekend!
Ellen :)
GUYS. How is life? Anybody feel like they can finally live again? It is WONDERFUL. I don't know about you, but I have plans this weekend and it is great to have something fun to do! I've read two books so far. Well technically only read one all the way through, the other one I had started. I read the Death Cure (sequel to the Maze Runner and the Scorch Trials) - it was decent. Not as good as its precursors, but not awful or anything. And then then I have Underdogs which is a compilation of the three Cameron Wolfe stories by Marcus Zusak. I was rereading it, but even so, I love Getting the Girl. Cameron Wolfe is a wonderful person. Anyway. I also caught up on Glee and Castle. DAMIAN'S ONE LINE WAS GREAT. Ha ha! I can't wait to see more of him. He's definitely my favorite <3 as Cailyn knows from my over-raving :)
Anyway... I don't know what else to say really.
And I haven't heard any jokes lately... which is a major bummer. Funniest thing to happen this week was the English class that Johanna played Jeremy and Stepho had to sing. Johanna was soooo funny, because of course, as Jeremy she had to hit on Mattie. Anyway it was a great moment.
I feel like I don't see you guys anymore! Except Cailyn because we have every class together :) )(but even so we should hang out). This is a major bummer. Maybe we should have like a bloggers reunion or something so we can hang out.
Ciao! Enjoy the weekend!
Ellen :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
So many words.
Yes I know it's late, but I have been working all day on my history paper and NaNoWriMo and NOT calculus because math is a deceptive liar who doesn't know when to be a fraction and when to just be a derivative. Seriously, bro, you can't have it all.
Since I have so many other words to write tonight, you get a very very rough excerpt of my novel.
" That Thursday night, like so many nights before, I found myself sitting at my window seat, staring into the night. I had turned off the lights in my room and everything inside was touched by the eerie, bluish glow of the moonlight. Outside, I could see the first signs of frost forming on the grass and the blades still swaying slightly in the October breeze. The tree tops above made a hard, moving black line against the still, clear sky, and as I stared at the stars, I remembered the days where I still believed in wishing. Wishing on stars, or wishing in general, I didn’t know. Neither had gotten me anywhere good.
Some days, I did think that I could wish myself back to when I believed. When I was young, I would wish on the same star every night until the clouds had come in for good. The day I stopped seeing that star was the first reality check of my life. My father had set me on his lap and told me through my six year-old tears that wishing on a star wouldn’t make something happen; I had to get it myself. Wishing on the star just made me want it more.
And now, as I looked out my bedroom window, staring at the star. I wished with all my heart that I really could wish. But it wouldn’t happen. Things had changed."
Song of the Week ---> Yellow (cover) by the Vitamin String Quartet
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Since I have so many other words to write tonight, you get a very very rough excerpt of my novel.
" That Thursday night, like so many nights before, I found myself sitting at my window seat, staring into the night. I had turned off the lights in my room and everything inside was touched by the eerie, bluish glow of the moonlight. Outside, I could see the first signs of frost forming on the grass and the blades still swaying slightly in the October breeze. The tree tops above made a hard, moving black line against the still, clear sky, and as I stared at the stars, I remembered the days where I still believed in wishing. Wishing on stars, or wishing in general, I didn’t know. Neither had gotten me anywhere good.
Some days, I did think that I could wish myself back to when I believed. When I was young, I would wish on the same star every night until the clouds had come in for good. The day I stopped seeing that star was the first reality check of my life. My father had set me on his lap and told me through my six year-old tears that wishing on a star wouldn’t make something happen; I had to get it myself. Wishing on the star just made me want it more.
And now, as I looked out my bedroom window, staring at the star. I wished with all my heart that I really could wish. But it wouldn’t happen. Things had changed."
Song of the Week ---> Yellow (cover) by the Vitamin String Quartet
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Dance Co.!
FIrst of all, I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone in dance company - you all were amazing! I appreciate all your hard work to put on a great show for all of us.
Ok, we have so much homework this weekend, it's not even funny. And I want to write a ton for NaNoWriMo, but that comes after my history paper. I just need more time to complete everything. GAH. As Cailyn says, IMMADIE.
Ok, thanks for letting me put that on the record. Here's how I'm going to feel this weekend:
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
This will make you happy
Go here: http://www.bing.com/
Go back three days.
You will be happy. If you aren't you have no soul.
Speaking of soulless, how about Turner and this stupid research paper??? Only kidding I love Ms. Turner and she had some crazy-cool stories, wow. She is a very impressive person! But I still don't want to write my history paper. Ick.
Anyway. NEARLY THE FIVE DAY WEEKEND. Goal=survive through Tuesday. Mission Impossible? Tune in next week to find out :P
Ciao, and GOOD LUCK!
Ellen :)
Go back three days.
You will be happy. If you aren't you have no soul.
Speaking of soulless, how about Turner and this stupid research paper??? Only kidding I love Ms. Turner and she had some crazy-cool stories, wow. She is a very impressive person! But I still don't want to write my history paper. Ick.
Anyway. NEARLY THE FIVE DAY WEEKEND. Goal=survive through Tuesday. Mission Impossible? Tune in next week to find out :P
Ciao, and GOOD LUCK!
Ellen :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Look at me posting away
I made my pumpkin a braceface, isn't that nice? hehe
Also, my costume looks... funny. Too say the least. All I can say is that I am adorable.
Something that really bothers me is when people dress up as things like Arab people or Native Americans. Nobody dresses up like white people so nobody should dress up like any other color of people. End of story.
Okay I have to clean my room and write my history paper and vacuum and not write my NaNoWriMo yet because it is not time.
Song of the Week ---> Lack of Color by Deathcab for Cutie
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I made my pumpkin a braceface, isn't that nice? hehe
Also, my costume looks... funny. Too say the least. All I can say is that I am adorable.
Something that really bothers me is when people dress up as things like Arab people or Native Americans. Nobody dresses up like white people so nobody should dress up like any other color of people. End of story.
Okay I have to clean my room and write my history paper and vacuum and not write my NaNoWriMo yet because it is not time.
Song of the Week ---> Lack of Color by Deathcab for Cutie
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Hey! It worked!
Yay! Some people remembered to post!
Do any of the other people even check the blog? I would hate to think that no one sees what we write... depressing thought.
Sigh. So November is almost here. And I haven't decided if I should do NaNoWriMo yet or not. It's a big commitment, and I'm not sure I can handle the extra work I would put on myself on top of school work. And with the play and tech weeks coming up... my schedule is looking really ugly. Ugh.
It's Friday night, and I think I'm going to do some homework, but I'm soooo tired. Maybe I won't. I haven't done anything yet... Who knows, who cares. I want to have a good weekend, because last weekend I did all my homework all weekend long and didn't do anything enjoyable for myself. It's a hard balance to keep here :|
As you all know, I've been pretty busy. Hence I have not had time to do any Photoshop pictures. So I will continue to post MLP pictures to fill the void until I can get some work done. Enjoy these Halloween pics!

I love that last one. If you played any Legend of Zelda games, you would understand the reference :P
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hey, I remembered
...to post! Wow! Though sorry, not much to say because my day to post is a weekday (duh it's Wednesday) thus I need to do work >.< how terrible. So nothing much new to say, just that we are doing watercolor in art and I really enjoy it! However I talk to my paints, which maybe be a bit worrying...? Ooo and what are you being for Halloween? Leave a comment below or in your next post :)
Ellen :)
Ellen :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Well what a great start we've gotten this year...
I definitely missed playing with my fishies ^ up there...
Just saying, it really doesn't motivate anyone to post when all you think about is food and hw and sleep and not going insane....yeah.
No, nathalia, this isn't de-stressing me. Now, I have to think about something to talk to electrical signals about. It's really stressful. ...whattosaywhattosaywhattosay.
...just so you know, I'm going to try and start saying MDR now instead of lol or anything. Maybe I'm just strange but mdr sounds fun.
You guys should do NaNoWriMo with me. Except instead of our goal being to write a novel this month, our goal should be to write on the blog. get back in habit and whatnot. (who the hell actually uses "whatnot" in everyday conversation?)
My dad and I had a conversation about how I would like to be a red panda. I would eat, sleep, and climb trees all day long. If I were feeling particularly energetic I would cause mass panic by escaping my habitat thingy (i would want to be in the zoo, they bring me foods and have doctors) and heading over to the gift shop. I think I would have fun trying to make all the little kids try making their parents buy me. Yea. That's the kind of thing I think about...
Friday, October 14, 2011
2nd Post in 2 Weeks
It's kind of pathetic. Oh well. Please don't forget about the blog, peeps! It's a nice little stress reliever... It doesn't even have to be long, just something. To make it seem like we still care about this wonderful little blog. Ok, that's all I can ask for. Moving on.
So glad the PSAT is over, and now we have a four day weekend! Wohoo! Except most of my weeked is pretty busy. But that's ok. It means I won't get bored.
I haven't had much time to do any Photoshop pics of the week - Promise next week I'll have an original pic to post!

This pic is to celebrate the release of IOS 5!!!
And see, that's the end of my post. Enjoy your weekend!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Early Post... Only Post
Why is this the only post this week? I mean, I know I didn't post last week, but... You know, this could be a good homework break. Just writing your heart out. So yeah. The reason I'm posting so early is because I'm not going to be able to post after school since I'm leaving to Oregon for a Tae Kwon Do tournament. Wish me luck!
Mornings are so tiresome. So are Fridays. Oh well, at least I only had certain clases 3x this week.
Why is there music playing in the lounge? It's too eaaaarrrrlllyyy.
Ugh. Losing inspiration.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I am not at homecoming
The above fact makes me quite sad.
I want to go out tonight. Like, I want to go out and have an adventure. It's Saturday night people and I am sitting at home writing a blog.
Maybe I will do some calculus... what fun...
Oh well tomorrow I am going to visit the glorious Ellen and go indoor skydiving.
Speaking of Ellen, she is very funny when she is on pain medication.
I need an adventure. I want to go out and meet new people and do something crazy... like jump off a bridge. Or climb up a building. Or rob a bank.
Jk I would not rob a bank that is illegal and silly.
But seriously I am so full of energy right now, probably from the excessive amount of caffeine I had today, and I need to go do something awesome.
I want to go rock climbing. YES good idea on Katie's part.
But like, not, because who would go to vertical world with me at 9:00 at night?
Nobody :(
Oh well.
I guess I will just sit at home and watch Project Runway and House and maybe do some calculus.
COWculus... mooooo
Song of the week ---> Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I want to go out tonight. Like, I want to go out and have an adventure. It's Saturday night people and I am sitting at home writing a blog.
Maybe I will do some calculus... what fun...
Oh well tomorrow I am going to visit the glorious Ellen and go indoor skydiving.
Speaking of Ellen, she is very funny when she is on pain medication.
I need an adventure. I want to go out and meet new people and do something crazy... like jump off a bridge. Or climb up a building. Or rob a bank.
Jk I would not rob a bank that is illegal and silly.
But seriously I am so full of energy right now, probably from the excessive amount of caffeine I had today, and I need to go do something awesome.
I want to go rock climbing. YES good idea on Katie's part.
But like, not, because who would go to vertical world with me at 9:00 at night?
Nobody :(
Oh well.
I guess I will just sit at home and watch Project Runway and House and maybe do some calculus.
COWculus... mooooo
Song of the week ---> Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I know I don't usually post... but y'all should post more
Like just one sentence. Or so. Yeah that's what I'm doing, because I have SO MUCH WORK TO DO. Mainly because I go to DC next week... yikes!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
It wasn't just junior year... it was junior year PLUS IB
That would be the title of a horror film, yeah? So anyway. If you haven't seen this movie, I DO NOT recommend checking it out, because it freaking SUCKS. The plot is interesting, but the stress is WAY TO HIGH and there is too freaking much going on. At least HW wise. So yeah.
Btw, VARSITY SOCCER WON 3-0 vs. BUSH HELL YES. It was wonderful. You should all come watch Friday's game. DO IT.
Okay, bye.
Bonne chance mes amies,
mon coeur est avec vous.
Ellen :)
Btw, VARSITY SOCCER WON 3-0 vs. BUSH HELL YES. It was wonderful. You should all come watch Friday's game. DO IT.
Okay, bye.
Bonne chance mes amies,
mon coeur est avec vous.
Ellen :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
I'm Alive...
In response to Cailyn's title ^
Anyways, I'm so glad it's Friday. Even though I have a crapload of stuff to do, at least I have the whole weekend to look forward too. But on a different note, guess what? I finished my last Swerve drive today! I'm hoping to get my license ASAP :D
Things outside of school all seem to be falling into place perfectly for me - drama tech, a tutoring job, driving, etc. So when I get time on the weekend to just enjoy those moments when I realize my life isn't so bad, I feel a lot better.
Also, I'm really excited to try out for Chamber Choir. I'm hoping I can get in, because I think I'm at the point now where I can truly commit more time to choir, because it has always been something I loved, but I just wasn't sure Chamber Choir would be my thing.
So Photoshop picture of the week. This is a background I made myself, using a repition of the letter N in a scripty font. The resolution settings got kind of funky, so it's a bit more blurry than what it originally was. It was a lot of fun to make, and if you want I can make one for you using your initial. Just leave a comment or shoot me an email.

Love you all, but I've got (homework) to do!
Anyways, I'm so glad it's Friday. Even though I have a crapload of stuff to do, at least I have the whole weekend to look forward too. But on a different note, guess what? I finished my last Swerve drive today! I'm hoping to get my license ASAP :D
Things outside of school all seem to be falling into place perfectly for me - drama tech, a tutoring job, driving, etc. So when I get time on the weekend to just enjoy those moments when I realize my life isn't so bad, I feel a lot better.
Also, I'm really excited to try out for Chamber Choir. I'm hoping I can get in, because I think I'm at the point now where I can truly commit more time to choir, because it has always been something I loved, but I just wasn't sure Chamber Choir would be my thing.
So Photoshop picture of the week. This is a background I made myself, using a repition of the letter N in a scripty font. The resolution settings got kind of funky, so it's a bit more blurry than what it originally was. It was a lot of fun to make, and if you want I can make one for you using your initial. Just leave a comment or shoot me an email.

Love you all, but I've got (homework) to do!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
OOOO, who's still alive??

Hey guys. So update on me?
I'm petsitting this cat next door (Jasper), and it's been 4 days since I've been going over there, and I'm going to go over every day ish for two weeks.
So...Jasper is an outdoor cat, but I've been told he should probably stay inside for the duration of his owner's trip.. Yeah. It's pretty exciting when animals escape. I think it's getting smarter.
Today when I went over, I opened the door as I usually did, trying to be really quick about it so I could get in and close the door before Jasper shows up, but also as usual, I couldn't and made a TON of noise fiddling with the bolt and the lock. So...jasper's waiting for me. I have to put my leg in his way, so he won't get through my feet, but that didn't really change anything for some reason this time. Maybe Jasper is more comfortable around me...but he zooooomed right on past.
I said that he was getting smarter, but I guess not that smart. He stopped, to bask in his freedom...literally on the door mat. So I picked him up and set him down right inside the door again. If cats had more prominent facial expressions...I bet I'd see one of my own regulars on his face. He was definitely mewl-ing the part.
Yeah. so that's Jasper in the picture. He always looks like that when we leave, probably wondering what the hell made us so special to be able to open the doorknob when he can't (he's tried).
On a more school related note (BECAUSE WE'RE BACK IN SCHOOL Y'ALL X_x)
What are you guys thinking for CAS? I'm a little interested in volunteering for an organization called Teen Link. If I was able to, I would be able to volunteer answering phones for their suicide help line. I think it would be really interesting, and I love being able to talk to people.
But yeah... CAS projects anyone?
Friday, September 9, 2011
It's about time!
It's about time that I posted again! Or anyone else for that matter...
So. School started. Pretty exciting, huh? Lots to think about, lots to do. I'm not a big fan of the 1 1/2 hour block periods, but hopefully we can adjust. I am however excited for HL art. That class will be amazing. And history. Love the topic, and I actually don't mind the reading too much. What are you all looking forward to in this year's classes?
Also, Drama Tech for this year's play, The Mouse That Roared, could use a few more members. The times are 3x a week after school until 5:20, but it's pretty flexible. And lots of fun - don't forget that! BTW you can do dance company and drama tech. So consider joining if you have the time, I promise you won't regret it. This also fills a drama credit in case anyone needs that...
Well, I don't have too much more to post, and I've homework to do. Sorry guys, no Photoshop picture of the week.
Have a good weekend! (I know I will!)
So. School started. Pretty exciting, huh? Lots to think about, lots to do. I'm not a big fan of the 1 1/2 hour block periods, but hopefully we can adjust. I am however excited for HL art. That class will be amazing. And history. Love the topic, and I actually don't mind the reading too much. What are you all looking forward to in this year's classes?
Also, Drama Tech for this year's play, The Mouse That Roared, could use a few more members. The times are 3x a week after school until 5:20, but it's pretty flexible. And lots of fun - don't forget that! BTW you can do dance company and drama tech. So consider joining if you have the time, I promise you won't regret it. This also fills a drama credit in case anyone needs that...
Well, I don't have too much more to post, and I've homework to do. Sorry guys, no Photoshop picture of the week.
Have a good weekend! (I know I will!)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Last Katie Post of the Summer
Well summer is almost over. I guess it's been really successful. I relaxed, had adventures, met new people, and played a TON of video games. I also made a lot of friendship bracelets... haha. We should make blog friendship bracelets with six strings and each string represents us. They should be the color of our fish (hehehe).
The fish are the best part of this whole blog.
I think I am the only one who really posts... Nathalia usually does. But OH WELL.
School is starting up. Are you guys excited? I am. I want to use my brain. And see my friends.
But we have to start thinking about SATs and colleges this year. That part is very stressful, although college life sounds really good right about now.
I am going to giv eyou a link to the Song of the Week from now on. Please listen to them! Music is a really important part of my life and I love to share it with others (trolololo). But seriously, do it.
Song of the week ---> Sweet and Low by Augustana
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
The fish are the best part of this whole blog.
I think I am the only one who really posts... Nathalia usually does. But OH WELL.
School is starting up. Are you guys excited? I am. I want to use my brain. And see my friends.
But we have to start thinking about SATs and colleges this year. That part is very stressful, although college life sounds really good right about now.
I am going to giv eyou a link to the Song of the Week from now on. Please listen to them! Music is a really important part of my life and I love to share it with others (trolololo). But seriously, do it.
Song of the week ---> Sweet and Low by Augustana
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2nd to last KatiePost of the summer
We start school in like almost a week. Oh dear... BAH
I'm watching that 70s show... this is my life. no joke.
And I've been DRIVING!!! AHHH!! I haven't even gotten in a crash... so proud of meeeee. yayyyyy katieee.
AP calculus has started, as well as soccer. Calc is actually a ton of fun. Our class already has LOADS of inside jokes. Like... MOOOOOOOOO. MEROOOOOOOOOOO. and "cowculus taught me how to jerk!!!" I love math.
And soccer! Oh my gosh, it is so much fun. It's stressful, because I put so much pressure on myself. But it is so great to play the sport again and see all my sporty friends. And the new coach is just great. So much better than Walt! But Walt is funny and awkward so I like having him around. And the coach Jeff is cool too. He's a chill guy.
Also... The Help is a GREAT MOVIE (sorry Ellen...) I have seen it twice already this week... lol. So good. So you should watch it. It will change your life. GO. NOW.
I can hear a party going on in the neighborhood. A party I was not invited to. Dumb neighbors.
Song of the Week ---> "Death of an Interior Designer" by Death Cab for Cutie
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I'm watching that 70s show... this is my life. no joke.
And I've been DRIVING!!! AHHH!! I haven't even gotten in a crash... so proud of meeeee. yayyyyy katieee.
AP calculus has started, as well as soccer. Calc is actually a ton of fun. Our class already has LOADS of inside jokes. Like... MOOOOOOOOO. MEROOOOOOOOOOO. and "cowculus taught me how to jerk!!!" I love math.
And soccer! Oh my gosh, it is so much fun. It's stressful, because I put so much pressure on myself. But it is so great to play the sport again and see all my sporty friends. And the new coach is just great. So much better than Walt! But Walt is funny and awkward so I like having him around. And the coach Jeff is cool too. He's a chill guy.
Also... The Help is a GREAT MOVIE (sorry Ellen...) I have seen it twice already this week... lol. So good. So you should watch it. It will change your life. GO. NOW.
I can hear a party going on in the neighborhood. A party I was not invited to. Dumb neighbors.
Song of the Week ---> "Death of an Interior Designer" by Death Cab for Cutie
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Soccer has STARTED
Soccer has started! I love playing a sport, and I LOVE soccer. I am not very good at soccer, but I absolutely love the people who play! So much! And I feel like I've gotten so much better at soccer over the past two years, hopefully this year is good too. Speaking of sports, I have the opportunity to play fall ball (fall lacrosse) with PSS (Puget Sound Select - team Lindsay, Kelly, and Nicole play for). I really want to play because I do want to get better, but also I feel like all the people on the team are WAY better than I am, because I got worse over the summer (not kidding). On our FR team our coach is always telling us how to get better, and on my summer team they would never correct me or help me in that way, so I fell back into all my old bad habits. So I'm pretty on the fence. On one hand, playing would be great and I would get better, while on the other I'm scared s***less to be playing with people who have so much more experience than I do. What do you think? Feel free to help out with my dilemma haha. Anywaaaays. I just got back from Maine! Isle Au Haut to be precise. It is very wonderful up there. My cousin and I probably would've set the Guiness World Record for the farthest distance traveled by two people on one bicycle that was not a tandem bike. We had a lot of fun. I love hanging with my cousins.
Anyway, WHO WATCHED THE GLEE PROJECT. Oh my god. I don't want to give anything way in case you haven't seen it yet. But there is a certain contender who I LOVE SO MUCH (Cailyn knows all too well... :)) and it was the cutest thing of my life. <3
Ciao for now,
Ellen :)
Oh dang I need a joke. I may give this up unless I hear a really good one to share. Sorry broskis (new favorite word). Joke would have to be Walter's various hairstyles (BHAHAHAHAH). Okay yeah. I'll only share if I actually have something now. Bye!
Anyway, WHO WATCHED THE GLEE PROJECT. Oh my god. I don't want to give anything way in case you haven't seen it yet. But there is a certain contender who I LOVE SO MUCH (Cailyn knows all too well... :)) and it was the cutest thing of my life. <3
Ciao for now,
Ellen :)
Oh dang I need a joke. I may give this up unless I hear a really good one to share. Sorry broskis (new favorite word). Joke would have to be Walter's various hairstyles (BHAHAHAHAH). Okay yeah. I'll only share if I actually have something now. Bye!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
And it begins...
So we started AP calc yesterday. I actually understand it. yay.
Test tomorrow though, not looking forward to that.
Not much to report.
I'm heading up to the island on Saturday thru the next Sunday.
Test tomorrow though, not looking forward to that.
Not much to report.
I'm heading up to the island on Saturday thru the next Sunday.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
WTF y'all gotta POST
The point in having a BLOOOOG is that everyone should POOOST. I really want to keep this up in the school year as well. I know we're busy, but I look forward to this... haha... bahh.
I just made pizza. It was a quattro fromaggi (4 cheese). DELICIOUS. I'm going to bring it to eat during math class and I don't care what Mr. Pesce says. SO HA.
I am playing Harry Potter Lego again. I LOVE MY LIFE.
I went on a 5 mile hike up a mountain today so I can do that kind of unproductive shit and still feel good about myself.
My back is hurting. I am concerned.
Does anybody even still read this anymore?
Song of the Week ---> Falling Down by Space Cowboys
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
a taste of what i do every day
I am too lazy to write a long blog post today so here is a list of the things I have done recently.
1. Got my belly button pierced
2. Went to South Carolina and stayed with Maddie Bean for a week
3. Got stung by a jellyfish
3. Went to my friend's dad's wedding reception
4. Played Harry Potter video games
This is really short so here are some funny pictures.
Song of the Week ---> Roll Up by Wiz Khalifa
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
1. Got my belly button pierced
2. Went to South Carolina and stayed with Maddie Bean for a week
3. Got stung by a jellyfish
3. Went to my friend's dad's wedding reception
4. Played Harry Potter video games
This is really short so here are some funny pictures.

Song of the Week ---> Roll Up by Wiz Khalifa
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I'm feeling creative
Yeah. I'm in a creative mood. It's bright and sunny outside my bedroom window, and I've been stuck doing math homework for the past couple of hours, not to mention getting all my outlines and resources ready for a tutoring session tonight. I don't want to sit down any more. So that's why 20 minutes ago I got up and made a bottle cap. You know, where you put a picture or bauble and stuff and use glaze glue to seal it all in? Yeah, so I basically found a bunch of cool beads that I wasn't using for earrings and dumped them into a cap with glaze to get a rainbow charm type deal. I'm going to attach a clip and hang it on my backpack. Here's a picture of it taken from my phone:
Kinda cute, huh?
So I'm kinda miffed that they haven't posted the school supply list yet. Normally it's out by now. And I need to go shopping for stuff like, this weekend. Because then I'm gone afterwards to Oregon and California, and then school starts. And there will be no cute supplies left once school starts. This is a tragedy. :(
Oh! You know what, Glee the 3-D Concert came out today! I really want to go see it. I heard from people that it's quite good. I'm looking forward to going in the next week or so.
I just saw the UPS guy drive by my house outside my window. I got another Sephora package yesterday, with another eyeliner and lipgloss. Yes I know, how could I possibly want more. I needed to spend those giftcards though. Anyways, my eyeliner is coppery pink, by Tokidoki. And the lip gloss is clear, by Philosohpy. It smells like coconut and vanilla. Yum :) perfect for summer.
Anyways, Photoshop picture of the week. Not much done to this pic, taken in Hawaii. Just minor touch ups. It's a sign you see as you go to the Black Sand beach on the Big Island. We stopped by on the way to the Volcano National Park.
Enjoy your weekend!

Kinda cute, huh?
So I'm kinda miffed that they haven't posted the school supply list yet. Normally it's out by now. And I need to go shopping for stuff like, this weekend. Because then I'm gone afterwards to Oregon and California, and then school starts. And there will be no cute supplies left once school starts. This is a tragedy. :(
Oh! You know what, Glee the 3-D Concert came out today! I really want to go see it. I heard from people that it's quite good. I'm looking forward to going in the next week or so.
I just saw the UPS guy drive by my house outside my window. I got another Sephora package yesterday, with another eyeliner and lipgloss. Yes I know, how could I possibly want more. I needed to spend those giftcards though. Anyways, my eyeliner is coppery pink, by Tokidoki. And the lip gloss is clear, by Philosohpy. It smells like coconut and vanilla. Yum :) perfect for summer.
Anyways, Photoshop picture of the week. Not much done to this pic, taken in Hawaii. Just minor touch ups. It's a sign you see as you go to the Black Sand beach on the Big Island. We stopped by on the way to the Volcano National Park.
Enjoy your weekend!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hahahahah so the title ^ I just typed a random letter into the the "Title:" box and on a drop-down menu, "Bubbles" came up. It made me laugh so I made it my title today.
Do you think bubbles would freeze if it was cold enough out? I wanna try it... that'd be legit.
I need to write three essays tonight. I NEED MOTIVATION. So I just bought myself this "Livestrong" bracelet. I am going to wear it now for motivation. THOSE ESSAYS ARE GOING DOWN. I mean it. For sure. I swear, you contact me any time tonight and I will be working on them. Unless I'm done with them. Anybody want to have an essay contest? Kylie and I did that once and it worked pretty well. I have my last summer lax practice tomorrow... next sport, soccer! Yikes we might have enough for two teams this year... eep! Wish me luck! I want to make varsity, but I'll convince myself to have a good time on JV too. Plus people tend to drop out of soccer eventually anyway.
Alllrighty. Joke of the week: Following Kelly. Yikes. Hahahah quite the adventure.
Love y'all! I'll be in Maine next week - no computer, no phone, no Facebook, no electricity, LIFE WILL BE GOOD. I cannot wait.
Ellen :)
Do you think bubbles would freeze if it was cold enough out? I wanna try it... that'd be legit.
I need to write three essays tonight. I NEED MOTIVATION. So I just bought myself this "Livestrong" bracelet. I am going to wear it now for motivation. THOSE ESSAYS ARE GOING DOWN. I mean it. For sure. I swear, you contact me any time tonight and I will be working on them. Unless I'm done with them. Anybody want to have an essay contest? Kylie and I did that once and it worked pretty well. I have my last summer lax practice tomorrow... next sport, soccer! Yikes we might have enough for two teams this year... eep! Wish me luck! I want to make varsity, but I'll convince myself to have a good time on JV too. Plus people tend to drop out of soccer eventually anyway.
Alllrighty. Joke of the week: Following Kelly. Yikes. Hahahah quite the adventure.
Love y'all! I'll be in Maine next week - no computer, no phone, no Facebook, no electricity, LIFE WILL BE GOOD. I cannot wait.
Ellen :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Long time no blog
Hey, sorry I haven't posted since the beginning of the summer. My computer was in the matrix (my B, 1, AND A keys work now, as well as the left half of my space bar. happy day.).
I really don't know what to blog about right now.
My life is sort of on an emotional roller coaster.
My family is in a rough place right now, mostly caused by uncertainty of Grandpa's health conditions. We're getting some good news, lots of bad news. I'm at the hospital with him right now. It's weird being with someone who you know is not going to be getting any better. They look so helpless and it sucks because I can't do anything. All we can do is be here for him and grandma right now. It's also hard because even though he's my grandpa, he's moms father. So its super extra hard for her to see the man she grew up with in such a state of solitude and stagnancy.
Right now he's trying to explain how to play angry birds to grandma.
"Get him off of there! GET HIM OFF! level failed. tell me about it!" i love my grandma.
But anyways, it's just hard because I want to be of help you know, but i think the best I can so right now is just be here and available to talk to whoever needs to.
Moving on.
Yesterday I found a four-leaf clover. It was a good day.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Cailyn and I are going shopping, then we're seeing the early premier of Glee 3D with Catherine and Ariel. I haven't seen Ariel in forever so that'll be lots of fun. I miss my junior.
I have a pretty fun rest of the summer. Jane and I are going to Leavenworth with mom for a few days, and then Maddy and I are going to Portland. That's going to be great. I love spontaneous trips.
Speaking of spontaneous, I haven't seen Mamma Mia in a while.
Maybe I'll watch that tonight. Lift my spirits up. That, and the Sound of Music.
I slept over at Jane's house last night and we had a mini iCarly marathon. I love that show. It's actually really funny.
I should go, I'll post more later.
Love you all, Kylie.
I really don't know what to blog about right now.
My life is sort of on an emotional roller coaster.
My family is in a rough place right now, mostly caused by uncertainty of Grandpa's health conditions. We're getting some good news, lots of bad news. I'm at the hospital with him right now. It's weird being with someone who you know is not going to be getting any better. They look so helpless and it sucks because I can't do anything. All we can do is be here for him and grandma right now. It's also hard because even though he's my grandpa, he's moms father. So its super extra hard for her to see the man she grew up with in such a state of solitude and stagnancy.
Right now he's trying to explain how to play angry birds to grandma.
"Get him off of there! GET HIM OFF! level failed. tell me about it!" i love my grandma.
But anyways, it's just hard because I want to be of help you know, but i think the best I can so right now is just be here and available to talk to whoever needs to.
Moving on.
Yesterday I found a four-leaf clover. It was a good day.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Cailyn and I are going shopping, then we're seeing the early premier of Glee 3D with Catherine and Ariel. I haven't seen Ariel in forever so that'll be lots of fun. I miss my junior.
I have a pretty fun rest of the summer. Jane and I are going to Leavenworth with mom for a few days, and then Maddy and I are going to Portland. That's going to be great. I love spontaneous trips.
Speaking of spontaneous, I haven't seen Mamma Mia in a while.
Maybe I'll watch that tonight. Lift my spirits up. That, and the Sound of Music.
I slept over at Jane's house last night and we had a mini iCarly marathon. I love that show. It's actually really funny.
I should go, I'll post more later.
Love you all, Kylie.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Happy first Friday in August everyone!
So guess what? I got early access to Pottermore by completing the magicial quill contest thingy at 6 am this morning. I was assigned the username MidnightUnicorn139, which is quite lovely. I like unicorns. Actually, I got this app called I'ma Unicorn, but that's another story :D I'm super excited! I am eagerly awaiting my welcome email to Hogwarts and am really curious to see which house I'll end up in. For those of you who still wish to get early access, keep trying! Day 7 is the last day, but I'm sure if you are persistant it will pay off. Good luck to you all!
What else is new? Not much. I have a full packed schedule for August, including finishing Driver's Ed (about time!), huge family get togethers over the next couple of weekend, going to California in about 3 weeks, and of course getting ready to head back to school :| and then there's also the little things that I really wanted to finish before summer was over, like my Israel scrapbook. So I apologize if I haven't seen you all summer, because at this point I'm so scheduled that I have no room to breathe!
Also, I have to talk about my Sephora haul. Y'all probably don't care about what kind of exciting new makeup I got, but I'm just going to rave. Skip if you want. So yesterday I got my Sephora stuff from UPS. I got a ton of stuff, and more is still to come! Don't worry, I'm using gift cards :) Alright, first up is the Sephora 12 hr wear waterproof jumbo liner. Long name, I know. It got it in this beige color that has some shimmer, and it looks pretty natural, but that's what I wanted. The best thing about this eye liner is how long it stays on. It won't budge until you take it off with makeup remover. Love it! Next is the Tokidoki Brillante Glitter Eyeliner. I got it in Unicorno, and another one that's on its way in Carina.They are on sale for only $5! Unicorno is like a light gold color, and it's definitely got glitter in it! I wore it yesterday out, and it really made my eyes look brighter. And the packaging of the pencil itself is super cute - it has a unicorn on it! Then we have the Sephora Sun Disk in Aruba. It's a bronzer, and has a super light shimmer to it. Made me look a little less pale and has a nice glow. Need to experiment more with it. But so far I'm happy. Then I got this concealer pen by Sephora. It's pretty lightweight, and a liquid formula really helps hide imperfections. It hides red spots really nicely. And it was only $3! What a deal. At last, I got another Buxom lipgloss. This is seriously the best lipgloss in the world. It's super shiny and slightly sticky, but it has some lip plumping stuff in it too. Not to mention vitamins to help hydrate your lips! Got it in the shade called Bunny, which is described as an "innocent pink". Pretty sheer but has color to it, which is what I wanted. I also got a pencil sharpener for my new eyeliners, and some samples. I'm currently waiting for my next shipment with the Carina eyeliner, which is a light pink with gold glitter, and some Philosophy Aloha Girl lipgloss, which is supposed to smell like coconut and vanilla. Yum!
Alright, last section here. Photoshop picture of the week. Another Hawaii picture, this one of the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor. Used a lens blur to put emphasis on the memorial, as the shot was taken from the Battleship Missouri. I think I posted this pic already in an earlier post, but whatevs.

Would love to hear from everyone in the comments!
So guess what? I got early access to Pottermore by completing the magicial quill contest thingy at 6 am this morning. I was assigned the username MidnightUnicorn139, which is quite lovely. I like unicorns. Actually, I got this app called I'ma Unicorn, but that's another story :D I'm super excited! I am eagerly awaiting my welcome email to Hogwarts and am really curious to see which house I'll end up in. For those of you who still wish to get early access, keep trying! Day 7 is the last day, but I'm sure if you are persistant it will pay off. Good luck to you all!
What else is new? Not much. I have a full packed schedule for August, including finishing Driver's Ed (about time!), huge family get togethers over the next couple of weekend, going to California in about 3 weeks, and of course getting ready to head back to school :| and then there's also the little things that I really wanted to finish before summer was over, like my Israel scrapbook. So I apologize if I haven't seen you all summer, because at this point I'm so scheduled that I have no room to breathe!
Also, I have to talk about my Sephora haul. Y'all probably don't care about what kind of exciting new makeup I got, but I'm just going to rave. Skip if you want. So yesterday I got my Sephora stuff from UPS. I got a ton of stuff, and more is still to come! Don't worry, I'm using gift cards :) Alright, first up is the Sephora 12 hr wear waterproof jumbo liner. Long name, I know. It got it in this beige color that has some shimmer, and it looks pretty natural, but that's what I wanted. The best thing about this eye liner is how long it stays on. It won't budge until you take it off with makeup remover. Love it! Next is the Tokidoki Brillante Glitter Eyeliner. I got it in Unicorno, and another one that's on its way in Carina.They are on sale for only $5! Unicorno is like a light gold color, and it's definitely got glitter in it! I wore it yesterday out, and it really made my eyes look brighter. And the packaging of the pencil itself is super cute - it has a unicorn on it! Then we have the Sephora Sun Disk in Aruba. It's a bronzer, and has a super light shimmer to it. Made me look a little less pale and has a nice glow. Need to experiment more with it. But so far I'm happy. Then I got this concealer pen by Sephora. It's pretty lightweight, and a liquid formula really helps hide imperfections. It hides red spots really nicely. And it was only $3! What a deal. At last, I got another Buxom lipgloss. This is seriously the best lipgloss in the world. It's super shiny and slightly sticky, but it has some lip plumping stuff in it too. Not to mention vitamins to help hydrate your lips! Got it in the shade called Bunny, which is described as an "innocent pink". Pretty sheer but has color to it, which is what I wanted. I also got a pencil sharpener for my new eyeliners, and some samples. I'm currently waiting for my next shipment with the Carina eyeliner, which is a light pink with gold glitter, and some Philosophy Aloha Girl lipgloss, which is supposed to smell like coconut and vanilla. Yum!
Alright, last section here. Photoshop picture of the week. Another Hawaii picture, this one of the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor. Used a lens blur to put emphasis on the memorial, as the shot was taken from the Battleship Missouri. I think I posted this pic already in an earlier post, but whatevs.

Would love to hear from everyone in the comments!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Today is a post about toast
Today is a post about boastful toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that posted a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that posted a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast.... etc.
Today is a post about Ellen who spontaneously decided to post toast and it just went downhill from there.
I've decided I want to learn to be really good in an obscure (and possibly pointless?) area. But I don't know exactly what. Like painting with my left hand. Or learning to juggle slinkies (or juggle period...), or riding a unicycle, or... I dunno. So if you have any ideas feel free to comment :)
ANYWAY I need a joke to tell, but I really don't know any. So that's rather unfortunate. Check out Anna's Facebook status, I found that pretty funny. Oh, unless you're Nathalia in which case I'll tell you. It says, "I'm reading a book about anti gravity. I can't put it down" Teeheehee. Anyway.
Ellen :)
Today is a post about boastful toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast
Today is a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that posted a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast that posted a post about boastful toast that saw a ghost about to roast more boastful toast.... etc.
Today is a post about Ellen who spontaneously decided to post toast and it just went downhill from there.
I've decided I want to learn to be really good in an obscure (and possibly pointless?) area. But I don't know exactly what. Like painting with my left hand. Or learning to juggle slinkies (or juggle period...), or riding a unicycle, or... I dunno. So if you have any ideas feel free to comment :)
ANYWAY I need a joke to tell, but I really don't know any. So that's rather unfortunate. Check out Anna's Facebook status, I found that pretty funny. Oh, unless you're Nathalia in which case I'll tell you. It says, "I'm reading a book about anti gravity. I can't put it down" Teeheehee. Anyway.
Ellen :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I am an official member of the Subaru Crew. I think we need t-shirts.

It's a 2002 model with like 86800 miles on it and it is WONDERFUL. I am SO happy right now. I got the keys in a box and I walked outside and THERE IT WAS WITH A GIANT BOW ON IT.
Oh my gosh.
I decided I am going to do abstract art for my HL project. I got inspired by this one guy at the Bellevue Arts and Crafts fair. I love that place and I try to go every year.
Also, it was my sweet sixteen on Friday. That was pretty fun, I hung out with Amy and we went to the art fair! yay for art. Also, chocolate fondue is the new cake. The Melting Pot is my life.
But not really, cause that would be strange and unhealthy.
Song of the week ---> Great is Better by Rabbits! (LOOK THIS UP PEOPLE)
Katie ---> out. MWAH.

It's a 2002 model with like 86800 miles on it and it is WONDERFUL. I am SO happy right now. I got the keys in a box and I walked outside and THERE IT WAS WITH A GIANT BOW ON IT.
Oh my gosh.
I decided I am going to do abstract art for my HL project. I got inspired by this one guy at the Bellevue Arts and Crafts fair. I love that place and I try to go every year.
Also, it was my sweet sixteen on Friday. That was pretty fun, I hung out with Amy and we went to the art fair! yay for art. Also, chocolate fondue is the new cake. The Melting Pot is my life.
But not really, cause that would be strange and unhealthy.
Song of the week ---> Great is Better by Rabbits! (LOOK THIS UP PEOPLE)
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, July 29, 2011
The sun is out, today is glorious...
So why does it smell like warm milk and cheerios? Seriously, I smell this faint cereal in warm milk smell. A bit weird, yes, but absolutely true.
Before I move on, I just wanted to send a shout out to KATIE LARSON because it's her 16th birthday today! Happy birthday Katie, and enjoy this fabulous day!
I can't believe July is almost over. I need to start amping up my summer homework. I've done one book/essay, and am currently reading my second book. Then there's still math... ah well. Plenty of time, right?
Guess what? I got this awesome book from Barnes and Noble the other weekend. It's called "Wreck this Journal". It looks like a journal, but the point is to follow directions on each page to creatively "wreck" the journal. Examples: one page says to poke holes in it with a pencil. Another says to throw stuff at the journal (paint, pencils, etc.). And yet another says to take a shower with the journal. I'm saving that page for last. It's quite fun. I'm doing a little each day for some creative outlet time.
Did you guys get a peek at your schedules for next year? I know I did, and noticed some strange errors, like an hour long lunch on Mondays. That's probably why they took it down. And because they don't want us to know before school starts. You know, I really hope we have clubs next year. I wanted to start a martial arts club maybe, or a technology club. There were some rumors of a computer science club, which I would join in a heartbeat. What do you all think about clubs for next year? Should they happen, or not? Leave a comment.
I've also been thinking a lot about HL art lately. I'm super excited! I have so many plans and ambitions for that class.
Mk, time for the Photoshop picture of the week. This was taken while I was in Hawaii, on the Big Island. This beach is called A-Bay. The seperation you see in the middle of the bay actually wasn't there before - the tsunami from Japan did that. But it's still a nice beach. I did a few things here, desaturating the color a bit and adding an edgy overlay effect, along with amping the colors a bit on the kayaks there on the right. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!
Before I move on, I just wanted to send a shout out to KATIE LARSON because it's her 16th birthday today! Happy birthday Katie, and enjoy this fabulous day!
I can't believe July is almost over. I need to start amping up my summer homework. I've done one book/essay, and am currently reading my second book. Then there's still math... ah well. Plenty of time, right?
Guess what? I got this awesome book from Barnes and Noble the other weekend. It's called "Wreck this Journal". It looks like a journal, but the point is to follow directions on each page to creatively "wreck" the journal. Examples: one page says to poke holes in it with a pencil. Another says to throw stuff at the journal (paint, pencils, etc.). And yet another says to take a shower with the journal. I'm saving that page for last. It's quite fun. I'm doing a little each day for some creative outlet time.
Did you guys get a peek at your schedules for next year? I know I did, and noticed some strange errors, like an hour long lunch on Mondays. That's probably why they took it down. And because they don't want us to know before school starts. You know, I really hope we have clubs next year. I wanted to start a martial arts club maybe, or a technology club. There were some rumors of a computer science club, which I would join in a heartbeat. What do you all think about clubs for next year? Should they happen, or not? Leave a comment.
I've also been thinking a lot about HL art lately. I'm super excited! I have so many plans and ambitions for that class.
Mk, time for the Photoshop picture of the week. This was taken while I was in Hawaii, on the Big Island. This beach is called A-Bay. The seperation you see in the middle of the bay actually wasn't there before - the tsunami from Japan did that. But it's still a nice beach. I did a few things here, desaturating the color a bit and adding an edgy overlay effect, along with amping the colors a bit on the kayaks there on the right. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Remember Me?
Gosh. I totally forgot about this...haha. My mind has been all over the place lately.
Sooooooo what's new???
Well, it's summer. It's been so nice to just hang out and relax. The Philippines Trip was amazing- I'm still trying to recover from how emotional and physical draining it turned out to be.
I've been pretty busy ever since I got back. I've been taking an SAT course (not that exciting), playing tennis, and DRIVERS ED. fun fun fun! WATCH OUT FOR ME ON THE ROAD :D The class is sooo boring, but the police officer people are so funny :) And I'm making friends!!!! So yay for me!
Speaking of friends, I MISS YOU ALL. I haven't seen like anybody in a month. But I'm gonna see more people in August...hopefully. I don't know if I can make it to the class party, but whoever's going, I hope you have TONS of fun!
ohhhhh. guess what I'm excited for? GLEE 3D CONCERT :D yesssss!!!!!!! 13 Days left!!!! that's going to be lots of fun :)
I actually can't wait for Junior Year. It's going to great :) I....it's our 11th year. (haha Kylie) We're upperclasswomen now...that's so odd to me. I remember 5th grade like it was yesterday.
Have we changed much? Nope. not really. (well at least I haven't)
wishing you all a fantabulous summer :)
-Catherine <------ whoa. used my real name for once.
Sooooooo what's new???
Well, it's summer. It's been so nice to just hang out and relax. The Philippines Trip was amazing- I'm still trying to recover from how emotional and physical draining it turned out to be.
I've been pretty busy ever since I got back. I've been taking an SAT course (not that exciting), playing tennis, and DRIVERS ED. fun fun fun! WATCH OUT FOR ME ON THE ROAD :D The class is sooo boring, but the police officer people are so funny :) And I'm making friends!!!! So yay for me!
Speaking of friends, I MISS YOU ALL. I haven't seen like anybody in a month. But I'm gonna see more people in August...hopefully. I don't know if I can make it to the class party, but whoever's going, I hope you have TONS of fun!
ohhhhh. guess what I'm excited for? GLEE 3D CONCERT :D yesssss!!!!!!! 13 Days left!!!! that's going to be lots of fun :)
I actually can't wait for Junior Year. It's going to great :) I....it's our 11th year. (haha Kylie) We're upperclasswomen now...that's so odd to me. I remember 5th grade like it was yesterday.
Have we changed much? Nope. not really. (well at least I haven't)
wishing you all a fantabulous summer :)
-Catherine <------ whoa. used my real name for once.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
When I say LSD what do you think of? Probably the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds or else some druggies. Well. Now you have something new to think of, because apparently Cailyn and I are "just like LSD". Well that's a pleasant thought. Anyway. We were in the San Juans. It was pretty. And funny. So I guess that makes it pretty funny. List of pretty funny things:
-bothering david
-pretzels & peanut butter and trying to talk
-frozen watermelon
-onefers and twofers and threefers
-being hungry (they were meaaaan to me!)
-ice cream
-tube worms that are not afraid (song cue) and that are also on buoys
-the deadliest catch
-tying our shoes together
So yes. It was lots of fun.
I DID NOT GET MY SCHEDULE. Because they were down when I checked :(
Ellen :)
-bothering david
-pretzels & peanut butter and trying to talk
-frozen watermelon
-onefers and twofers and threefers
-being hungry (they were meaaaan to me!)
-ice cream
-tube worms that are not afraid (song cue) and that are also on buoys
-the deadliest catch
-tying our shoes together
So yes. It was lots of fun.
I DID NOT GET MY SCHEDULE. Because they were down when I checked :(
Ellen :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I hate titles
I had such a wonderful day yesterday. I love my friends. They kidnapped me at the mall and gave me a build a bear and then we went to the park and parked around for a while and ate and went back to my house and slept outside! My gosh! The stars were really pretty.
I want to go camping so I can see the stars. They are BEAUTIFUL.
I just tried to google a picture but nothing was as good as the real thing
I am so tired, you have no idea. I am sore but I have NO idea why!!
Can you describe the taste of bubble gum? Like, is it possible!?
I am trying to draw a dragon, but I messed up. So now the colors are weird.
My posts never make sense. Other people should post also I do believe.
Song of the Week ---> Do the Hippogriff by the WEIRD SISTERS
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I want to go camping so I can see the stars. They are BEAUTIFUL.
I just tried to google a picture but nothing was as good as the real thing
I am so tired, you have no idea. I am sore but I have NO idea why!!
Can you describe the taste of bubble gum? Like, is it possible!?
I am trying to draw a dragon, but I messed up. So now the colors are weird.
My posts never make sense. Other people should post also I do believe.
Song of the Week ---> Do the Hippogriff by the WEIRD SISTERS
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Yeah, I'm still alive
No, I haven't disappeared, I promise. It's just the mid-summer vacation doldrums, where you don't really feel like doing anything... especially after coming back from Hawaii, I'm having a harder time motivating myself to do stuff, which is quite unlike me. I've been productive this week though. I finished The Crucible, and dreadfully must now write the report this weekend to keep on my summer schedule. Something that discovered yesterday made me a little bit mire excited to go back to school. I was looking under the course descriptions for the IB classes, and for history it looks like we're going to focus on three main areas: WWII, The Cold War, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Those are like my most favorite time periods of history, no joke. But it's subject to change, so I'm hoping that it doesn't. Anyways enough about school. No one wants to talk about that.
So I'm trying to scour my house in an attempt to find my dad's old Polaroid camera. You know, the one that you take a picture with, and then it prints out the picture on a small white square of paper. You have to wait a couple minutes for the pic to fully develop, but the results are nice. I used to play with that camera all the time when I was younger, but ever since we moved I can't seem to find it. I just thought it would be really cool to use it again. Providing I could find some film for the ancient thing, I would love to take it to school and do like a documentary of a day and then post it all in a scrapbook. Ah well. I can't even find the darned thing. I'm sure it's still in a box somewhere. At least I know it's in the house.
Now my Photoshop picture of the week is going to be replaced (just for this post!) by some beautiful pics representing my summer vacation. Kylie asked us to show what we're doing this summer, so here are a few pics from my trip to Hawaii.

The Battleship Missouri, at Pearl Harbor. It's right next to the Arizona Memorial, and the ship itself is massive. This is the ship where the world leaders signed the document that ended World War II.

A gorgeous picture on the island of Oahu, near Diamondhead, overlooking the blue water. -->

A couple of sea turtles on the Black Sand Beach on the island of Hawaii. Aren't they adorable?

Pretty palm trees at the Hilton hotel on Hawaii. -->
That's just a snapshot, because I have so many more pictures that I would have loved to share. Ah well. Hope you all are enjoying your summer!
So I'm trying to scour my house in an attempt to find my dad's old Polaroid camera. You know, the one that you take a picture with, and then it prints out the picture on a small white square of paper. You have to wait a couple minutes for the pic to fully develop, but the results are nice. I used to play with that camera all the time when I was younger, but ever since we moved I can't seem to find it. I just thought it would be really cool to use it again. Providing I could find some film for the ancient thing, I would love to take it to school and do like a documentary of a day and then post it all in a scrapbook. Ah well. I can't even find the darned thing. I'm sure it's still in a box somewhere. At least I know it's in the house.
Now my Photoshop picture of the week is going to be replaced (just for this post!) by some beautiful pics representing my summer vacation. Kylie asked us to show what we're doing this summer, so here are a few pics from my trip to Hawaii.
The Battleship Missouri, at Pearl Harbor. It's right next to the Arizona Memorial, and the ship itself is massive. This is the ship where the world leaders signed the document that ended World War II.
A gorgeous picture on the island of Oahu, near Diamondhead, overlooking the blue water. -->
A couple of sea turtles on the Black Sand Beach on the island of Hawaii. Aren't they adorable?
Pretty palm trees at the Hilton hotel on Hawaii. -->
That's just a snapshot, because I have so many more pictures that I would have loved to share. Ah well. Hope you all are enjoying your summer!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Now I need something else to wrap my life around
I just got home from seeing Harry Potter. Again.
I saw it for the first time at the midnight premiere, and I must say that it was spectacular. It deserved more than 3 1/2 stars. I really liked Professor McGonagall, because Maggie Smith is my hero, and Molly Weasley was legit (not my daughter you BITCH). I have to admit that I have a huge thing for Ron Weasley, which is embarrassing but inevitable.
At the premiere, we got 3D glasses THAT LOOKED LIKE HARRY POTTER GLASSES.
This week, along with seeing the latest movie twice, I have seen two previous Harry Potter movies, beat the Harry Potter Years 1-4 video game, completed the story on the Order of the Phoenix game, finished the Harry Potter series, and watched an hour long press conference with about fifteen of the members of the cast and crew.
I'm THAT girl.
I am also drawing an epic Harry Potter picture in my official book of drawings. Like a boss.
Okay, I gotta go play more Harry Potter video games. Maybe I'll wear my Harry Potter glasses to help me get in the mood.
Song of the Week ---> Teeth by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I saw it for the first time at the midnight premiere, and I must say that it was spectacular. It deserved more than 3 1/2 stars. I really liked Professor McGonagall, because Maggie Smith is my hero, and Molly Weasley was legit (not my daughter you BITCH). I have to admit that I have a huge thing for Ron Weasley, which is embarrassing but inevitable.
At the premiere, we got 3D glasses THAT LOOKED LIKE HARRY POTTER GLASSES.
This week, along with seeing the latest movie twice, I have seen two previous Harry Potter movies, beat the Harry Potter Years 1-4 video game, completed the story on the Order of the Phoenix game, finished the Harry Potter series, and watched an hour long press conference with about fifteen of the members of the cast and crew.
I'm THAT girl.
I am also drawing an epic Harry Potter picture in my official book of drawings. Like a boss.
Okay, I gotta go play more Harry Potter video games. Maybe I'll wear my Harry Potter glasses to help me get in the mood.
Song of the Week ---> Teeth by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I am home!
Today is Wednesday. And I am home!!! Hooray! I am currently writing a very short book and I would tell you more about it except it is a surprise for someone and therefore I cannot reveal anything. But it is a dumb and cute little book. Teeheehee. OhMyGod I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING. But sorry I can't tell you because it is also a surprise for someone... :( I'm being annoying I'll tell you guys all next week or the week after or the week after or something like that.
I need to bike down to the store but my dad went out and I forgot to get money and therefore I cannot go to the store because I do not have money. Bah.
New Jersey is interesting. I enjoy being with my cousins most of the time and we usually have a blast. And I miss Mo Nicky.
So a while ago we were doing that thing where we say what a person reminds of us, and I can't remember if I did that or not. But I have nothing better to do, so I will do (or redo) that now. And I'll mix it with Katie's thing she just posted about missing people (in daily order).
Cailyn - Camelbacks. Scott's. Malfoy. :) I miss English class where you never payed attention and distracted me... or when you were in history and I was in religion and you would IM me. And your high pitched noises. And your high shoes. And I miss our fun adventures and I am very excited to have another one soon :D
Kylie - Rainbows. Mona. Mac & Cheese. Dumb phones. Poetry. I really miss dissecting poetry. That was kind of wonderful. And I miss being very unproductive chem buddies :) And I'm really excited to go to the island.
Punky - Whales. Whales, whales, whales. I MISS THE WHALES. And that religion class. So. Much. And your random comments and faces in class, they crack me up all the time.
Nathalia - Evil cat stroking. Late night giggle fits. RFL. I miss those giggle fits and our RFL meetings (which we never got anything done if you weren't there hahaha).
Katie - RFL. Soccer. Baking. HARRY POTTER. Deep stuff. I miss talking about whatever we feel like NAMELY HARRY POTTER BECAUSE IT IS THE COOLEST. And I miss all your AVPM references. Like a lot. And just hanging out because it is always awesome. And I miss having classes with you, because I NEVER DO so that should change.
Alright, that's all folks.
Oh, here's a joke Nicky really enjoys.
*knock knock*
Who's there?
Wow, good one right? He said that one way to much. But that's okay.
Ellen :)
I need to bike down to the store but my dad went out and I forgot to get money and therefore I cannot go to the store because I do not have money. Bah.
New Jersey is interesting. I enjoy being with my cousins most of the time and we usually have a blast. And I miss Mo Nicky.
So a while ago we were doing that thing where we say what a person reminds of us, and I can't remember if I did that or not. But I have nothing better to do, so I will do (or redo) that now. And I'll mix it with Katie's thing she just posted about missing people (in daily order).
Cailyn - Camelbacks. Scott's. Malfoy. :) I miss English class where you never payed attention and distracted me... or when you were in history and I was in religion and you would IM me. And your high pitched noises. And your high shoes. And I miss our fun adventures and I am very excited to have another one soon :D
Kylie - Rainbows. Mona. Mac & Cheese. Dumb phones. Poetry. I really miss dissecting poetry. That was kind of wonderful. And I miss being very unproductive chem buddies :) And I'm really excited to go to the island.
Punky - Whales. Whales, whales, whales. I MISS THE WHALES. And that religion class. So. Much. And your random comments and faces in class, they crack me up all the time.
Nathalia - Evil cat stroking. Late night giggle fits. RFL. I miss those giggle fits and our RFL meetings (which we never got anything done if you weren't there hahaha).
Katie - RFL. Soccer. Baking. HARRY POTTER. Deep stuff. I miss talking about whatever we feel like NAMELY HARRY POTTER BECAUSE IT IS THE COOLEST. And I miss all your AVPM references. Like a lot. And just hanging out because it is always awesome. And I miss having classes with you, because I NEVER DO so that should change.
Alright, that's all folks.
Oh, here's a joke Nicky really enjoys.
*knock knock*
Who's there?
Wow, good one right? He said that one way to much. But that's okay.
Ellen :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Title is Unimportant
I am bored. The only friends I have seen this whole summer are the ones I see constantly because everyone else is out of contact or out of town. I MISS YOU GUYS.
Cailyn ---> I miss your therapy sessions and your spontaneity and your ability to ALWAYS make me laugh.
Kylie ---> I miss how we can have fun doing ANYTHING (even convincing children that we are ancient Romans).
Ellen ---> I miss playing sports with you and talking about art with you and Harry Potter shenanigans with you (5 more days ohjesushfdkjsahfa).
Catherine ---> I miss being alphabetical with you and how you can randomly go from the calmest girl I know to the craziest girl I know.
Nathalia ---> I miss copying your history notes (you're my Hermione) and having lengthy discussions in ceramics class with you.
All in all, this summer is proving to be fairly average. I got burned like hell on 4th of July (who doesn't). I've been at home with Megan, sometimes a friend drives over, sometimes I go to a friend's house, but that's about it. On the bright side, I have soccer three times a week, so I can sit on my ass all day and still manage to feel fit and productive. Awesome.
As always, I realize that, yeah, I miss school. I miss having to think. I freaking love math class and I actually miss the math part of math. (I especially miss our class though, because I loved the people so much KYLIE AND CATHERINE). We better kick the shit out of AP Calc this year.
I miss art class like hell, but I'll have another one next year (HL art baby!) and that will be exciting and enriching.
I will not miss chemistry class but I will miss Ms. Hinkley AS A PERSON.
I will miss Mr. Shoemaker but NOT the history class. History next year should be wonderfully enthralling, though.
I don't miss Geraghty's class, that was a drag. I will, however, miss Geraghty's awkward transitions and his love for his subject, because, while it was quite funny, it is also extremely wonderful to have a teacher that is so dedicated.
I will not miss Theology class. Gay marriage is not a moral debate. End of story.
Song of the Week ---> Ready to Go by Panic at the Disco
PS: If I dropped the F-bomb... oops. I went back and censored this but I might have missed something... XD
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Cailyn ---> I miss your therapy sessions and your spontaneity and your ability to ALWAYS make me laugh.
Kylie ---> I miss how we can have fun doing ANYTHING (even convincing children that we are ancient Romans).
Ellen ---> I miss playing sports with you and talking about art with you and Harry Potter shenanigans with you (5 more days ohjesushfdkjsahfa).
Catherine ---> I miss being alphabetical with you and how you can randomly go from the calmest girl I know to the craziest girl I know.
Nathalia ---> I miss copying your history notes (you're my Hermione) and having lengthy discussions in ceramics class with you.
All in all, this summer is proving to be fairly average. I got burned like hell on 4th of July (who doesn't). I've been at home with Megan, sometimes a friend drives over, sometimes I go to a friend's house, but that's about it. On the bright side, I have soccer three times a week, so I can sit on my ass all day and still manage to feel fit and productive. Awesome.
As always, I realize that, yeah, I miss school. I miss having to think. I freaking love math class and I actually miss the math part of math. (I especially miss our class though, because I loved the people so much KYLIE AND CATHERINE). We better kick the shit out of AP Calc this year.
I miss art class like hell, but I'll have another one next year (HL art baby!) and that will be exciting and enriching.
I will not miss chemistry class but I will miss Ms. Hinkley AS A PERSON.
I will miss Mr. Shoemaker but NOT the history class. History next year should be wonderfully enthralling, though.
I don't miss Geraghty's class, that was a drag. I will, however, miss Geraghty's awkward transitions and his love for his subject, because, while it was quite funny, it is also extremely wonderful to have a teacher that is so dedicated.
I will not miss Theology class. Gay marriage is not a moral debate. End of story.
Song of the Week ---> Ready to Go by Panic at the Disco
PS: If I dropped the F-bomb... oops. I went back and censored this but I might have missed something... XD
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Just posting because i have nothing better to do/TGIF
Short post today
I miss you all a lot. Usually summers are when i totally forget about school and everything, but this summer I've found that I actually miss school a lot more than usual. I miss taking Katie's graph paper in math, and lunches with the lost children in Feet's office, and drastically warping the meaning of poems in English class with Ellen and Menbere and Lindsay, and staying up till 3 AM on gtalk sorting out my life, falling asleep in spanish, speed walks with Clarice during fitness, skipping 10 minutes of each B block with Rachel, Bea, Christina, Amy, Aeva, Catherine, and Rio to eat, the Anomia club, tombstones with Cailyn (lucky), deep sea dino hunting plans and the Jesus graph in math, MY BESTIES AMY AND ANNA!, soooo many more things. can't wait to see what Jr. year brings :)
oh and who has seen the last friday night music video? hahahha i love it.
so I found these...
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW7rciJ0pfU&feature=player_embedded (CC is the most adorable person ever. just saying.)
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I3GCe8psFg&NR=1 (i love him.)
that's all for now :)
love you all
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Well, not obsessions, but things I'm really into right now:
My Little Pony
The Bachelorette (JP ftw)
My nails (yay they aren't all short and gross)
short post. computers about to die.
check out mom's blog, she has a new challenge thing going on :)
love you all! bye!
My Little Pony
The Bachelorette (JP ftw)
My nails (yay they aren't all short and gross)
short post. computers about to die.
check out mom's blog, she has a new challenge thing going on :)
love you all! bye!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I love people.
I love people. Oh my gosh, I don't even know why, but I love meeting new people and like artsy weird people and such. I just got home from the Gay Pride Parade in Seattle and it was so amazing! I love how a community can just come together and support a cause like that. We met people there, like this really nice gay couple... the guys were so funny! Ahhhhh. So much goodness.
Also, that relationship I mentioned? eeehhhh. I realized that it wasn't what I thought and that I wasn't really who I thought I was... if that makes any sense...
I am officially going to visit Maddie! YAY! OFFICIAL!
Song of the week ---> Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Also, that relationship I mentioned? eeehhhh. I realized that it wasn't what I thought and that I wasn't really who I thought I was... if that makes any sense...
I am officially going to visit Maddie! YAY! OFFICIAL!
Song of the week ---> Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, June 24, 2011
It's Fabulous Friday!
Ok, so technically the days of the week don't matter anymore, because it's summer and all the days blur together, but for me, this Friday is exciting. That is because it's the Friday before my vacation! Woohoo! I'm getting so pumped about going, you don't even know. Time to ditch this sorry summer weather buh-bye!
Also, today is my first day of tutoring (someone else, as in I tutor others) so wish me luck! Out of curiosity, who's going to be working this summer?
Anyways, I guess people have been listing goals for this summer. I'm going to try and list some of mine here:
*Have an awesome vacation!
*Read lots of books, including several in Spanish. I really want to read Don Quixote if I have the time! I'm going to read "En El Tiempo de las Mariposas" by Julia Alvarez, which has been reviewed as a really good book, although the type I swear is size 9 font. No joke. But I'm going to give it my best shot.
*Workout more and improve my upper body strength. Needed for TKD especially since I made it onto the new competition team.
*See most of the amazing movies coming out this summer. Seriously, there are a lot of them.
*Hang out with my peeps!
*Do a summer photography project and take lots of pics to then print and frame to put up in a corner of my room.
*Complete Red Dead Redemption (an X-Box game :P )
I feel sure I'll get inspired throughout the summer and add more to this list.
Photoshop pic of the week time: it's a shot of the Seattle waterfront pier restaurant. I basically sharped the image and amped up the colors. I really loved how the red, yellow, and green popped out on a rather dreary Seattle day.

Have a great weekend!
P.S. - Did you notice that I didn't capitalize "Summer" throughout the post? Hehe, I am so very sneaky ;)
Also, today is my first day of tutoring (someone else, as in I tutor others) so wish me luck! Out of curiosity, who's going to be working this summer?
Anyways, I guess people have been listing goals for this summer. I'm going to try and list some of mine here:
*Have an awesome vacation!
*Read lots of books, including several in Spanish. I really want to read Don Quixote if I have the time! I'm going to read "En El Tiempo de las Mariposas" by Julia Alvarez, which has been reviewed as a really good book, although the type I swear is size 9 font. No joke. But I'm going to give it my best shot.
*Workout more and improve my upper body strength. Needed for TKD especially since I made it onto the new competition team.
*See most of the amazing movies coming out this summer. Seriously, there are a lot of them.
*Hang out with my peeps!
*Do a summer photography project and take lots of pics to then print and frame to put up in a corner of my room.
*Complete Red Dead Redemption (an X-Box game :P )
I feel sure I'll get inspired throughout the summer and add more to this list.
Photoshop pic of the week time: it's a shot of the Seattle waterfront pier restaurant. I basically sharped the image and amped up the colors. I really loved how the red, yellow, and green popped out on a rather dreary Seattle day.

Have a great weekend!
P.S. - Did you notice that I didn't capitalize "Summer" throughout the post? Hehe, I am so very sneaky ;)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hello today is Wednesday and I actually remembered to post
Wow, see subject line. Hi guys! Tomorrow I am going to New Jersey. I will see my family. And the beach. And maybe the sun, if I'm lucky. It's predicted to rain and thunder right now... bah humbug So how's all y'all's summers? I'm playing some summer lacrosse, which reminds me I need to email my coach, but it's super fun. Nothing intense like Kelly, Lindsay, and Nicole's team, but still fun. Good to be doing something, yeah? I was inspired by Cailyn, so here is a list of things I am doing this summer.
1. laxing
2. going to the East Coast and hanging with family
a. New Jersey
b. Maine
3. hanging out with friends!
4. island! with Kylie and Cailyn, the big kahoonas :)
a. hopefully with Amy too, but I dunno if this will actually happen
5. saving money to buy a car because neither of my parents will do the honors
2. Go camping!
Yeah, that's my list/s. Do you think my WTD list is accomplishable? Let me know! Also let me know if you have suggestions on how best I can meet lots of people.
So there we go. Not sure I'll post while in NJ, we shall have to see.
ENJOY YOUR SUMMERS. Text/call me too! First week in NJ is just me, mi madre, and my grandparents... so feel free to say hi.
Ciao & Cheers,
Ellen :)
OH PS: Guess what?!?! I rode a dinosaur yesterday :D
Oh, PPS: that list is supposed to have indents and stuff... but the blog doesn't post that way. So, just to clarify, the "a." would be indented after the # and the "i." indented after the "a." and so on. Ciao. Again.
1. laxing
2. going to the East Coast and hanging with family
a. New Jersey
b. Maine
3. hanging out with friends!
4. island! with Kylie and Cailyn, the big kahoonas :)
a. hopefully with Amy too, but I dunno if this will actually happen
5. saving money to buy a car because neither of my parents will do the honors
2. Go camping!
Yeah, that's my list/s. Do you think my WTD list is accomplishable? Let me know! Also let me know if you have suggestions on how best I can meet lots of people.
So there we go. Not sure I'll post while in NJ, we shall have to see.
ENJOY YOUR SUMMERS. Text/call me too! First week in NJ is just me, mi madre, and my grandparents... so feel free to say hi.
Ciao & Cheers,
Ellen :)
OH PS: Guess what?!?! I rode a dinosaur yesterday :D
Oh, PPS: that list is supposed to have indents and stuff... but the blog doesn't post that way. So, just to clarify, the "a." would be indented after the # and the "i." indented after the "a." and so on. Ciao. Again.
Monday, June 20, 2011
so apparently I've turned into that weird one who only wears one earring... :D
and I know this because...I AM only wearing one earring...and following this "trend", i've started getting new earrings, jewelry and stuff, things that I haven't...had the courage(?) to wear before because they are so different and more statement-y than what is normal I guess.
Example? I just got this, and I'm hoping it comes soon, so I can decide if I want to keep getting things similar to it.... and that is the major change for me this summer. woohoo...!!
As for what I'm doing this summer, I suppose I shall make a list...because that's how i feel like doing it right now [read: It's probably easiest].
Example? I just got this, and I'm hoping it comes soon, so I can decide if I want to keep getting things similar to it.... and that is the major change for me this summer. woohoo...!!
As for what I'm doing this summer, I suppose I shall make a list...because that's how i feel like doing it right now [read: It's probably easiest].
- I will be going to work for the Matrix...for four days. (<- hahaha, that's not a real job)
- I will be going on my mission trip to Brooklyn
- I have a class at UW for two weeks
- I have two technology lessons to teach
- I will go to the midnight premier of Harry Potter 7: Part 2 (and this is extra special because it will be the first time I go to a midnight premier of a movie ^.^ )
- I will go hang out with Kurtie and Ellen up at the island...with hashbrowns...and tubeworms.
- I'm hanging out with Ellen and we shall go to Scotts, and get heels.
- I'm hanging out with Kurtie again, and possibly Catherine at Bell-Square for our (not-so-bi-)annual shopping trip, and we will eat red mango.
- I am going to Quebec, Montreal, and possibly visiting my extended family in Cali.
AND, I haven't even started my summer homework. i think this is the most im doing in the summer...since....a very long time. I'll actually have things to talk about!!! :D
I passed the driver's ed pseudo-test thing...and I now know that you can completely FAIL at the maneuvers and still pass...heh
oh, and in case you didn't already know, I got braces, and and look weird. Picture for laughs? ... i refuse.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I just got back from Disney World! It was so hot there, I loved it. I'm tan now. I made friends with a lot of little kids cause I am a social person who cannot talk to people at least 10 years younger than me, apparently.
And I drank butterbeer and bought a sweatshirt and I rode rides and I got the shit scared out of me by some giant metal spiders.
So much goodness.
It's so cold here. And it's so warm there. It makes me sad.
I made myself a blanket fort to sleep in because I slept on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.
So much goodness there too.
Song of the week ---> Rainy Day by Coldplay
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
And I drank butterbeer and bought a sweatshirt and I rode rides and I got the shit scared out of me by some giant metal spiders.
So much goodness.
It's so cold here. And it's so warm there. It makes me sad.
I made myself a blanket fort to sleep in because I slept on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.
So much goodness there too.
Song of the week ---> Rainy Day by Coldplay
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, June 17, 2011
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Hey Everyone.
Sorry for not posting last Friday. I went to work with my dad last friday at Microsoft, and kind of had a daddy-daughter day, which was fun :) so that kind of distracted me from posting.
But today is another Friday. So I think I'll explain the title of the post. It's in honor of Owl City's new album titled "All Things Bright and Beautiful". It's such a cool, new direction for Owl City, but obviously still includes the foundations in which Owl City established itself, with fun synth pop and mesmerizing beats. All in all, it's a perfect summer album - there are so many upbeat, happy songs on this record. You should all definitely check it out. My favorite songs are "Plant Life", "Alligator Sky" (I prefer the non-rap version at the moment, but both are cool), and "The Yacht Club". Adam Young is truly an amazing artist.
To follow Kylie's request of documenting my summer... well, I don't really have any exciting pictures. Mostly I've been staying home, chillaxin'. Doing lots of Photoshop experimentation, reading books, playing video games, going to Tae Kwon Do. You know, the usual. However, today I did go to the doctor because I've been having weird knee pains, and apparently I over-exerted my knee through various activities. So now I need to see a physical therapist. Fun :|
What I'm really excited for is in a week and a half, I'll be leaving for Hawaii! I'll be gone until July 8th, so no promises on posting. I'll try to remember, and maybe post from my phone. But there's a 3 hour time difference, so if I posted at night after 9, then it would technically be Satuday here... hmmmm.
Ok, I think it's time for the Photoshop picture of the week. Like I said, I've been experimenting with stuff. Mostly trying to do HDR pictures and working with the Orton effect. Both are very cool, and I've learned a lot. I know some other programs, like Picnic, allow you to use an Orton effect filter, but I like actually recreating the effect in Photoshop because a) it's more fun to do it yourself and b) you get a greater control of the effect and you can really taper the effect to the image you are working on. So like for this pic, I didn't over use the effect - I used just enough to add a slight blur/dreamy quality. And I think it works - I especially love the way the trees look.

Hope you all are having a fabulous summer!
Sorry for not posting last Friday. I went to work with my dad last friday at Microsoft, and kind of had a daddy-daughter day, which was fun :) so that kind of distracted me from posting.
But today is another Friday. So I think I'll explain the title of the post. It's in honor of Owl City's new album titled "All Things Bright and Beautiful". It's such a cool, new direction for Owl City, but obviously still includes the foundations in which Owl City established itself, with fun synth pop and mesmerizing beats. All in all, it's a perfect summer album - there are so many upbeat, happy songs on this record. You should all definitely check it out. My favorite songs are "Plant Life", "Alligator Sky" (I prefer the non-rap version at the moment, but both are cool), and "The Yacht Club". Adam Young is truly an amazing artist.
To follow Kylie's request of documenting my summer... well, I don't really have any exciting pictures. Mostly I've been staying home, chillaxin'. Doing lots of Photoshop experimentation, reading books, playing video games, going to Tae Kwon Do. You know, the usual. However, today I did go to the doctor because I've been having weird knee pains, and apparently I over-exerted my knee through various activities. So now I need to see a physical therapist. Fun :|
What I'm really excited for is in a week and a half, I'll be leaving for Hawaii! I'll be gone until July 8th, so no promises on posting. I'll try to remember, and maybe post from my phone. But there's a 3 hour time difference, so if I posted at night after 9, then it would technically be Satuday here... hmmmm.
Ok, I think it's time for the Photoshop picture of the week. Like I said, I've been experimenting with stuff. Mostly trying to do HDR pictures and working with the Orton effect. Both are very cool, and I've learned a lot. I know some other programs, like Picnic, allow you to use an Orton effect filter, but I like actually recreating the effect in Photoshop because a) it's more fun to do it yourself and b) you get a greater control of the effect and you can really taper the effect to the image you are working on. So like for this pic, I didn't over use the effect - I used just enough to add a slight blur/dreamy quality. And I think it works - I especially love the way the trees look.

Hope you all are having a fabulous summer!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Highway Unicorn
I love that song.
I love her whole album.
So how is everyone's Summer? Mine's pretty good so far :) It's only been a week, but regardless.
This is going to be a short post because I don't have anything to write about.
Friday, June 10, 2011
So I'm posting late tonight...
...because tomorrow I'll be in Disney World!!!
I cannot wait. I am going to act like a 5 year old. Cool.
This is going to be so excited. My god.
So today, I drew this cool dancer thing, but there was so much charcoal on it that I had to keep wiping my hands on my legs, so my legs got COVERED in charcoal.
I also have a scar and some bruises on my leg from playing bad(ass)mitton. Really? That's like the least cool way to get scars and bruises. It's like the least intense sport there is. But I slid on my knee to hit the birdie, and I did that to my leg and took out a chuck of grass from Jennifer's lawn AND scored a point. So it looked cool at least. Battle wounds. Always a good story.
Today was the first soccer practice (pre-season, gotta love it!) It felt so good to start playing again. It's really awesome to do something you've grown up with and has become an important part of your life after not doing it for months. It's like peeing after you've had to go for the past five hours. Except not as weird. (Everybody does it, so it's not really that gross, guys!)
Well, I gotta go. I woke up 12 1/2 hours ago, but I have an early wake up tomorrow so I need to sleep! Plus, I gotta wake up early all vacation. That's how the Larsons do Disney, and we do it right! We have this program that makes us a schedule so we can avoid the lines. It's so cool.
Song of the Week ---> Government Hookup by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I cannot wait. I am going to act like a 5 year old. Cool.
This is going to be so excited. My god.
So today, I drew this cool dancer thing, but there was so much charcoal on it that I had to keep wiping my hands on my legs, so my legs got COVERED in charcoal.
I also have a scar and some bruises on my leg from playing bad(ass)mitton. Really? That's like the least cool way to get scars and bruises. It's like the least intense sport there is. But I slid on my knee to hit the birdie, and I did that to my leg and took out a chuck of grass from Jennifer's lawn AND scored a point. So it looked cool at least. Battle wounds. Always a good story.
Today was the first soccer practice (pre-season, gotta love it!) It felt so good to start playing again. It's really awesome to do something you've grown up with and has become an important part of your life after not doing it for months. It's like peeing after you've had to go for the past five hours. Except not as weird. (Everybody does it, so it's not really that gross, guys!)
Well, I gotta go. I woke up 12 1/2 hours ago, but I have an early wake up tomorrow so I need to sleep! Plus, I gotta wake up early all vacation. That's how the Larsons do Disney, and we do it right! We have this program that makes us a schedule so we can avoid the lines. It's so cool.
Song of the Week ---> Government Hookup by Lady Gaga
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Summer is off to a pretty good start....
Summer has been GREAT so far. I'm so excited to hang out with a whole bunch of you this summer :)
Uhh...okay...so right now, I think I'm having an allergic reaction- to a cat. *cough cough, Kylie* I'M WEARING THE TECH SWEATSHIRT AND I THINK IT HAS CAT HAIR ON IT CUZ IM COUGHING AND SNEEZING AND WHEEZING. -.- i should put the thing in the wash.
Anyways, what is everyone's plans for the summer? Today, I'm planning on going to Barnes and Nobles to get some books. I haven't read in FOREVER so I'm soooo excited to do that. Oh, and I have my Philippines trip next week. That should be realllly fun...and hot. Oh darn, that means I can't post for two weeks (sorry people).
I hope everyone has a safe, but SUPER FUN summer!!!!
Summer has been GREAT so far. I'm so excited to hang out with a whole bunch of you this summer :)
Uhh...okay...so right now, I think I'm having an allergic reaction- to a cat. *cough cough, Kylie* I'M WEARING THE TECH SWEATSHIRT AND I THINK IT HAS CAT HAIR ON IT CUZ IM COUGHING AND SNEEZING AND WHEEZING. -.- i should put the thing in the wash.
Anyways, what is everyone's plans for the summer? Today, I'm planning on going to Barnes and Nobles to get some books. I haven't read in FOREVER so I'm soooo excited to do that. Oh, and I have my Philippines trip next week. That should be realllly fun...and hot. Oh darn, that means I can't post for two weeks (sorry people).
I hope everyone has a safe, but SUPER FUN summer!!!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
WE WE WE SO EXCITED / first day of summer
Happy first day of no classes everyone! Summer '11 here we come!
My day yesterday:
1/2 day at school, sushi and a movie with Anna and Catherine (find your inner peace. inner piece of what?), popcorn, thai food, and tic-tac-toe with Catherine and Emilee, then at 11:00, skyping with Stefanie for 2 hours while she watched the scream ("HE'S GUNNA STAB HER. HE'S GUNNA STA- he stabbed her. awwww damn. you better run girl! you better run! WHY ARE YOU GOING UP STAIRS! THAT'S DUMB BRO! YOU GUNNA DIE! oh look, she died." )
Yeah, that was pretty fun.
Plans for today include: cleaning my room.
and that is all.
I think I'll go buy myself a veggie burger at Scotts once I finish.
motivation motivation motivation.
I am so excited for Thursday when Jane and I go up to the island.
Nathalia: I LOVE YOU. that video was pretty much the cutest and nicest thing I have seen! te amo, chica!
I should go get a start on my room. wish me luck :)
Love you all to hogwarts and back (get it, because it is an unmeasurable amount of distance?),
Idea: So does pretty much everyone have a camera? Try semi-documenting your summer. then upload your favorites. It'll make our daily blog posts more colorful :)
My day yesterday:
1/2 day at school, sushi and a movie with Anna and Catherine (find your inner peace. inner piece of what?), popcorn, thai food, and tic-tac-toe with Catherine and Emilee, then at 11:00, skyping with Stefanie for 2 hours while she watched the scream ("HE'S GUNNA STAB HER. HE'S GUNNA STA- he stabbed her. awwww damn. you better run girl! you better run! WHY ARE YOU GOING UP STAIRS! THAT'S DUMB BRO! YOU GUNNA DIE! oh look, she died." )
Yeah, that was pretty fun.
Plans for today include: cleaning my room.
and that is all.
I think I'll go buy myself a veggie burger at Scotts once I finish.
motivation motivation motivation.
I am so excited for Thursday when Jane and I go up to the island.
Nathalia: I LOVE YOU. that video was pretty much the cutest and nicest thing I have seen! te amo, chica!
I should go get a start on my room. wish me luck :)
Love you all to hogwarts and back (get it, because it is an unmeasurable amount of distance?),
Idea: So does pretty much everyone have a camera? Try semi-documenting your summer. then upload your favorites. It'll make our daily blog posts more colorful :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Something Fast.
there. I wrote it nathalia. it look exactly 6 seconds.... :D
here's a picture
here's a picture
I feel like this is me.
--Muchas Smoochas (15 seconds)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Katie is happy
I'm so happy.
School is out (almost).
I've spent the entire weekend at the beach or watching House. Season two, episode 15 so far.
This show is rally emotional and dramatic.
I am in a relationship! It says so on Facebook! That's so exciting!
We spent the day together in Kirkland... the place of happenings.
I feel like Taylor Swift in one of her happy teenage love songs where everything is perfect in the world. Honestly, I'm so happy right now.
I hate it when people post things as their status that are really dramatic and emotional and CLEARLY targeted at someone. It's so awkward and it looks like they're just asking for attention.
I am so excited to not be in school anymore. I am going to bake and paint and draw and watch House and sleep in till 10:00 or 11:00 and NOT DO HOMEWORK (mostly).
Song of the Week ---> Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
School is out (almost).
I've spent the entire weekend at the beach or watching House. Season two, episode 15 so far.
This show is rally emotional and dramatic.
I am in a relationship! It says so on Facebook! That's so exciting!
We spent the day together in Kirkland... the place of happenings.
I feel like Taylor Swift in one of her happy teenage love songs where everything is perfect in the world. Honestly, I'm so happy right now.
I hate it when people post things as their status that are really dramatic and emotional and CLEARLY targeted at someone. It's so awkward and it looks like they're just asking for attention.
I am so excited to not be in school anymore. I am going to bake and paint and draw and watch House and sleep in till 10:00 or 11:00 and NOT DO HOMEWORK (mostly).
Song of the Week ---> Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Today is a glorious day. It was the last full day of school - yay! We're almost Juniors, chicas :O
Also, today is really warm and sunny. So the weather is glorious too. I know some people who might have gotten a bit sunburnt in all the frenzy of the outdoor activities. It was fun just lounging around the HS area for a couple hours. Very relaxing. As a matter of fact, I think we should all go outside and soak up the sun. So this will be a shorter post.
So what did you all think about the yearbook this year? Leave a comment. I thought it was cool, and I liked the layout/style of the book. One small thing I had issues with was the obvious Photoshopping. There are wayyy better ways to extract people from images without leaving out chunks of let's say, their heads. Or to make it look less obvious. Sigh. I can't wait to take yearbook by storm senior year! Speaking of Photoshop... it's time for the Photoshop picture of the week!
This week's pic was of a rock I found on the beach on Blake Island during the class trip. The rock has like a little heart engraving in it. I added a zoom filter for dramatic effect and emphasis on the rock.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone, and I'll see you Monday for our last day of school!
Also, today is really warm and sunny. So the weather is glorious too. I know some people who might have gotten a bit sunburnt in all the frenzy of the outdoor activities. It was fun just lounging around the HS area for a couple hours. Very relaxing. As a matter of fact, I think we should all go outside and soak up the sun. So this will be a shorter post.
So what did you all think about the yearbook this year? Leave a comment. I thought it was cool, and I liked the layout/style of the book. One small thing I had issues with was the obvious Photoshopping. There are wayyy better ways to extract people from images without leaving out chunks of let's say, their heads. Or to make it look less obvious. Sigh. I can't wait to take yearbook by storm senior year! Speaking of Photoshop... it's time for the Photoshop picture of the week!
This week's pic was of a rock I found on the beach on Blake Island during the class trip. The rock has like a little heart engraving in it. I added a zoom filter for dramatic effect and emphasis on the rock.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone, and I'll see you Monday for our last day of school!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I hate dumb ASS triangles
Teehee do you get my pun? I feel clever. So basically, studying for math. Yup, 'nuff said. Let's take a quick moment to pray that I don't totally botch this test.
And now a moment of silence, for all those poor problems that I do screw up.
Thank you for your support. Now I got to go finish cracking this math thing.
Ellen :)
And now a moment of silence, for all those poor problems that I do screw up.
Thank you for your support. Now I got to go finish cracking this math thing.
Ellen :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Last Tuesday Post during Sophomore Year
And I'll be the first to post on the first day of summer!
I feel like I am being a way to laid back about finals. I don't even know why. I should be freaking out, but I'm just not. I know i can memorize all of the grammar tonight, and possible the vocab (but there won't be a lot of that on the test. just for the 2 writings) and chem will be fine because we get a note card. I'm sort of nervous for math, but I feel like I know all the concepts, it's only a matter of reviewing. a lot. haha.
I feel like I am being a way to laid back about finals. I don't even know why. I should be freaking out, but I'm just not. I know i can memorize all of the grammar tonight, and possible the vocab (but there won't be a lot of that on the test. just for the 2 writings) and chem will be fine because we get a note card. I'm sort of nervous for math, but I feel like I know all the concepts, it's only a matter of reviewing. a lot. haha.
but enough with finals.
and that is exciting.
What do you all have planned for summer? I am so excited.
June 9: Jane and I head up to the cabin
June 17: dress rehearsal for a show at the community theatre (I'm helping backstage with about 20 toddlers. oh boy.)
June 18: Dance Happy show. everything from 2 year old ballerinas, to 70 year old cloggers.
June 19-August 22: Find work where I can (hopefully at this cafe in Friday Harbor), volunteer ushering/refreshments at the San Juan Community theatre.
come up and see a show! If anyone wants to come up, just text me and I'll give you the ferry schedual/directions. Just come up whenever. It'll be a party.
Woah next time I blog it'll be summer.
Let's try to keep this up during the summer, I like hearing about what's going on in everyone's lives.
Ok random tanget: I decided I'm not pro-life, or pro-choice, I'm pro it-depends-on-the-situation-so-deal-with-your-own-business. Government should not have control of women's bodies.
ok anyways.
I am excited for summer.
and this is a good song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LloIp0HMJjc
Once you get past the......blood and women.
but it's a good song.
Props to Nicole Durham.
Ok i need to go,
Good luck on finals everybody.
Love you all!
Monday, May 30, 2011
If you don't mind Drarry...
I've read the first couple of paragraphs, and it seems funny so far... :3
EDIT------- It's kind of stupid now. if you can get past a little bit of awkward writing though, it's still okay
OKAY SCRATCH IT ALL - it's crossed the line into completely OOC. D: it makes me sad
I'm going to sleep now...
I'll probably start really posting again over the summer
--Muchas Smoochas
I've read the first couple of paragraphs, and it seems funny so far... :3
EDIT------- It's kind of stupid now. if you can get past a little bit of awkward writing though, it's still okay
OKAY SCRATCH IT ALL - it's crossed the line into completely OOC. D: it makes me sad
I'm going to sleep now...
I'll probably start really posting again over the summer
--Muchas Smoochas
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A Super Fun Weekend
This weekend is super fun. Yesterday, I made French toast, then I studied (lame), and then I went to Folk Life! That was so fun. Except kind of sketch. I was hanging out with a bunch of seniors and juniors, and this one random guy came up and drew on Maria Mill's leg with a pen that somehow had acid in the ink. But I loved looking at what everyone was wearing. Some people were VERY artistic in their outfit choices. But it was cool to see. And the sun came out! WOAH!
And now I'm going to study... bleh. I want to go have fun. But whatever. This works too. I'm kind of nervous for finals. But also kind of not. Which scares me... but not.
Oh, here is what I think of when I think of y'all:
Cailyn ---> Long suburban walks and sketchy parks
Kylie ---> Blockbuster and Veggie Tales
Ellen ---> Camping and lacrosse with oranges
Catherine ---> Math class and alphabets
Nathalia ---> Halo and teddy bears
Song of the Week ---> I Feel Like Dancing by All Time Low
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
And now I'm going to study... bleh. I want to go have fun. But whatever. This works too. I'm kind of nervous for finals. But also kind of not. Which scares me... but not.
Oh, here is what I think of when I think of y'all:
Cailyn ---> Long suburban walks and sketchy parks
Kylie ---> Blockbuster and Veggie Tales
Ellen ---> Camping and lacrosse with oranges
Catherine ---> Math class and alphabets
Nathalia ---> Halo and teddy bears
Song of the Week ---> I Feel Like Dancing by All Time Low
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, May 27, 2011
So... That was fun.
Class trip. That was fun. I really enjoyed bonding with our class. Just didn't enjoy the rain and raccoons and cold and the fact that our tents didn't have bottoms. And that it was so freakin' expensive. The island was really pretty though. Especially when it was sunny (on the beach!).
So Kylie asked us to come up with lists to describe the people on the blog with the first thing(s) that come to mind. Here are my thoughts:
Cailyn: Squirrels, Pug Face
Kylie: Islands, Baby chicks
Ellen: Rainbows
Catherine: Nuts, Pavlova
Katie: Shuh-dresses, milkshakes
You know, the weather has been bi-polar since we left the island. It keeps switching between rain and sun. You know what else is weird? I'm posting this during math class. Because I'm super bored. And tired. And just kind of out of it. So this gives me something interesting and silent to do while Hsieh rambles on about confusing problems on the packet. This is like an FML. Anyways. Moving on.
I want to watch Tangled. Ever since I saw C-Block history watch it this morning. Next party is going to be a partaay. Especially in English class. Everyone bring food, no matter what section you're in. We all are going to eat food and finish watching TEWWG.
Only 20 mins to go. Why are we still learning stuff. Oh gosh. Some of these comments are just............ AHHHHHHHHH.
Photoshop picture of the week:

So this was me trying to make some sort of cartoon/mystical cloud. It's just alright. Nothing super. But it's all I could come up with this week due to lack of time.
Please, let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions/challenges for me to try for the Photoshop pic of the week. I need a creativity boost.
Enjoy the last (3-day) weekend! I'll be studying for finals. But don't slave away over just that. I'm also planning to see Pirates 4. Relax. Study. Find a balance.
So Kylie asked us to come up with lists to describe the people on the blog with the first thing(s) that come to mind. Here are my thoughts:
Cailyn: Squirrels, Pug Face
Kylie: Islands, Baby chicks
Ellen: Rainbows
Catherine: Nuts, Pavlova
Katie: Shuh-dresses, milkshakes
You know, the weather has been bi-polar since we left the island. It keeps switching between rain and sun. You know what else is weird? I'm posting this during math class. Because I'm super bored. And tired. And just kind of out of it. So this gives me something interesting and silent to do while Hsieh rambles on about confusing problems on the packet. This is like an FML. Anyways. Moving on.
I want to watch Tangled. Ever since I saw C-Block history watch it this morning. Next party is going to be a partaay. Especially in English class. Everyone bring food, no matter what section you're in. We all are going to eat food and finish watching TEWWG.
Only 20 mins to go. Why are we still learning stuff. Oh gosh. Some of these comments are just............ AHHHHHHHHH.
Photoshop picture of the week:

So this was me trying to make some sort of cartoon/mystical cloud. It's just alright. Nothing super. But it's all I could come up with this week due to lack of time.
Please, let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions/challenges for me to try for the Photoshop pic of the week. I need a creativity boost.
Enjoy the last (3-day) weekend! I'll be studying for finals. But don't slave away over just that. I'm also planning to see Pirates 4. Relax. Study. Find a balance.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
So.......I got my licence today. yep.
Who's excited for the class trip? :D
I feel like no one is. because we're camping. I've realized something recently. If you stop bitching about how hard your life is and go into things with a positive and optimistic attitude, they will turn out better. You should try it sometime. Instead of being like "This is going to be TERRIBLE!" or "I'M GUNNA DIEEE" just try to look at it in a new light, and stop bringing everyone else down with you. Because if you don't then people will stop wanting to hang out with you. Attitudes are contagious.
So even if you aren't 100% thrilled to be camping tomorrow, just make the best of it because honestly, life is too short to be pessimistic.
Glee finale tonight!
In response to Cailyn's link yesterday, you all should go read it. I'm up to chapter 23 (there are 44). IT IS TERRIBLE! but so so so funny. Stefanie and Cady told me about it. They're practically memorized the whole thing.
We have 3 more days of school left. That doesn't count finals, or our class trip. 3 more days or legit learning. Then summer!!
What are your summer plans?
I'm heading up to the island on the 9th of June with Jane. I'm going to volunteer painting sets, ushering, backstage, etc. at the community theatre in Friday Harbor. I'm so excited. I really love being a part of a community, even if I'm just background help. It's still great.
WHO SAW PIRATES 4? I went on Saturday night at 10:00 with Natasha. Even though there were only like 12 people in the theatre with us, some people got really into it. there were 2 boys who went all out in pirate costumes, and one woman who I'm fairly certain was in costume, but i wasn't sure.
Yeah, that reminded me of Cailyn and I.
Isn't it funny what reminds you of certain people? Like if I hear 'the little drummer boy', or see skippy's peanut butter I think of Jane. Let's go through everyone on this blog: ok first thing that comes to my mind:
Cailyn: Tupperwear, or satsumas
Ellen: Tortilla chips
Catherine: Sushi/belts
Nathalia: those horse club books
Katie: Alpacas/star wars
Not that anyone reads these posts completely, but if you are reading this, include a list like that in your blog :)
I need to go, love you all.
Who's excited for the class trip? :D
I feel like no one is. because we're camping. I've realized something recently. If you stop bitching about how hard your life is and go into things with a positive and optimistic attitude, they will turn out better. You should try it sometime. Instead of being like "This is going to be TERRIBLE!" or "I'M GUNNA DIEEE" just try to look at it in a new light, and stop bringing everyone else down with you. Because if you don't then people will stop wanting to hang out with you. Attitudes are contagious.
So even if you aren't 100% thrilled to be camping tomorrow, just make the best of it because honestly, life is too short to be pessimistic.
Glee finale tonight!
In response to Cailyn's link yesterday, you all should go read it. I'm up to chapter 23 (there are 44). IT IS TERRIBLE! but so so so funny. Stefanie and Cady told me about it. They're practically memorized the whole thing.
We have 3 more days of school left. That doesn't count finals, or our class trip. 3 more days or legit learning. Then summer!!
What are your summer plans?
I'm heading up to the island on the 9th of June with Jane. I'm going to volunteer painting sets, ushering, backstage, etc. at the community theatre in Friday Harbor. I'm so excited. I really love being a part of a community, even if I'm just background help. It's still great.
WHO SAW PIRATES 4? I went on Saturday night at 10:00 with Natasha. Even though there were only like 12 people in the theatre with us, some people got really into it. there were 2 boys who went all out in pirate costumes, and one woman who I'm fairly certain was in costume, but i wasn't sure.
Yeah, that reminded me of Cailyn and I.
Isn't it funny what reminds you of certain people? Like if I hear 'the little drummer boy', or see skippy's peanut butter I think of Jane. Let's go through everyone on this blog: ok first thing that comes to my mind:
Cailyn: Tupperwear, or satsumas
Ellen: Tortilla chips
Catherine: Sushi/belts
Nathalia: those horse club books
Katie: Alpacas/star wars
Not that anyone reads these posts completely, but if you are reading this, include a list like that in your blog :)
I need to go, love you all.
Monday, May 23, 2011
This makes me sad.
I'm pretty sure if you do read it it will take up a lot of time, and since im SUPER busy, this is going to be the short post of short posts...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I made a new best friend
I just friended him on Facebook. SUPER COOL.
I had a lengthy, 3 hour discussion with him at Relay for Life. I showed up late and walked 20 miles and I am proud.
Also I had 2 choir concerts this weekend. AH.
Nunez was really cool though. Je l'aime.
I have to go to bed because i'm super tired.
Song of the Week ---> Not Oye.
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
I had a lengthy, 3 hour discussion with him at Relay for Life. I showed up late and walked 20 miles and I am proud.
Also I had 2 choir concerts this weekend. AH.
Nunez was really cool though. Je l'aime.
I have to go to bed because i'm super tired.
Song of the Week ---> Not Oye.
Katie ---> out. MWAH.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Aww yeah! Weekend!
YAYAYAY. This weekend is going to be amazing. Relay. Choir. Nunie. Friends. Awesomeness. I'm not looking forward to the studying I have to do for finals though. Oh well, whatever.
Relay for Life is going to be such much fun this weekend!!! EEEPP! Doughnuts at 4 am again? I think yes. Crazy hallucinations and collapsing on the side of the track near the Team Aloha camp? Most likely will happen. Various runs for free coffee? You bet.
Ok, guess what? We have four days of actual class left. Yeah, it's pretty exciting. The end of the year is almost here! And the weather seems to be taunting us with summer. GAH. I want summer. Now.
So Photoshop pic of the week was a little project I did in APUSH yesterday. I thinks it looks pretty good. Obviously not completely realistic, but hey, that's what you get with Flikr pictures.

Enjoy the weekend!
Relay for Life is going to be such much fun this weekend!!! EEEPP! Doughnuts at 4 am again? I think yes. Crazy hallucinations and collapsing on the side of the track near the Team Aloha camp? Most likely will happen. Various runs for free coffee? You bet.
Ok, guess what? We have four days of actual class left. Yeah, it's pretty exciting. The end of the year is almost here! And the weather seems to be taunting us with summer. GAH. I want summer. Now.
So Photoshop pic of the week was a little project I did in APUSH yesterday. I thinks it looks pretty good. Obviously not completely realistic, but hey, that's what you get with Flikr pictures.

Enjoy the weekend!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I have nothing to say
I have nothing to say. I wish I had time for a long post one of these days, but unfortunately I have to re-write my entire English essay. Joy to the world. So yeah. Also Relay For Life is this weekend! Jenn and Katie won't be there :( so sad. I don't know how many miles I want to walk this year... we were going to aim for thirty, but unfortunately Katie has to sing. And I have to study for finals at relay. DUMB.
I dunno not much to say - I'm excited for Ring Ceremony! I love it now that I'm in high school. It was dumb in MS bc we didn't really know anyone.
So yeah.
I really want to go on a run or a bike ride right now. But I have to write my essay. BAAA
Part one Q: How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, put the elephant in, close the door.
Part two Q: How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, take the elephant out, put the giraffe in, close the door.
Part three Q: The lion, king of the jungle calls a conference in the forest. Which animal is not present?
A: The giraffe: it is in the fridge where you left it.
Part four Q: Two explorers are crossing a crocodile~infested swamp. How do they get across safely?
A: The crocodiles are at the conference in the forest!
Okay. Amusing. Better told out loud, but hey, a joke's a joke. GA I do not want to write. But I must.
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
I dunno not much to say - I'm excited for Ring Ceremony! I love it now that I'm in high school. It was dumb in MS bc we didn't really know anyone.
So yeah.
I really want to go on a run or a bike ride right now. But I have to write my essay. BAAA
Part one Q: How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, put the elephant in, close the door.
Part two Q: How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
A: Open the door, take the elephant out, put the giraffe in, close the door.
Part three Q: The lion, king of the jungle calls a conference in the forest. Which animal is not present?
A: The giraffe: it is in the fridge where you left it.
Part four Q: Two explorers are crossing a crocodile~infested swamp. How do they get across safely?
A: The crocodiles are at the conference in the forest!
Okay. Amusing. Better told out loud, but hey, a joke's a joke. GA I do not want to write. But I must.
Over and Out.
Ellen :)
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